Welcome to Beaumont's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Beaumont
Dear Friends-

It is with great sadness that I'm writing to you today about the passing of Beaumont. As many of you are aware, Beaumont was my loyal, trusted, loving companion for nearly thirteen (13) years. He passed away peacefully at 2:01 p.m. this afternoon; surrounded by Frank and I; his loving family. I will miss him more than any words could possibly express.

The following is a letter that I wrote to Beaumont earlier this week when it seemed his time was drawing to a close. I would like to share it with you.


I love you...perhaps, more that you could ever know, maybe it's because you and I share a special bond; we've always been the "outsiders" and, at times, when neither one of us seemed to "fit in," we always had each other to love and depend on...I keep replaying snapshots, in my mind, of all the wonderful adventures that we've shared over these past thirteen (13) years.


I remember the day that you came home with us, you were so tiny (8 weeks old) you could not even climb from the street over the curb to the sidewalk; you always walked between my legs to provide you with a sense of security. As you grew, we encountered the "TERRIBLE TWO'S" together, you would bite and chew anything and everything that you could fit your small mouth around. This was also the time that you learned how to "breakout" of your room. Whenever we went out, we rarely found you in the same place that you had been confined too. Those episodes brought us to Canine College; you graduated but your determination and perseverance remained, it became clear...it was YOUR house and YOU ran it. We adapted. The good times far outweighed the trying times. Our trips to the beach, your circular dog paddle routine, lying at the shoreline with the waves crashing at your backside, all became part of our summers in Truro, Eastham, Provincetown and the shores of Maine.

As you got older, you mellowed. Although, when Bentley arrived you made it clear that he knew that he was entering your domain. You would walk past his training crate and GROWL...just to let him know that this was your home. Bentley succumbed to his big brother and took on a more submissive demeanor.

Saturday's were always FAMILY DAY and each one brought a new adventure. Trips to the Cape, the Pond and the Arboretum were always greeted with enthusiasm... You were happy just to go for a ride in the car. I remember walking Marginal Way in the spring and fall and then you jumping into the freezing water...you LOVED IT... I remember the way that you would howl at fire truck sirens...I remember the way that you would sprawl out on you stomach with your four legs going in opposite directions...I remember you getting so excited over D-I-N-N-E-R every night. I could set my watch by the time that you knew it was time for your food... I remember you flying around the kitchen and then getting grounded once your weight no longer cooperated... I remember that you HATED going for baths and always looked at me with those sad brown eyes as if to say: "I'm really not that dirty, don't leave me..." I remember when you got a sunburn on your nose and it blistered over...OUCH. I remember that you always disliked thunder, lightening and summer storms... I remember each morning you would follow me to the shower, lay down in front of the shower door until I shutoff the water and said..."BEEP, BEEP, BEAUMONT..." then you would get up, walk over to the vanity and lay down once again...it became our morning ritual. I remember that you always preferred to ride in the front seat of the car as my co-pilot... and I remember days when the only reason that I would get out of bed in the morning was to care for you. You always had a sunny disposition for me. Many days you were "my only friend" but everyday you were" MY BEST FRIEND."

I've loved you for so long...I wish that I could make you young and healthy again, your my best, best friend. I LOVE YOU. The thought of you spending another night in the Intensive Care Unit at Angell-Memorial Hospital brings yet another round of tears to my eyes I know that you don't like it there and our home just isn't the same without you. I miss your snoring in the TV room; waking you to come upstairs to bed just to hear you settle-in in our bedroom and the snoring begin again.

I think of all the people's lives you've touched just by being you...All the love you've given and received...The one thing that brings me comfort is knowing that you always loved me unconditionally, trusted me and felt secure by my side. HOME IS WHEREVER WE ARE TOGETHER.

Good night my dear friend.

I will always love you.

Daddy Paul

and your brother, Bentley.

Beaumont's Quote of the Day:" YEAH...WELL...HEY..."

12-22-02 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU :) Love does not end with the passage of time...You are and always will be the love of my life.

02-14-03 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY :) Time passes; nearly seven months, the season's change...our love endures. I miss you and love you BACKSEAT BEAUMONT aka THE BIG ONE. Daddy Paul

07-23-03 ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY - A year has passed, it doesn't seem possible...We've created a beautiful "Memory Chest" of our life together; not a day passes without thoughts of you. "TO LIVE IN HEARTS WE LEAVE BEHIND IS NOT TO DIE..." We love you and miss you!!! Gramma, cousins Palani and Sue-Ling send their love too!!! All our love, Daddy Paul and Brothers Bentley and Buster.

