Welcome to BO's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of BO
Bo came to us in 1990 two weeks before we had to have our beagle, Woofy, put to sleep. He was a stray who was skin and bones, dirty, bruised, exhausted, and just looking for someone to take him in. We had no idea how he would fill our hearts. To those who didnot know him he was aggressive, to our vet he was protective, to us he was just "a big piece of candy". Bo came down with diabetes two years ago and we were able to control it with insulin. The last few months became harder and harder for him but he "fought the good fight". We will miss him forever, there will never be another "big dog". Rest in peace my sweet puppy, you deserve it. Feb. 2002-Hi Bo. We still miss you. We have a bassett hound & a beagle now, Bud & Lou, from a shelter called Pets Alive. They are great, but they are not you. You really were the best. I hope you are happy & well. Take care of yourself until we see you again.August 2005-Hi Bo!Lou passed away from lymphoma about 2 years ago, and we've had a bulldog named Vegas since Jan.2004. He reminds me alot of you,he has your soul.I hope you,Woofy & Lou are well.Take care until we see you again.7/26/06-Hi Bo-I have been thinking about you so much since I realized it was another anniversary. I keep your picture on my desk now-you're curled up on your loveseat.I started talking to Vegas like I talked to you when we walked.He thinks I'm crazy but I don't care.I miss you alot and hope you are OK.For some reason I can't stop crying so I'm going to go.I don't want to leave you a sad message,I'm OK,I just miss you and love you very much.See you my big dog.Love,Denise July 2013 - So now Vegas and Bud are with you and we have a rescue pitbull named Smoochie. Thank you for teaching us what it means to rescue an animal. You taught us so much while you were with us. Please watch over all of our babies until we see you again. Love, Denise July 2019 - Smoochie went over the bridge. Please take care of him. We have a rescue named Cookie. She has all the best of every one of our dogs, but we wouldn't have her without you. Love you so much Bo and miss you. Until we meet again. Denise July 2020-Dear Bo-Cookie is still with us. Her back legs give her trouble so we have a cart for her to use. I love you and miss you. Take care of our fur babies, I know you do. Denise 7/18/21 - Hi Bo. I still miss you. I hope you are happy. Cookie is still with us. Thank you for everything. Love you. Denise July 2023 - Cookie is now with you and all our other puppies. This was a tough one. You'll see she's special. I would like to get another dog but honestly it's harder and harder when you guys leave. Well, I'll see how it goes. Be happy, and please give a special hello to Cooke for me. Love you all. July 2024 - Well Robbie is with you all now, since January 10. I hope you all greeted him, I know he was happy to see you all. Please watch over me. I love and miss you all very much.

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