Welcome to Britney (Brit)'s Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Britney (Brit)'s Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Britney (Brit)
My sweet baby girl:

Thank you for opening my heart and reminding me of what is truly important in life.
Thank you for your unconditional love and compassion.
Thank you for helping me to feel things that I've never felt before.
Thank you for your kisses and "knowing" when they were needed.
And for so much more...............

I miss and love you sweet baby girl......always and forever!!

I Remember 

I stood by your bed last night. I came to have a peep. 
I could see that you were crying. You found it hard to sleep. 

I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear, 
"It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here." 

I was close to you at breakfast. I watched you pour the tea. 
You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to me. 

I was with you at the shops today. Your arms were getting sore. 
I longed to take your parcels ~ I wish I could do more. 

I was with you at my grave today. You tend it with such care. 
I want to re-assure you that I'm not lying there. 

I walked with you towards the house as you fumbled for your key. 
I gently put my paw on you. I smiled and said "It's me." 

You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair. 
I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there. 

It's possible for me to be so near you everyday. 
To say to you with certainty, "I never went away." 

You sat there very quietly, then smiled. I think you knew ~ 
in the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you. 

The day is over ~ I smile and watch you yawning, 
and say "Good-night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning." 

And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, 
I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side. 

I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see. 
Be patient, live your journey out ~ then come home to be with me. 

-- Author unknown 

7/7/14 Hi baby girl. I've been missing you a lot lately- h--l, I always miss you and wish you were back here with us- just more so these past couple of days for some reason. I still think about you, talk to you, and "visit" with you everyday- I hope you know that.......I think you do:) Your brothers and sisters are finally starting to adjust to your not being here. You were always their lead and guide and they miss you so too baby:( We all take comfort in knowing that you are still here with us and have no more struggles and pain. I know you're having a blast where you are. Say hi to nana for me- I know you're taking good care of each other. Love you baby girl- always and forever!

7/17/14 Hi baby girl. Paddy and I went to see your "first momma" this past weekend. Wish you could of come too..........maybe you did........I sure hope so. I showed her the photo books that I made with all of your pictures. We shared stories, shed tears, and talked about what a very special girl you were/are. Paddy had fun but was a little scared with all of the "newness" and new people- he could have used his big sister there with him but did OK on his own. We still miss you everyday and look for your "signs" that you are still watching over us. Love and miss you baby girl- always and forever!

7/21/14 Thank you to everyone for your kind words and thoughts. Brit was truly my heart baby- always making me smile and feel better. She made it her job to make everybody she met happy- loving, kissing, and playing ball with them (her all-time favorite!). She was especially good at knowing when people needed it the most- it always amazed me how she knew and how she would take such good care of us:) . And she was so incredibly brave throughout her illness and at the end:(-I miss her everyday-always will- but I'm happy that I got to be her "mom" for a while and that she doesn't have to endure her illness any longer. She feels so much better now and is free once again! TY again- remembering and honoring her means more to me then you'll ever know:)

7/25/14 Love and miss you everyday my sweet baby girl:)

9/7/14 Hi baby girl. We all still miss and think about you everyday. Summer wasn't the same without you here but we got through it:( You're movie is done- I just have to fix some spots- then I'll post it to FB for all of your friends and family to see. They all really liked your pictures that I posted......and could tell what a precious girl you are. I added your name to our monthly donation to Yorkies, Inc also as another way to honor your memory here with us on earth. Know that we all love and miss you everyday.....even if we don't write it here....you are never far from our thoughts. Keep watching over us and have a blast until we come to join you. Come to visit us too:)

4/10/15 Love and miss you lots sweetie!!!!

6/14/15 We all still think about and remember you everyday baby girl. Miss you so much too! The impact that such a tiny fur-baby had on so many is so awe-inspiring to me:) You're impact continues as much today as it did when you were with us:)

6/11/17 It's been a long while since I've written to you here but not a day goes by that I don't think about you, talk to you, and wish you were here. We've saved a lot of babies with your help and in remeberance of you. We also added to our pack and now have little Piper, another mill pup, who is a sweet wild child:) Please keep helping with the pups, sending your songs, and do send some unquestionable signs for us if you can. We will always love and miss you baby girl....whether we write it here or not....Always and Forever.

6/11/18 So hard to believe that it's been 4 years since you left us. Time will never heal this wound, I just have learned to live with it....some days better then others. I still think about you everyday..sometimes with sadness, sometimes with anger, sometimes with happiness.....but always with love. We love you baby girl....Always and Forever<3

6/26/19 Wow, five years since that horrible day:( and not a day has gone by since then where I haven't thought about you. Love and miss you always Baby Girl<3

7/5/20 We never forget- think about and talk to you everyday. Love and miss you- always and forever baby girl!

6/7/21 Seven years later and we still love, miss, and think about you every year! So wish you were here to help me through the BS happening now baby girl!

4/10/22 Eight years ago today- one of the worst days of my life- but happy to know you're pain free. Maggie Mae is not doing well at all- trying just as hard with her as I did with you and nothing seems to work:( She seemed better when we started her new medication and had a good day on Friday- not sure what happened but am really hoping she'll start to improve with the new medication and with your help!!
Love and miss you always and forever baby girl. Please let me know that your still here with us.

Mom and your brothers and sisters.

5/24 Been to long baby. Still miss you ever. Single. Day:( Lots has happened. Maggie went to join you on April 10, 2023.....poor girl was ready but I, as usual, wasn't:( Lost Mellie unexpected- within 4 days- in March 2023, Sophie very unexpectedly in May 2023, and had to let Bruno go in June 2023. As if that wasn't enough, I set Tori free in December 2023 after a brief illness and then Debbie passed unexpectedly on May 1, 2024. Been a tough and horrible year and a half but I know that you met them all and are waiting for the rest of us at the cabin. I adopted Piper in May 2016 and then Tori&Bruno in August 2016- all of them foster fails:) I adopted Lily in March of 2024 and took in Misha in May when Debbie passed so we have a full house again and I love them all to pieces but do miss the old days. I will try to get better checking in but am sure you hear me everyday! I love you baby girl- always and forever ❤️

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