07-30-03 We lost Cousin Palani (10-31-89 to 07-30-03) this morning...Please watch over him as he crosses over to Rainbow Bridge to join you. We love and miss both of you.

12-22-03 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU..."If memories could build a staircase and tears a garden path; I would walk up to heaven and bring you back home again." We love you and miss you :) Daddy Paul, Bentley and Buster. I hope you're visiting with Palani...I visited his pet cemetary, he has a beautiful granite headstone that reads "Gentle Little Man." We love you and miss both of you.

02-25-04 We lost Cousin Sue-Ling (06-25-89 to 02-25-04) today. Please watch over her as she crosses Rainbow Bridge to join you and Cousin Palani. I know that the three of you must be happy and healthy; running and playing and I know that one day we will all be reunited again. Until that day, we send our love...Daddy Paul, Bentley and Buster.

07-23-04 TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY - The time has passed so quickly since we lost you, not a day goes by that you are not in our fondest thoughts. We love you and miss you so very much...I LOVE YOU!!! Daddy Paul, Bentley and Buster.

12-22-04 HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Today is a beautiful, mild winter day. You always hated the winter cold and the New England snowstorms but today you would love the crisp air. We miss you; you're in our thoughts every day. We love you :) Daddy Paul, Alberto, Bentley and Buster.

02-10-05 - Dear Beaumont,
Alberto lost his family canine today; her name is Sussie, please welcome her as she crosses over to Rainbow Bridge. She has a similar "cow print" to you; she's white with chocolate brown spots. I'm sure one day all of you will welcome us as we join you over Rainbow Bridge. As always, you're in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Daddy Paul, Alberto, Bentley and Buster.

07-23-05 THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY - We love you and miss you!!! Thank you for watching over us from heaven. Grandma adopted a new Pekignese puppy that she named Mango. He's a bundle of energy, he would make you crazy!!! As always, you're in our thoughts and our hearts. Love, Daddy Paul, Alberto, Bentley and Buster

12-22-2005 HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!
Today is your 15th birthday...It doesn't seem possible that you left me over three years ago...It broke my heart to lose you but you never went alone; part of me went with you the day God called you Home. I love you and miss you!!! Daddy Paul

07-23-2006 FOUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY: It doesn't seem possible that 4 years have passed; our lives have changed in many ways but in many ways they remain the same. Our love for you is constant with each passing day. We bought a weekend home in Ogunquit, Maine this summer; you always loved swimming on the Maine coast. My thoughts turn to you each time we're walking the beach or Marginal Way. I love you and miss you!!! Daddy Paul

12-17-2006 Your 16th birthday is approaching this coming Friday,12-22-2006, an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you today!!! We love you and miss you. It will be the first time we spend Xmas at our weekend home in Maine, I know your spirit is there with us. Every time I see a white butterfly, I know you are watching over us from heaven. I'm writing a few days early because your brother, Bentley, has been very ill. We are doing everything we can to help him but he's been diagnosed with a rare liver disease. When the time comes, please make sure you are waiting for him at the gates to Rainbows Bridge to welcome him into your beautiful kingdom. I know in my heart one day we will all be reunited again. Until that day...All my love Daddy Paul

01-25-2007 Our dear friend, Maureen lost her horse named Jenny today, please welcome Jenny as she crosses over to Rainbows Bridge. I know in my heart that one day our extended family will be reunited in a beautiful kingdom; it's just a breath away. Thank you for watching over your brother Bentley, he's stablized and at home with us. Please keep watching over and protecting us from heaven above. Hugs, kisses and much love Daddy Paul

03-14-2007 My dearest Beaumont, I'm writing to you today because your younger brother, Bentley, isn't doing well. He's faced many battles; bravely, cancer surgery x 2's; both rear legs replaced and countless hospital stays. I'm not sure how much more his 39 lbs body can tolerate. He gave me three big kisses on my face on 03-11-07 which is unusual for him; he's usually very stingy with kisses. Today, he enjoyed the mild Spring weather on the beach in Ogunquit at our weekend home. Unfortunately, his body is failing him and there is not much more we can do for him. PLEASE; you know how INNOCENT he still is at 11 years old, guide him and watch over him as he crosses Rainbow Bridge. One day, we will be reunited again!!! I LOVE BOTH OF YOU !!! THE LOSS OF BOTH OF YOU REPRESENTS AN END OF A PART OF ME...XOXOXO DADDY PAUL

