Welcome to Bootsy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Bootsy
I just wanted to say that my bootsy was my very best friend I ever had. I miss my boy so much. I have such an empty feeling inside me right now that I just cant bear. He always loved me no matter what.
We were so very blessed to have you in our lives for 13 plus years
When he was hungry he would come up and nibble on my arm. He wouldnt bite but his teeth were so sharp it would feel like needles.
He was really funny about his kitty box. If he thought it needed cleaned he would come get me , lead me into the basement and then lay down next to his kitty box and look at me.
He liked going outside but I would only let him out on his leash. He had an empty garbage can to jump on if he needed to. I was watching him thru the slider one day when a big brown dog came running up to him. Before I had a chance to even get the sliding glass door open he slapped that dog silly. Then he just sat there licking his paws as if to say who's next.
He's real sneaky about getting out of the house so you always had to be watching him if you were going out. One day I was letting our dog bucco go outside to go to the bathroom when bucco seems really interested in something underneath the enclosed front porch. I figured it was a squirrel or a rabbit that was under there and I didn't really pay any attention. At the time I didn't realize that Bootsy was awol The next morning I go to let bucco out to use the bathroom again. Whenever bucco wants to come back in he always either barks or scratches on the glass door. So I hear the glass door being scratched on and I go to let bucco in and there is Bootsy standing on his hind legs next to Bucco. Both of them scratching the door standing on their hind legs together. Bootsy ran into the house and stayed behind the entertainment center next to the heat register for 2 days.
It was december in pennsylvania so im sure he froze his poor little butt off.
Ill miss how he greeted me when I came home. Running up to me and purring and rubbing his head all over me or waiting for me on the basement stairs when I came in thru the garage.
Him and I went thru so much together and thru thick and thin I knew he would always be there for me and I for him.
He died in my arms on my lap at home like he was meant to. The terrible feeling I felt as he died, with me knowing I could do nothing to help him, even as he looked up at me twice with pleading eyes, is a feeling I will never shake as long as I live.
I believe the only thing that will keep me together is knowing I will be reunited with him someday when its my turn to go home. Until then, my life is gonna be a real rough ride. I know he is better off now at rainbow bridge instead of being sick and throwing up all the time and getting weaker in spite of everything I tried to do for him.
I just hope that in his new life he likes other cats and dogs better than he did when he was alive here. It took a long time for him to get used to bucco, our little bichon.
Good bye my love, my dear friend, my life.
You know your mama and papi will always love you and think of you.
Keep a nice place for your buddy, bucco. He will be going home soon to see you before too long.
Who's the best kitty in the whole big town..Who's the best kitty in the whole big town..Who's the best kitty in the whole big town...bootsaloon...bootsaloon bootsaloon..
I will see you in my dreams .
Rest In Peace our little Bootsakitty

Love, your Papi and your Mama xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Aug 6 2016

Hello my love
Its been 2 days since you have left us to go to Rainbow Bridge. Your Papi misses you so vey much. I cry everytime i go to your grave to say hello to you. In fact im crying right now. Words cannot express the emptiness i feel now. Everytime i look around i expect to see you just around the corner. Going onto the front porch is especially hard since thats your room. It has your tree with the perch that you loved to lay in so much and your blanket that you layed on in front of the window.
Your buddy bucco is really confused not seeing you around anymore. He will be joining you at Rainbow Bridge soon i fear.
Please come and give him a warm rub or a purr to let him know what has happenned. Your mama and i understand but he just doesnt know.
Thank you for the beautiful butterfly you sent to let us know you were ok on the day we buried you.
I am sure all is very well with you since you are in the best place in the whole world.
Until next time my sweet bootsakitty we love and miss you so much. Bye for now
Your Papi

Aug 6 2016 525 pm

Swing low my sweet bootsakitty comin for to carry me home..swing low my little bootsakitty comin for to carry me home....

Sep 6 2016. 756 pm

Hello my baby boy
I know im slow about getting on here but you know i visit your grave and cry and talk to you all the time. We miss you so much. The pain from your passing just doesnt seem to get any easier. I showed your picture to bucco and he gave it a kiss. Me and mama cried alot then.
I hope you like the stepping stone your aunt Alina got for your grave. It was really nice of her.
I bet youre really enjoying rainbow bridge now. Not being sick and full of vibrant health. It must be truly a place for miracles because, for the life of me, i cant picture you playing with any other cat or dog but bucco. You always wanted to be an only child and for that reason we arent getting another kitty.
Well my love, ill be talking to you again at your grave. Enjoy yourself alot and i hope you can hear me talking to you . I miss you and look fowrward to seeing you again in heaven with Jesus and all the other pets ive had. I love you.
Your Papi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooo

Oct 21 2016
Hello my Bootsakitty. How i miss you. I talk to you everyday and i hope you can hear me. I know you are doing better now that youre in heaven. I hope to see you someday soon. Your papi will try to stay strong for you. Your buddy bucco isnt doing that great. Im afraid that he may be joining you before too long. Im sure you will make him feel welcome when he gets there. I still cant picture you playing nice with other animal but in heaven, everythings possible.
I just want to tell you that i love you and miss you and will always leep you in my heart and mind.
Your papi loves you xxxxxooooo

Nov 4 2016

Hello my love,
Today is 3 months since you passed on to rainbow bridge. It isnt getting much easier my beautiful bootsakitty. I love you so much and so deeply that i cant stand it. I think of you everyday. I have tou on my phone for my wallpaper so i see you all the time. I hope all is well with you in heaven. I miss you so much but i find comfort knowing ill see you again someday. By then bucco will be there also and mama me and you guys will be together forever with our other pets. Im hoping youve met them already and that they took you under their wing. Im going to really spruce up your grave in the spring. Ill plant a christmas tree for you since you always liked laying under it at christmas time. Christmas just wont be the same without you buddy. I love you forever baby.
Your papi who misses you always. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooo

Dec 27 2016

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday my little bootsa kitty. Happy Birthday to you.

