Welcome to Buddy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Buddy
Message to Buddy and some favorite memories.

I went to an adoption event to help out; wasn't looking for a dog. As a matter of fact, I was a cat person, not a dog person. Kyle begged for us to bring you home...you were known as Wags at the time. I relented and convinced Mike as well, reluctantly! Then something happened, you became my dog. You didn't play and go for walks like Kyle was looking for. You were an older dog with lots of health issues, as we discovered later. You converted me to both a cat and dog person!

I believe God put you in our path so that we could take care of you these past four years. You became part of the family. Loved hearing Mike say "Hey Buddy" when he came through the door. You were always the first to greet us, so you got the first hello, pet and hug! Even Mo Kitty came to tolerate you and not look at you with detest (most of the time). You would always jump on my legs to say hello and welcome me home and tell me that you missed me; even if I just went up to the mailbox!

You famously hated everyone, except us, Sue and Jerome, and barked at everyone who came to the door or in the house. You had a special fierceness for Pete and Tim Sandford. It drove us nuts!! But now I see it as your special way and what I wouldn't give to hear you bark at Maurice the UPs guy when he comes to the door.

Grandpa was not happy with you this past Christmas when we left you at home alone and when he came back before we did, you chased him out of his house barking at him. He sat out in the backyard on a lawn chair until we came home! I am pretty sure he has forgiven you for that!

Your health issues were numerous through the years....heartworms when we got you, cushings, thyroid issue, heart murmur, diabetes, special food and enlarged heart most recently. The medications were numerous and required a schedule. 7:00 in the morning and night is not the same now. What I wouldn't give to be able to do our medication routine one more time. The past couple of mornings and evenings have been tough without that routine. Mo Kitty is right there looking for his treat and wondering where you are.

Dr. Gore, Carol, Ann Michele and everyone at Spring Forest Animal Hospital took such great care of you for these past four years. They loved you too! You weren't always the happiest to see them, but I think you knew they were just trying to help you be as healthy as possible.

You loved it up here when we moved to the lake. You would roam around like you owned the neighborhood. You were so happy out there doing your rounds and checking over your domain. You acted like a puppy! When you were done, you would come home and stand at bottom of the steps looking at the door. Waiting for us to look out and see you to open the door. Then you come bounding in looking for your little treat. Sometimes I think you just went out just so you could get a treat! You were playing us! I find myself standing at the door staring out looking for you to come romping through the yard back home.

You even made a friend up here; Mo, our neighbors dog. When they come up, you would want to go outside and greet her, Pat and Tony and welcome them to Your house as you thought that was your house too! Tony loved the way you growled your hello to him when he would say hello to you. Mo barked for you yesterday when they got here. She wondered where her little Buddy was. She misses you too.

We have no idea how old you really were, nor what your past history was and what you may have gone through. Four years went so fast. I wish we had more time together. I was and am not prepared to say goodbye to you. The joyful news is you have no more sickness, no more pain, no more medicine. You are a happy and healthy puppy in the Rainbow Bridge. I look forward to the day you come bounding to me and jump into my arms.

I miss you my little Pupala. You left quite a big impression for such a little guy.

Sunday was a very hard day, but in my heart I know it was your time to rest. My friend Cheryl said you were quite the champ and you fought the good fight. It is now your time to rest, be well, play and be happy until we meet again. You take a piece of my heart with you.

I love you. I miss you and we will always remember you and share our Buddy stories.

Have fun Buddy! Enjoy showing them who is boss up there! ❤️

4/8/18 So hard to believe a year has passed. Tomorrow marks the sad first anniversary since we lost you. We miss our little guy! Casper loves sleeping in your bed, which is kind of funnny seeing him curl his 65 pound self up and squeeze in there. I chuckle at what you must be thinking of that! I hope you are enjoying a beautiful spring and feel our love. We miss you and love you Buddy! ❤️

10/30/18 Mo Kitty joined you today at the Rainbow Bridge. Missing our kitty that we had for 17 years. I hope you found each other up there and are best buds, even though he was a crotchety old cat when you knew him here! Love to you both and miss you. ❤️

3/28/19. Almost two years have gone by. Sometimes it seems so long ago that we lost you and other days like yesterday. I think of you every day looking at the pictures we have of you around the house, including my desk. Casper still loves your bed even though he is over 40 pounds bigger than you! We have another kitten we found by the lake in the rocks last year. We named him Tartan. He is very mischievous and I think he would have driven you crazy at first. I love you and miss you Buddy. I hope you are having a blast at the Bridge. Kisses to you my little Buddy. ❤️😘

4/9/19 Thinking of you today baby guy. I love you and miss you. Time heals, but you are not forgotten and thought of often. ❤️😘

4/20/20. Where has the time gone? Hard to believe three years have gone by. Love and miss you baby guy. ❤️

10/23/20 Thinking about you today little guy. Love you and miss you! ❤️😘

4/9/21 Four years since you crossed over the bridge and still miss my little Buddy! Think of you often and know you are loved! ❤️😥😘

1/18/22 Another holiday season has passed. Five since we lost you. Time does march on. You come up in conversation a lot. Love you much and miss you baby guy. ❤️🌈😘

4/9/22 Miss you little guy. ❤️

3/13/23 Hello my love. Daddy and I were talking about you the other day and how missed you are. I am sure you are having your best puppy time. We love and miss you very much! 💕😘🌈

4/9/23. Happy Easter Buddy! Miss you little guy! Always in our hearts. 💕🐰💐

9/22/23. Another season change. Thinking of you today and every day. Love you and miss you. 💕

3/18/24 Think of you everyday baby guy. Miss you bunches. Much love. ❤️

7/16/24 Sadly we lost Casper today and he crossed over the bridge to meet you. Be nice to him!! He is very friendly and you will love each other. Miss you both much! 💔💕😭

7/30/24 2 weeks since Casper joined you at the rainbow bridge. We are still shattered and heartbroken. The house is so quiet and we miss him so much. I hope you both are having a ball up there together. Love and miss you both so much. 💔💙🌈🎾

8/12/24 Casper, how has a month passed tomorrow that you have been gone? The loss is still so raw. The house is empty and coming home is not the same without you. I know you and Buddy are best of friends and playing together and watching over us. Tartan has been missing you too...wondering where his buddy is. I'm sure you are both hanging with our kitties and playing nice...Whisper, Angel, Mischief and Mo Kitty. I love you all and miss you all so much. So heartbroken. 💕💔😢

1/4/25 Happy New Year Buddy and Casper. You both are on our minds often and always in our hearts. We got a new puppy in October and we named him Bravo. He has lots of puppy energy, but is calming down. We know you will both watch over him and we tell him about you both. Love you guys and miss you much. Hope you're having a ball at the bridge! 💕🤗🐾

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