Welcome to Bradley's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Bradley
Feb 2017, My precious Bradley. I do not know where to begin. The house is so very empty without your footsteps. You took my heart the day I met you 4 years ago. You were my little tail from the moment you moved in. I miss you helping me with all the house chores, cooking, cleaning, I even miss your whining when you did not have my 100 percent attention. You were taken way too soon from us. Snoball is still looking all over the house for you. She misses you as well. I will never understand why it was your time as you were such a great companion to us. Life is not fair. I know Midnight has already greeted you and the 2 of you are having a blast there. I think of you all day long and just want to give you one more hug, kiss and treats. the only thing I am relieved about is that you are no longer in any pain and can get up and run as fast as you want. Play with your toys, eat all the ice cream you want. Have no worries about anything! I can not wait to see you at the bridge when its my time!! Til then I Love and Miss you with all my heart!!!you
3/17/17 my precious Bradley, a month has gone by since I have been able to pet, hug and kiss you.I miss your footsteps following me around the house. I miss you looking for my attention treats or more food. I miss having you by my side.I still can not believe that you are gone. You were the best little boy I could have ever asked for. I think of you all day and night. you are deeply missed and will never be forgotten. Til we meet at the bridge .....xoxoxoxoxo
4/17/17 my baby boy, its been 2 very long months without you. I still look for you when we get home. snoball looks up to your resting spot everyday. the house is so very empty without you. I know you are pain free and are enjoying playing with all your toys and all the treats you can get but I wish I was with you to share all that with you. keep an eye on us, we need you! til we meet at the bridge, love and miss you more than you will ever know. xoxoxoxoxoxo
05/17/17 hello my precious Bradley. three very long months have gone by since you have left us. not a day goes by that I do not think of you. you will always hold a very special place in my heart. I wish you were still here with me. you have no idea how much I miss you. I would be able to spend so much more time with you now that the shop is closed. I hope you are having the time of you life at the rainbow bridge. keep a look out for me when its my time. I can not wait to hear your cry that I miss so much when you wanted something.
6/28/17. happy birthday my baby boy. i miss and love you more than you will ever know, i miss you helping bake, you would have loved being in the kitchen with me today. i just saw this is being posted before my last post. sorry about that. i would do anything to hear y crying for treats and here your footsteps thru the house. i miss you by boy, so very much. wish you were here. i can not stop crying. sending you tons of hugs and kisses!!! love you. til we meet at the bridge...xoxoxo
6/7/17 Hello my baby boy Bradley. It has been 4 very long months without you. You will never know how much I truly miss you. You were the best boy I could have ever asked for. I hope you are having a great time playing with midnight. Please continue to keep an eye on your loving family. Your daddy and I , Snoball and Bunny miss you more than words can say. Until we meet at the bridge....
7/17/17 hello my baby boy. i miss you so very much. wish you were here as your dad and i as well as snoball and bunny still need you. you were such a great puppy. life is just nit fair. i was suppose ti be the next one to go. keep an eye on me to help me get thru the days without you. til we meet at the bridge. xoxo
11/6/17 hello my baby boy Bradley. I miss you more than you will ever know. you were such a great boy. I still miss you following me around the house. You were such a great companion. I can not wait to meet ou at the bridge. I know you and midnight are the best of friends waiting for me. until we are reunited keep an eye on me and your dad. I love and miss you more than word can ever say! xoxoxoxo
2/17/18 my precious baby boy bradley. a year ago today you had to leave to go to the rainbow bridge. not a day goes by that I do not think of you. you were such a great boy. I did not have enough time with you. but our time together was very special to me. I know your are king up there. I also know yu are with my baby midnight. I bet the both of you are playing each day looking down on us. please know how much I miss and love you. More than words can ever say. I miss you Bradley with all my heart. I am so sorry you had to leave at such a young age. I love and miss you! xoxoxoxo