06-15-2007 Beaumont, By the time that I am posting this message today,I know that you've already seen your younger brother Bentley. Bentley crossed over to join you at Rainbow Bridge at 10:20 a.m. this morning. I was by his side; kissing his whole body and telling him that his big brother would be on the other side to welcome him into God's kingdom. I LOVE AND MISS BOTH OF YOU; BEYOND WORDS. THE TWO OF YOU CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER AND I WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN. God bless...Daddy Paul

07-23-07 Dear Beaumont- Today is the FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of your transition to Rainbow Bridge and God's kingdom. It doesn't seem possible that many years have passed; I think of you daily and miss your love and spirit. I'm confident that you and Bentley are now my Guardian Angels, watching over me from up above. Until the day that we are reunited, a poem for you... "I THOUGHT OF YOU WITH LOVE TODAY, BUT THAT IS NOTHING NEW. I THOUGHT ABOUT YOU YESTERDAY AND DAYS BEFORE THAT TOO. I THINK OF YOU IN SILENCE, I OFTEN SPEAK YOUR NAME. ALL I HAVE ARE MEMORIES AND YOUR PICTURE IN A FRAME. YOUR MEMORY IS MY KEEPSAKE, WITH WHICH I'LL NEVER PART. GOD HAS YOU IN HIS KEEPING, I HAVE YOU IN MY HEART." HUGS, KISSES AND MUCH LOVE, DADDY PAUL

06-15-08 Dear Beaumnont- Today is the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of your younger brother, Bentley, crossing over to join you in Rainbowbridge. I think of you both daily with warm, loving thoughts and miss you both beyond words. I hope you and Bentley are "playing nice" together and have made lots of new fur friends. God bless you both and I know in my heart one day we will be reunited for eternity. I love you....Daddy Paul.

07-23-08 Dear Beaumont - It's the SIX YEAR ANNIVERSARY of your passing to Rainbowbrige; I miss you and Bentley so, so much...I know in my heart that one day we'll all be reunited. I hope you and Bentley are playing together daily. Our friends, Rhonda and Sharon, lost their cat named Molly this month, please welcome her to Rainbowbridge and befriend her; her parents miss her very much just like I miss you and Bentley. I know that you already know this but...I got a cocker spaniel puppy named BONGO...he's crazy!!! He's like the energizer bunny....play, play play!!! He drives BUSTER insane but it keeps 13 year old BUSTER young too. I love you, miss you and will see you soon. Hugs, kisses and much love...Daddy Paul.

12-22-2008 Dear Beaumont - I can hardly believe that today is your Eighteenth (18) Birthday; it doesn't seem possible that you've been in Heaven for 6 years. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you !!! Your brother, Bentley, has been gone for 18 months from this earth and I'm sure the two of you are at peace over Rainbows Bridge. I know that it's a beautiful kingdom and know that one day both of you will be waiting for me with spaniel kisses when my time on this earth ends. Until that day...hugs, spaniel kiss and much love...Daddy Paul.

12-22-2010 My Dearest Beaumont - Today is your 20th BIRTHDAY!!! Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday my dear Beaumont...Happy Birthday to you. As you know from Rainbowsbridge (aka Heaven) there has been so much loss this year. We lost your brother, Buster, on 07-01-2010; while out for his afternoon walk, he collapsed and crossed over to join you and Bentley over the rainbow. Please watch over him and celebrate your lives together at Rainbowsbridge...one day, we'll all be reunited. I LOVE each of you more than words can express; Beaumont, Bentley and Buster...my three men. God Bless, Daddy Paul

07-23-2012 Dear Beaumont - It doesn't seem possible that today is the TEN (10) year anniversary of your passing over to Rainbow Bridge. I LOVE you and MISS you; you're forever in my heart. I have the large photo's of you, Bentley and Buster; that where taken during our summers on Cape Cod, framed and hanging in our Great Room, I see your smiling face each and every day :) I hope and pray that you, Bentley and Buster are happy and healthy and I know that one day we will be reunited along with your three (3) crazy brothers here on earth...Bongo, Bronx and Bailey. Hugs, (spaniel) kisses and much love Daddy Paul

07-23-2013; My Dear Beaumont - It's with a heavy heart that I honor the ELEVENTH (11) anniversary of your passing over to Rainbow Bridge (07-23-2002) this year; as you know, Mom and your Grandma passed away unexpectedly on 06-24-2013. I'm sure that you greeted her with spaniel kisses upon her arrival in God's heavenly kingdom. I'm still LOST here on earth...I don't understand and hope to find answers to questions that will forever remain unanswered. She loved you dearly as she loved all of our fur family members that entered her home...she was and always will be a "Lover of Animals." I LOVE you and MISS you sooo much Mom; my only comfort is knowing our animals that passed before you are now reunited with you in the wonderful kingdom of heaven. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo me

