Welcome to Bowser's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Bowser
Bowse you were my best friend and the sweetest kitty ever. Mommy loves you and I will never forget you. I am sorry if you had to suffer at all. I did my best to avoid you any suffering. I am still putting cold water out for you every day and I have not removed any of your toys or your litter box. I know you are with me all the time and that you do not want me to be sad but I cannot help it. I miss you and I love you. You were with me for 22 years and you made my life complete. Now I am all alone but I know you will watch over me and we will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.

1/12/2021 - Hey Bowse - it has been 1 day since you have been gone and I knew this would be hard but hard is an understatement. I hope Callie and Pressy have come to meet you and show you the ropes. I hope you are leaping and jumping around like when you were a kitten. I know your arthritis slowed you down but now you can run and play again. I know you were here earlier to check on me. I saw the flashing light in the bathroom and when I went to check on it the smell of church incense filled the hallway area. I was not burning any candles or cooking anything so I knew it was you. I miss you and love you my little guardian angel! Thank you for letting me know you are ok!

1/14/2021 - Hey Bowse. Mommy misses you but now I know why Jadyn thought you were eating a lot of food when you were not. Your dry food in your Bowser bowl was gone this morning so I am guessing you had help eating that with some field mice that occasionally are in old houses. Jadyn thought you were eating but you had help. Mommy is going to call pest control today since my big protective cat is gone. In the meantime, I hope you are happy at the Rainbow Bridge and I will send other friend's whose parents have talked to Mommy to come and keep you company. Mommy is ok but please visit me and let me know you were here like on Tuesday night. If you can, find Bailey Stack who died several weeks ago and show Bailey her way as well. I love you my Bow Bow.

1/15/2021 - Hey Bowse - here I go into the weekend....my first weekend without you. I know you will watch over me. You sent Debbie to bring me a great book to read called "Animals and the Afterlife" by Kim Sheridan. I started reading it and I think it will be just the thing to get me through this first weekend without you. Amanda called today from Dr. Hall's office and your ashes are ready. Hopefully I will be able to get them over the weekend and then you will be with me again. I miss you and love you Bow Bow.

1/18/2021 - Hey Bowse - It has been a week since you have been gone. Mommy misses you so much. I could swear you jumped on the couch next to me on Saturday. I moved my leg to let you get comfortable but you were not there but maybe you were!!! I hopefully will be able to pick up your ashes tomorrow and then you will be with me again. Let me know if you think Binxy is right for me or if you think it is too early and I should wait. Nobody will EVER replace my Bow Bow. I love you my sweet fur baby!

1/22/2021 - Hey Bowse - I miss you my friend. My goodness you certainly had a human who loved you dearly. I know things will get better with time but it is going to take awhile. I keep looking for you and thinking you are here. When I pull in the driveway you are no longer at the door waiting for me but I am still here waiting for you. I hope you are in peace and out of pain. I love you my Sweetie!!! Mommy

1/25/21 - Hey Bowse - Another weekend is gone and was long and lonely. It has been 2 weeks since you left me. I miss you my sweet girl! I hope you are at peace. Don't worry about Mommy....I will be fine. We will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. I love you!

1/26/21 - Hey Bowse - it snowed yesterday and Mommy just broke down because I know how much you loved the snow. I miss you so much my precious little old lady. I would give anything to have you back again, however suffering was not in that scene.... I would never make you suffer and that is why you are gone...it was sssssoooooo hard my precious Bow Bow, Bowsetta Stone.......I love you my sweet friend.......Mommy

2/12/21 - Hey Bowse - I miss you my little old lady. As you know, Binx is here now. My arm kind of got twisted to take him. I still really just want you! Binx is 7 and he has no where to go so I felt bad for him. So far, so good but again, he is not and will never be you. A lot of snow this year which you would love. I cry every time it snows. I will change your scene to winter because you love the snow. I love you my sweet girl......Mommy

3/21/21 - Hey Bowse - How's Mommy's girl? Guess who is still here thanks to you I think? Yep...Binx...and let me tell you he is a handful. He is a little Dennis. the Menace. He has 3 litter boxes and has been using 2 of them however he usually poops on the floor. Yikes.... he is a very lovable little man which is the only reason he is still here. I think I will need a behaviorist to come out and help me with his littering. If you can give him or me any hints, that would be great. Today is the 1st day of Spring, Mommy stenciled your walkway "Bowser's Walk". It came out nice. I will add a picture below. I hope you are meeting new friends at the Rainbow Bridge and that you are leaping and running. If you think of it, send me a sign that you are near. I miss you my little old lady!! I love you. Mommy

8/6/2021 - Hey Bowse..... I didn't forget you. I show Binky your pic everyday. I want you to look for a doggie named Stewie who is new to the rainbow bridge. Please welcome this precious pug and keep him safe while he gets his bearings there. Mommy misses you and thinks about you all the time. Binky is a great cat but he is not you my precious girl. Please send me a sign that you are thinking of me too!!!! I love you ❤️❤️. Mommy

12/21/21 - Hey Bowse....I hope you are doing well and have settled in at the Rainbows Bridge and met some friends. I know you were not an overly friendly type but I hope you are at least listening to other animals and jumping and running. I miss our walks around the house. Binky is slowly settling in but he is no replacement for my little old lady. We will miss you being with us on Christmas but we know you will be with us in spirit. Send us a sign if you can that you are thinking of us. You were so sick last Christmas and I am sure you are at peace and out of pain now. I will touch base with you on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I love you. Mommy

9/28/2022 - Hey Bowse...I would like to ask you to look for Louis. He a beloved dog and friend to my dear friend Adelia. Please check on Louis and welcome him to the rainbow bridge and have him console his Mommy, Adelia who is devastated by his loss. I miss you dearly Bowse and I know you know that....I love you...Mommy

1/20/23 - Hey Bowse. I can't believe it has been 2 years since you have been gone. Mommy misses you everyday. Binky is still with me and has become a good friend but he will never replace my Bowse. I hope you are enjoying your new friends at the Rainbow Bridge. I have given you a winter scene as it is 23 out and cold. I will always keep you in my heart my little friend. I Love You....Mommy

1/20/24 - Hey Bowse. 3 years since you have been gone. I think about you everyday when I see your picture and I feel comforted that your ashes are with me. I love you and miss you but I know you will be waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge one day! Your new brother, Binky, is a handful and could NEVER replace you. He has had a very rough life. He has been to 5 different homes and suffers from anxiety and PTSD. I saved him from the shelter and he saved me after you were gone. He has come a long way but the poor little guy is a wreck!! If you can offer me any advice on this, please give me a sign. Have fun frolicking with your new friends free of pain! I will check in again soon!! Mommy 🐾

12/06/24 - Hey Bowse. My dear friend Heather has lost her pet recently and she feels sad. Please welcome her pet to the Rainbow Bridge and show him the ropes. So sad, especially around the holidays!!! I just updated your scene to Winter. Enjoy all your new things!!! Love, Mommy

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