Welcome to Budweiser's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Budweiser's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Budweiser

Dear Budweiser - today we put you to sleep. You were peaceful when you left this world. Your head laid on my shoulder and we kissed you when you took your last breath. I hope you know how hard it was to say goodbye. Your sweet face and eyes were staring at me with love & confusion. Did you know that today was the day?

We never gave up on you Budweiser - we hoped & prayed that you lived forever - or just another 6 months would have been fine with us. We knew your time was limited, but we wanted to give you a fighting chance to get better. All the new medications and doctors that we got - gave us hope. Your situation was termed as guarded, but we had faith that you would bounce back to your old self. As the weeks wore on - we felt your quality of life was not what we had hoped for. We did not want you to feel pain or discomfort, and towards the end - I am pretty sure you were starting to. We always did what we thought was best for you - no matter what we were doing at the time - no matter the cost - you always came first in our life. I feel guilty now and question putting your life to an end . Did I give you the chance you deserved? Did I put you down too soon? 22 years of life is said to be long for a cat - but it was not long enough for us. I only hope that you felt peace & love when you left this world. I hope that you are now back up to 18 pounds, eating chicken, baby food, running in the grass, chasing a laser dot and at the end of your day - able to snuggle up in a nice soft bed.

I cannot seem to find the words that I want to use to describe you. Are there any? I am not sure that I can write a memorial of such a loving creature as yourself. Your amazing spirit and your ability to just move thru life was actually most inspiring. Your nonchalant walk, your poised nature, your big meow when you wanted water or food, the way you would knock things off walls when you wanted attention, your wet nose on Heidie's nose to wake her up, your demanding personality when you wanted up on the sink, your sweetness, your ability to cuddle away my sadness, your inquisitive personality and the love you gave to all that crossed your path. Not a mean bone in that little body. I remember the time you were nose to nose with a chipmunk. Most cats would have tried to kill the poor thing - you - you just sniffed him and let him sit right next to you. You had that way about you that I had never seen in an animal - it was like you were part human or dog. You loved people & they loved you.

Pet Coral - 1995 - I met you. You were caged up with another little kitten. You were 8 weeks old and pure black. I did not notice, at the time that you had a white spot under your neck. I went to pet you and you bit my finger. From that moment on - we were inseparable. My life was not a calm one, and you took that in stride. I moved 11 times and so did you. Each apartment that we moved to - you made your own. As the years went by - we added a couple brothers & sisters to the mix. You were still the king - the hierarchy always had you at the top. You played with your brothers & sisters, but you remained kind of a loner. You liked them, but you seemed to want to do your own thing. Even when your brother, Baylee, would barrel towards you - you accepted his head butts, but tried to duck out of the situation before he started licking your head. You were never mean to your siblings, but you liked your space. Although - you seemed to like to tease your sister, Ruby. You seemed to like to taunt her until she hissed at you - then you left her alone. I guess that's what big brothers are for.

How do you sum up 22 years of friendship, love and affection from the most amazing cat in the world. Yes, the most amazing cat died yesterday. A piece of my family - a piece of my life and my history has left us. He's gone forever, and gone with him - is my heart. I am crushed beyond words! I cannot move around in this house without thinking of you! I want to scream, "Biggie," - I want to cry and pound on the floor. Where are you my little man!! Where are you!!??

My only hope is that you, my dear Budweiser, are somewhere over that rainbow bridge. I hope you meet up with Maxi, grandma and Pappy. Try not to bite Pappy - remember - he just likes to tease you.

Oh sweet boy .. rest in peace. Close your eyes and dream of good things.
Until we meet again, and I know - we will be together again. I love you Biggie - Budweiser - Mr. Bud - Buddy - You were my longest relationship - xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

All my love little man - I love you to the Rainbow Bridge & Back

July 31, 2017

Hey you .. what are you doing up in heaven? We are here missing you! The house is empty without you!
We miss your loud mouth in the morning - screaming for food. We don't buy too many rotisserie chickens anymore and Ruby doesn't eat as much baby food as you did.

Miss you Budweiser! You are my man!! Hope you are having a great time playing with Maxi.

December 20, 2017

Hi sweet boy. This is our first Christmas without you. Oh, how we continue to miss you.
I hope you are up there playing with Maxi and you are with grandma & Pap Pap.
I miss you so much & continue to think of you often.
Merry Christmas my little man.
Love your momma ..XOXOXOXOXO

July 9th, 2018

I cannot believe it has been a year since you left this world. Life sure isn't the same without you. Since you passed - Ruby passed away too. We are now down to Baylee & Maceo. No one could ever take your place Bud! You are / were amazing!! I miss you sleeping on the pillow between us! There is no cat that will ever be like you. I hope you are up there with Maxi & Ruby! I love you my sweet Boy! Forever & Ever. Until we meet again - I will remember our precious time together.
Your Momma

July 9th, 2019

You would have been 24 years old. It is hard to believe 2 years have gone by since you were last with us. We talk and think about you all the time Buddy. Miss & love you always. I hope I see you again. Be waiting for me on the other side whenever it is my time to go.
I love you forever & ever. You were my best friend:)
My love to you always.
Love your Momma

July 7th, 2020

Hey little boy, we miss you. We tell your brothers and sister about you all the time. Your brother Luigi
acts like you did when you were young.
I will see you when I die. You make sure that you run up and greet me!! Bring Maxi and Ruby with you.
Hopefully you are sitting on Grammy & Pappy's lap.
I love you Budweiser!! Miss you always.
Love Mamma

July 9th, 2021

Hi Buddy - hope you are having a good time on that Rainbow Bridge. Your cousin Rocco is passing over - I hope you get to see him. Uncle Bob is really upset. There is never enough time with you guys. All is well here. We still have the (5). I think that will be all we get from here on out. We are getting too old, and we always want someone to be able to take care of them. I love and miss you Mr. Bud. Maceo sleeps with me now - kind of like you did. Wish we all could be together. Love and kisses. XOXOXOXO Hope you are hanging around with Maxi & Ruby.
I love you always.
Love Mamma

July 9th, 2022

Hey Budweiser .. how is my boy doing? Still miss you and still talk about how funny and cool you were. I hope you Max and Ruby Doo see each other and are together. Don't pick on Ruby! I It is really hard to believe you buys have been missing from our lives so long. We have your ashes on our shelf. Make sure when I die - you are there to see me right away.
I love you my handsome man! I hope you are having a big chicken dinner. Say hi to everyone for me. Love you!
love: Mamma

July 9, 2023
Another year has gone by - Its hard to believe that you are gone so long already. We still have all the other kitties. I would say Maceo is most like you .. but he is a big baby ...lol.
Lots going here. I am about to get a big surgery. Hopefully all goes well.
Love you big man! You are on my mind always. Love you forever and a day.
Love, Mamma

July 9, 2024
It is hard to believe you are gone so long. All my Love Budweiser.
Miss you always.
love Mamma

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