My Kitty Callie diary!! Dec 14,2023 It has been one week of the passing of my kitty Callie. She is missed everyday and always looking for her. I miss her a lot and visit her rainbow bridge everyday and listen to the song. I will always love you!. I miss her going out and walking her big yard that was all hers! I miss her on the bed at night coming up and purring in my ear. It going to take a lot of time for me to get over her death. I miss you and love you kitty Callie!!! December 21, 2023 two weeks since I lost my precious kitty Callie. She is missed everyday that God took her to the rainbow bridge. We adopted her 17 and half years ago. She was a stray that showed up at our door step one day. She was an outside cat and getting her into our home was very difficult. When she finally came in she ate and drank and wanted to go back out so we left her back out. That night she spent a little bit of time in the house this was the first time she has ever been indoor. Over the next couple days she would stay inside more each day until she slept inside for the first time. So we decided to adopt her. Nobody knew where she came from or who own her. We took her to the vet and he estimated her to be about two years old and she was pregnant with six kittens. On May 7, 2006 around late morning she gave birth to six beautiful kittens. She had three seal point and a buff color and two tabby kittens all healthy. You could tell this was not her first litter. She was a good mother to her kittens always being around for the kittens. We found homes for five of the six kittens and we kept one of the seal points which we named Winnie. Winnie was a special cat as she grew up. Haven mother and daughter together were very special. Because she would lie down by mom and mom would clean her. They also would play together hiding under the chair and reaching out their paws and playing. Winnie was vey spoiled when she was a kitten I would rub her belly and as she grew in a beautiful cat when I would go to bed no matter what she was doing she headed up to bed and come up beside me and flop over so I could rub her belly. We have a cedar chest by our bed and I put a pad down and they would share the cedar chest together. When Mom (Callie) would go outside Winnie would sit and look for her until she came in and then smell her from being out side. Winnie was an indoor cat and Callie loved the outdoors that she loved so much. Winnie only lived nine years because of complication of her liver. Miss them both......These are some of the great memories I keep in my heart and help keep my kitties alive in my heart. Dec. 24, 2023 Merry Christmas Eve my sweet beautiful kitty Callie miss you and love you!!!! Dec 25, 2023 Merry Christmas my sweet beautiful kitty Callie miss you and love you!! Christmas is not the same with you not being around. Days does not come easy for me from losing you and especially throughout the day. I know you are in a better place and will always have my heart. You are in God hands and you will be happy playing as a kitten again with your kittens that you gave birth too. I know you have a lot of new friends that meant you when you arrived at the rainbow bridge. Always in my heart my sweet kitty Callie!! Love and miss you!! Dec 28,2023 It has been three weeks since I lost my precious kitty Callie. You are missed everyday in my heart and your home. Days seams to be long without you here by my side. I continue to pray everyday for you since God took you to the rainbow bridge. I continue to feel your present in our home and miss you on the bed throughout the day and especially at night. I know you are healthy again and playing with your new friends. Until we meet again Love you and miss you my sweet beautiful kitty Callie. Jan 1, 2024 Happy New Year my sweet Kitty Callie. miss you and love you!!! My heart breaks every time I think about you or see your photos. Rest In Peace my beautiful Kitty Callie!! January 7 2024 it has been a month since I lost my baby kitty Callie. There isn't a day, hour or minute that I don't think about her. She was everything in my life. She was a loving girl that I miss in my life. I gave her the best life an owner could give a pet and gave her all the loving I could give to her, I always told her that I loved her and gave her a kiss on the forehead every day. She was a precious girl that I loved for over seventeen and half years. She might be gone from our world but never forgotten. I donated food in her name so other cats can have a good life like her. There will always be a place in my heart for her. Miss you my sweet kitty Callie and will always love you!!! Rest in Peace my beautiful kitty Callie!!! January 14, 2023 It has been five week since I lost my kitty Callie they days are still lonesome without you. I sometimes think I can hear you at times and always look for you. I don't think I will never forget you kitty Callie. I know in my heart you are in a better place where you are healthy and happy and have a lot of new fur babies friends at the rainbow bridge. You will forever be in my heart as the love we gave to you and the