Well my boy Today you would have been 14. But jesus, in his infinite wisdom, knew it was time for you to go home. Mama had a really nice headstone made for you which is going on your grave in the spring. I think about you all the time and long to see you again my friend. Your buddy bucco needs your comfort and i hope that somehow you are providing him comfort from rainbow bridge. He will be joining you i dont know when. Me and mama are fighting to keep him with us as long as possible.
I hope you are doing well and are thinking about us from time to time. We miss you terribly and we love you.
Till next time my love..
Mama and papi. xxxxxxoooooo

Jan 10 2017
Hello Bootsakitty
Your buddy Bucco crossed over today to rainbow bridge. Im sure you know that already. You 2 are playing and running. Mama had a dream about you guys playing together in the yard. Thank you for watching out for him while he was here.
If you guys want to drop in from time to time to let us know youre ok, that would be the most wonderful thing.
Me and mama are all alone now.
Goodbye till next time my love. Take care of your buddy. We love you both
Mama and papi. Xxxxxxxxxooooooooo
Feb 10 2017
It has been a month since you passed my dearest bucco. I cry all the time thinking about the unconditional love you gave us. You were most definitely the loviest little dog in the whole world. I love and miss you terribly my little boy. I know you missed bootsy alot when he died. I hope he showed you around heaven when he got there. My heart breaks all the time thinking about you both. Esoecially when i visit your grave sites. I hope to be with you guys when its my time to go home.
Love always
Your papi xxxxxxxooooooo
May 10 2017
Hello my little boys
My darling bucco, how i miss the way you used to bark at me when i came home or wanted to go outside. Your wonderful kisses always made me feel happy and so loved. Your love was always unconditional and true. Im sure you and bootsy are frolicking together in heaven now with dad and all the other dogs and cats that we ever had. I love and miss you both dearly and want so desperately to join you.
My little boys, you two be good and please give us a sign that you guys are ok from time to time. Your mami and papi love you dearly and are having a tough time of it without you guys. Please be good and keep a nice place there until its our time to cross over. We love Jesus very much and we know we will be there and reunited someday.
Love you lots
Your papi. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
May 26 2017
How i miss you 2 boys so much. O my bucco, you were the reason i moved here from ohio. Your love just grabbed me and wouldnt let go. How i miss you and bootsy. I seem to be doing better then all of a sudden here i am crying like a baby again. You boys were my life. I hope things will get better. Bye for now. I love you

May 20 2019
I know i havent written here in 2 years but that doesnt mean i dont think and talk to you boys everyday. Your papi still cries for you boys. My great loves. We have 2 new kitties named brutus and bobonita. They will someday cros rainbow bridge and all of us will be together in heaven. I hope the outdoor kitties will be there also because i love them also. Im working on getting your graves all spiffed up but it rains all the time and its a struggle to keep weeds down. I will have it all good to go for you guys this weekend hopefully. Till next time my loves. I will write here more often. I promise. Say hi to niña for me.
I love you both so much. Till next time.
Your faithful papi xxxxxooooooo

Hello my wonderful boys. Papi just stopped by to tell you how much i love and miss my little boys. All i want is to join you. More than anything i do. I am working on getting your graves fixed up better. Maybe ill get some hanging flowers for you 2. I pray everyday so i can be worthy in jesus eyes to go to heaven and be with you boys. I think you will very much like our little bobo girl and brutus. They have helped but its not quite the same. But mama and i love them very much also. Just know please that im so sorry i didnt do more for you my bootsa kitty and noonles we tried all we could.
Till the day we are all together again. Mama and Papi

Merry Christmas my little boys
Mama and papi miss you so much.

Just thinking about my boys. Papi loves you and misses you so much. Im still crying. I cant wait to be with you and Jesus. We have Brutus and Bobonita now. Please watch over them and keep them safe.XXXXXXXXOOOOOOO

2-2-2021. Even tho i dont come on here and write, your papi misses you both so much. Not a day goes by that i dont think of both of you. What keeps me going in this life is knowing we will all be together again. There will be some new boys and girls joining us as you probably already know. You boys keep me strong and i love you both with all my heart and soul. Forever yours my 2 loves. Your papi xxxxxooooo
Aug 4 2021
Today is the 5 yr anniversary of when you crossed over my bootsy boy. I always think of you and cry. I am happy knowing you arent sick anymore and are running around with your buddy bucco. Keep me strong my love. Your mami and papi miss you very much. I love you xxxxxooooo
Aug4 2022
I cant believe its been 6 yrs since you went to heaven. You are the love of my life my precious boy. Ibe been thinking about you alot and put you on my phone not realizing that your anniversary was coming up. I miss you terribly and look forward to the day we all will be together again with bucco. I love you forever. Till we are together again keep heaven and Rainbow Bridge warm and full of sunshine for us. Give noonles a kiss and hug from your papi and mama.
We love you. XxxxxxOooooo
3 13 23
Papi is thinking of you both so much today. Please watch over my little princess and keep her safe till we meet again.
All of my love

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