2/17/19 My Bradley where has 2 years gone? You will never know how much i miss and love you each and every day. Like is not fair. You were suppose to be with me a lot longer. You were not suppose to be gone already. I wish we had more time together. All you wanted from me was love and all food off the counter!! I wish we had more time to play and enjoy your company. Daddy misses you very much a well we think of you so very often. Please keep an eye on us until we can meet at the ridge some day. nI know you are patiently waiting as am i. until that day I will think of you often. I know you and Midnight are hanging out together waiting for me!! Until that day!! XOXOXOXOXOXO
11/05/19 My precious Bradley. I miss you more than words can say. You were such a wonderful companion. I still miss the sound of your feet following me and you always helping me! Keep an eye on Snoball as she is getting older. I know you miss her but I still need her. Until we meet at the bridge my precious Bradley...love you XOXO+
02/17/20 My precious Bradley. it has been 3 very long years without you. Not a day goes by that
I don't think about you. you were a very special dog to me and meant the world to me. I wish I had more time with you. You were my shadow since the day you moved in. I miss your cry's for food scraps and to be petted. Please keep an eye on snowball. I know you miss her but I still need her and bunny. Please know I think of you everyday and miss you more than you could imagine. Until we meet at the Bridge. Xoxoxoxoxo
11/06/2020 Hello my Baby boy Bradley. I miss and think of you every day. Snoball and Bunny miss you as well as your Daddy. I wish I could have one more day with you and Midnight and never let go. Until we meet at the bridge. XOXOXOXO
2/17/21 Hello my precious baby Bradley. Where has the time gone, 4years ago you had to leave us. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you. I still miss you always looking for treats. You were a great dog that I will forever be grateful for having the time I did with you. Snoball and Bunny as well as your dad send love hugs and kisses. Please keep an eye on your sisters, they are both getting older and your mommy can not bare to say goodbye to them. I want us all together again. Give Midnight and Shadow big hugs and kisses from me. Giving you huge hugs and kisses my Bradley. Miss you more than you will ever know. Until we meet at the Bridge! XOXOXOXO
07/04/2021 My precious boy, you have your sister with you know. you have no idea how much I miss you, think of you everyday. Show your little sister around and take care of her until I can meet you at the bridge. I love and miss you!! XOXOXO
12/25/21 Merry Christmas my baby boy. I miss you so very much. I hope you are having fun with you sister. XOXO
2/17/22 My baby boy Bradley, 5 years have gone without you. I still miss you following me around the house looking for treats. I am sure you are having a blast with Midnight and Snoball. I wish I could be there you all. I will never understand why you were taken so soon from us. Please know I think of you all the time and will forever miss and love you. Keep an eye on me and your dad, we both will forever miss you and think of you every day. I am sure you, Midnight and Snoball are always looking down on us. Until we meet at the bridge...LOVE & MISS YOU!! XOXOXOXOXOXO
4/17/2022 Happy Easter my baby boy Bradley. Mommy misses you so very much. I wanted to wish you a Happy Easter! Holidays are not the same without you and your sisters. Bunny misses each of you as well. I know you and your sisters are having a blast in heaven. I hope you are keeping an eye on me until I get there. Not a day goes by that I do not speak your name or think of you. Love and Miss you more than words can say! XOXOXOXO
7/29/22 Hello my little boy, another birthday without you, I miss you so very much and think of you all the time. Keep an eye on me as I am lost without you and your siblings. XOXOXOXO
2/17/23 My precious Bradley, 6 years ago today you had to leave us. I miss the bitter patter of your feet and you looking for love and treats. Miss you each and every day. Holly would have liked to meet her big brother, but I know you are looking down on her, letting her know the way to mommy and daddy's heart. Miss and LOVE you!! XOXOXOXOXOXO
5/22/23 Just wanted to stop in and say hi to my baby boy! I know you are having a blast with your sisters and watching down on us. I really miss you looking for attention and treats. You were an amazing puppy while you lived at my house. I cannot wait to meet you at the bridge. Until then keep an eye on me. XOXO
2/17/2024 My precious Bradley it has been 7 long years since you have left us. I think of you everyday. You were an amazing boy who just wanted love, attention and treats. Your little sister is taking good care of your mom and dad but we will forever have a whole in our hearts without you here. Until we meet at the bridge! Keep an eye on us. XOXOXOXO
7/1/2024 Hello my baby boy Bradley, just wanted to stop in and say HI and let you know how much I still miss you and think of you everday. Keep an eye on your mom and dad until we can meet you at the Bridge! love and miss you! xxoxoxoxo

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