07-23-2014; Dear Beaumont - Another year has passed but you are never far from my heart; it's been TWELVE (12) years since you left us and one year since your Grandma (and my Mom) joined you over Rainbowsbridge. Today is a "challenge" because it also would have been your Grandma's birthday. I love and miss ALL of you so very much. It seems like everyone that I love has crossed over to your realm and many days I think that my BEST years are already behind me. Give spaniel kisses to ALL of our family residing at Rainbowsbridge, I love and miss ALL of you... hugs, kisses and much love....Daddy Paul

07-23-2015; My dearest Beaumont, you began the "chain" of rescue cocker spaniels that would enter my world; Bentley, Buster, Bongo, Bronx and Bailey...THANK YOU for opening my eyes and heart to "RESCUE." EVERYONE deserves a "NEW" beginning and I'm humbled and thankful that you taught me that lesson. I love you, miss you and know one day we will ALL be reunited!!! hugs, spaniels kisses and much love....Daddy Paul.

12-22-2015; HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY!!! We LOVE and MISS you. I'm confident that you; and other family members that left us too soon, will be there to welcome us when its OUR time to crossover Rainbowbridge. Much love and spaniel kisses... xoxo Daddy Paul

07-23-2016; Dear Beaumont, it has been 14 years since you departed this earthly world for another realm that I refer to as "Heaven." I miss you and ALL of those that I've lost over these years. I'm confident that you are ALL reunited in paradise. Today would have been Mom's birthday so I'm traveling to the mausoleum with fresh flowers. One day we will ALL be reunited for eternity; until that day...I LOVE you!!! yesterday, today and tomorrow. xoxoxo Daddy Paul

12-22-2016; Happy 26th Birthday in heaven...I love you ALWAYS. xoxo me

07-23-2017; Dear Beaumont, today is the 15th anniversary of you crossing over the Rainbowbridge. I look back with love, happiness and sadness of our life together. Your spirit inspired my lifelong love of cocker spaniels and the adoption/ rescue of your brother's Bentley, Buster, Bongo, Bronx and Bailey. Your life changed the lives of so many, thank you for that gift. I love and miss you!!! yesterday, today and tomorrow. xoxoxo Daddy Paul

12-22-2017; it's amazing to me that today is your 27th birthday...Happy Birthday in heaven!!! I only had you for 11.5 years on earth and you are celebrating 15 years in God's kingdom...one day, we'll be reunited!!! I love and miss you my dear friend. xoxoxo Daddy Paul

07-23-2018; Beaumont, today is the 16th anniversary of you celebrating over the RainbowsBridge :) I love and miss you...We lost Mango in April and I've just recently started to consider fostering/adopting another spaniel rescue from New York Abandoned Angels, the same rescue that I volunteer for and adopted Bronx and Bailey from in the past. You created my LOVE for your breed, you were the PERFECT ambassador :) I love you yesterday, today and tomorrow...hugs, spaniel kisses and much love, Daddy Paul

12-22-2018; Happy 28th Birthday over Rainbowsbridge, I know in my heart you are reunited with Bentley and Grandma plus, I know they introduced you to Buster and Cousin Mango. It's my hope you are all together enjoying delicious food and running in beautiful fields. I love you...yesterday, today and tomorrow. Much Love, Daddy Paul

07-23-2019; It's hard to believe that you left this realm 17 year ago today, I remember it like it was yesterday :( I love and miss you, grandma and your brothers; so much LOSS over these years. I pray, in my heart, that one day when I depart this realm we're all reunited for eternity!!! All my love, Daddy Paul

September 5, 2019 - Beaumont, at the time of this posting, I'm sure you have already met your younger brother, Bailey. Bailey crossed over the Rainbow Bridge today at approximately 3:30 p.m. He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure on April 4, 2019 and through medications we were able to "control" if for 5 months, he lost his battle today. We left home at about noontime and I carried him down the stairs to the car and put him on his bed in the car. We drove over to Castle Island and spent 75 minutes sitting under one of the big oak trees across from the ocean. Bailey enjoyed the fresh air and his ears blowing in the wind; he knew. We traveled to the veterinary hospital and I was by his side kissing his body telling him how much he was loved and that Grandma and you, Bentley, Buster and Mango would be there to greet him. He passed from this life with peace and dignity, the way he lived in this realm. I'm heart broken, my only consolation is that when it's my time to cross over, I'll be reunited with all of you for eternity. I love and miss all of you!!! yesterday, today and tomorrow....Daddy Paul

