Welcome to Brees's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Brees
Daddy and I miss you so much. I miss you waiting for me at the door with a wagging tail. I miss how you would lay in my lap and sleep. I miss you chasing us with a toy so we could play. You were so excited to go walking. Anytime I pulled out the leash you smiled. Any noise outside you barked to let us know something was out there. When i was sad, you would come to my face and lick my tears. We would ride together in my car. You didn't want to sit in your car seat but would always sit in my lap. You were the most unconditional love I've ever known. You were truly my baby. The baby I never had. This house is so empty without you. You were only 5 and I cannot fandom the reason you got sick so soon. My heart hurts and I miss you. I miss you begging for food that we were eating, I miss The barking, hearing your foot steps through the house and waking up to you sleeping on top your daddy head. You will always be my baby and I love you with everything in me.

June 21, 2019 - Brees today makes one month since you've been gone. Mommy still cries because I miss you so much. I will probably never be the same without you. Losing you was losing my friend, my peace and my baby. I hope you are doing better than I am. Hopefully you have met some great friends to run around and play with. I miss you and I love you with every fragile bone in my body 😘

July 21, 2019 - hey mommy baby! Today marks two months you have been gone from me. I really miss you so much. Its not a day goes by that you are not on my mind. You were one of the sweetest things I've ever known. I still cannot believe you were taken away from us so fast. You were only 5 when diagnosed with Hemolytic Anemia and three days later it took you away. I still really hurt and cannot understand it but I'm trying my best not to cry. I remember you didn't like when I cried. You would lick my face and cuddle me. Now I just cry alone. It's really hard but I do thank you for a great and loving 5 years. I wish we could have went 15 more years. Well I hope you are playing with great friends or even with my mom and dad lol. We shall see each again my baby. 😘

September 21, 2019 - Good Morning my baby and guess what? It's your birthday today 🎂. YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN 6 yrs old. I really wish you were here so we can go to the doggy store and get you a doggy cake again 😞 I've been feeling really sad since you left. Not really sure how to deal with my stress. Your not here to help me 😭 so I've just been trying to stay occupied. Your dad and I really miss you and I hope you have great friends with you. Love you my baby Brees and HAPPY BIRTHDAY 😘😘🥰

November 21,2019 - hello my baby! It's mommy coming to say hi and that I miss you so much. It's been 6 months today since you've been gone. There will never be enough words to describe the pain I feel of not having you here. I love you and hope to see you again one day 😘

April 20, 2020- hello my baby! I haven't visited in awhile. Mommy has been really trying to move on but all I seem to do is hurt even more. I'm still crying and missing you so much. I still can't understand why?! Today was rough. You were on my mind. You were my baby and my life is forever changed. I love and miss you so much 😢

May 21, 2020- hello my baby! Today marks your 1 year anniversary of being away from us. I don't. Know how many times I can say how much I miss you and love you. I know we will meet one day. Your cousin Bowie is also with you now. We hope you, Bowie and Stitch are all with each other. You being the baby of the group ❤️ I wish you could have lived a long life time they did but something different happened. I try to handle it as much as I could. I love you with everything in me. We will meet again one day. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH 😘

May 21, 2021 - hey mommy chunky butt. It's been two years today and I still think about you. I miss you so much. You kept me so happy and I would give anything to turn back the hands of time. I thought about getting another dog but can't seem to get over the pain of losing you yet. You were the baby I never born. My heart is always filled with love for you. You've left my life but never my heart. I love you so much. See you again one day ❤️❤️🥰😘

May 22nd 2022 - hey my baby! Mommy still miss you. I have been able to not cry as much anymore. I remember how you never wanted mommy to cry so I started trying not to. We are moving and I wish you were with me. Until we meet again my baby!!!!!

May 21, 2023- it's hard to believe it's been 4 years since you've been gone. Mommy still misses you and I wish you were still with us. I believe that animals go to heaven so I know I'll see you again one day. Sometimes I wonder if you are with your grandma and grandpa lol I miss you Brees and I hope you are just as happy as you were when you were here ❤️❤️❤️

May 21, 2024 - my baby it's been 5 years. I miss you so much. I may eventually get another dog but can't seem to bring myself to do it because losing you hurt me so bad. I'm not sure I can do it again. However your my stanky butt and I miss you. I heard a preacher say animals will be in heaven when we get there. I will see you again one day. I know my mom and dad are probably playing with you lol also Your buddy winter has also passed on. I'm sure your together again. Love you and wish you could've still been here ❤️❤️❤️

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