12-22-2019; Happy 29th Birthday Mr. Beaumont :) I love and miss you. I hope you enjoy your day with Grandma, your brother's Bentley, Buster, Bailey and Cousin Mango plus Palani and Sue-Ling. It's my hope that you are ALL together today and ALWAYS well-fed, running, playing and healthy. After Bailey passed away in September, I wasn't ready to adopt again. About 4 weeks ago, I adopted a chocolate and white spaniel that I've named "Baker." You would love him, he's super friendly and very low-key. One day we will ALL be reunited for eternity...I love you yesterday, today and tomorrow...xoxoxoxo Daddy Paul

07-23-2020; I can't believe that it was eighteen (18) years ago today that you crossed over to Rainbowsbridge :( I remember it like it was yesterday and I even remember what I was wearing (khaki shorts, a black Blue Marlin t-shirt and black sandals...it's weird the moments that we remember that never leave us...INDELIBLE memories. I hope you are happy, healthy, eating well and enjoying your time with Bentley, Buster, Mango, Bailey and Grandma. I love and miss ALL of you EVERY DAY!!! until we reunite for eternity my friend...I love you yesterday, today and tomorrow!!! Daddy Paul and Baby Baker

12-22-2020; HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY over Rainbowsbridge!!! I love and miss ALL of you EVERY day!!! Cousin Ron died on 12-23-2020 at the age of 52 of COVID-19 which is a pandemic that has been ravaging the world this past year. There are NO wakes or funerals due to the virus so he was cremated and there may be a Memorial Mass in the future. I hope ALL of you are safe and happy over the rainbowsbridge; I know in my heart we'll ALL reunite again, until that day...Much love...yesterday, today and tomorrow!!! Daddy Paul and Baby Baker aka "The Bad Baby" :)

07-23-2021; Nineteen (19) year anniversary of your crossing over the Rainbowbridge. I love and miss you. It all started with you, my FIRST cocker spaniel puppy. Then the adoption of Bentley, Buster, Bongo, Bailey, cousin Mango, Boomer and Baker over the years. Your generous nature led to wonderful lives for each of your brother's; one day, we'll all be reunited for eternity. I miss and love you, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Spaniel kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Much love, Daddy Paul and Baker

12-22-2021 HAPPY 31st BIRTHDAY :) I miss and love you!!! It all started with you, 31 years ago. My life long love of cocker spaniels has led to the adoptions of Bentley, Buster, Bongo, Bronx, Bailey and Baker. You were an ambassador for the breed :) Enjoy your birthday over Rainbowsbridge with Grandma and your brother's that have joined you over "the bridge." I love and miss ALL of you EVERY DAY. All my love, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Daddy Paul and Baker

July 23, 2022; Twenty (20) year anniversary of you crossing over the Rainbowbridge. I remember it as if it were yesterday :( So much loss over the years!!! I love and miss ALL of you. In my heart, I believe, we will ALL be reunited for eternity. I love you yesterday, today and tomorrow...Love Daddy Paul

December 22,2022 Happy 32nd Birthday Mr. Beaumont :) I love and miss ALL of you EVERYDAY!!! The only thing constant in this life is CHANGE and we are going through it again!!! Thank you for ALL the LOVE, SUPPORT & GUIDANCE everyone of you send to me, keeps me going!!! I love and miss ALL of you and I believe, one day, we'll reunite for eternity. Much Love, Daddy Paul

July 23, 2023; Twenty First (21st) anniversary of you transitioning to Rainbowbridge!!! It seems impossible so much time has past and so much loss over the years. I'm sure that you've met and reunited with all of our loved ones who have joined your realm. I love, miss and think of all of you...yesterday, today and tomorrow. All my love, Daddy Paul

December 22, 2023; HAPPY 33rd BIRTHDAY!!! Thinking of you and all of your brother's; each of you put a smile on my face as I remember all the road trips, the laughs that you gave me, the love we ALL shared over your lifetimes!!! I will NEVER forget any of you and feel in my heart that one day we will reunite for eternity. For today, run, play and eat well with your brothers. I love you yesterday, today and tomorrow...All my love, Daddy Paul XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

July 23, 2024; Twenty second (22nd) anniversary over Rainbowsbridge, it seems like a lifetime ago yet so recent. You were my very first cocker spaniel and over the years, I've adopted a total of seven (7) more spaniels. My love for you and the breed was my inspiration, each of you so unique and special in different ways. I love and miss ALL of you every day. Run, play and eat well until we reunite for eternity. All my love, Daddy Paul

Please also visit Bailey, Bentley, Bongo, Bronx, Buster and Mango.

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