return love you gave Sharon and I. Miss you everyday my sweet kitty Callie and hold you close to my heart my precious kitty Callie. xxxoooo 2/1/24 Happy Birthday my sweet kitty Callie miss you and forever in my heart...sending love to heaven... February 7, 2024 it has been two months since I lost my precious kitty Callie not a day goes bye that I am not thinking about you!! I hope you are enjoying your new friends and Winnie. One day we'll met at the rainbow bridge and your other playmates. I know in my heart that you are healthy and haven a time of your life and you miss your bed and your yard. But god took you home to be with him and your playmates. I have been strong for you these past months but miss you everyday. Sending love to heaven my kitty Callie!!! Miss you and will always have a place in my heart for you. Love you!!! Forever in my heart!!!! March 7, 2024 It been three month since I lost my beautiful kitty Callie. I miss you everyday and miss seeing you in the your yard and bed. I will always keep you in my heart and know you are in a better place. When I pray to God I always ask him to keep you safe and give you a kiss on your forehead and tell you I love you!! You will always be missed, but God took you home to be with the other fur babies. Love you.......... March 31 2024 Happy Easter kitty Callie miss you a lot and will always hold you close to my heart!!!! April 7, 2024 four months since I lost my beautiful kitty Callie. Not a days goes by that I don't miss you. Your weather is here the weather you loved to be outside in your yard. I will see you one day when we will meet again sending love to heaven and a kiss on your head. miss you!!! June 7 2024 it has been 6 months since you left us to cross the rainbow bridge. Not a day, hour or minute goes by I don't think about you!! You will always be in my heart and mind and will never be forgotten. God took you home to be with other fur babies and your family. I miss kisses your forehead and saying I love you!! I miss leaving you outside for you to enjoy your yard. You are forever in my heart!!!! Hugs and kisses my kitty Callie!!! I will see you one day when we will meet again sending love to heaven and a kiss on your head. miss you!!! July 7, 2024 Its been 7 months since I lost you and another day without it makes my heart hurt more, but I know you are with God and is safe from any harm. Not a day, minute or hour goes by that my heart is with you I love you so much from the day we adopted you and your belly full of kittens and knew you were special and would bring love into our hearts. My kitty Callie you will always be with me in my heart and mind and I miss you everyday, minute and hour. I always think about you!!! Sending kisses to heaven from us to you!! Give Winnie a hug and kiss from us and tell her she is missed and we love her!!!!! Aug 7 2024 Its been 8 months since I loss you and my hearts still aches for losing you!! It is still lonely in the house and yard and miss you running around the yard and doing your hunting. Days go into weeks and weeks into months. I will always have a place in my heart that has a void in it from your loss. I think about you everyday and pray that you are in a better place and healthy, I know you are with god and you will never be forgotten by us. Remember you are loved and will always be loved in our hearts. One day we will reunite and be together again. Until them my sweet kitty Callie send love to heaven and kiss on your forehead knowing you were loved....... September 7,2024 Its been a long nine months since I lost you. I still look for you outside and on the bed were you love to lay. The days does not come easy for me I miss you a lot and my heart has a empty spot since I lost you!! I love you and pray for your safety that you are in God hands. You will always have a place in our hearts and miss leaving you out door to go to the bathroom and play in your yard. Your best friend the black cat comes around looking for you and it knows your smell is no longer in the yard means you are no longer here. Kitty Callie you will never be forgotten and will always have a place in our hearts for you. Remember your are loved and will always be loved in our hearts. Sharon and me will always look for you, because one day you will be there with us again. I hope you got to see Winter and your other kittens and play with Brittian which was my dog. She always loved cats like you loved the next door neighbors dog Molley. You are at peace and will be remember in our hearts for every my kitty Callie. October 7, 2024 Its been 10 months since I lost you and still everyday I miss you and look for you!! Kitty Callie you will always bee in my heart. You are in a better place with the other God animal kingdom. You will always be misses by Sharon and I will continue to pray everyday to God that he will look out for you!!! Send love to heaven Kitty Callie things are not the same with out you. I will continue to look out for you and miss you in the bed when I sleep. Sending a kiss to heaven on your forehead and a kiss to Winney and Brittian. Love you all and miss you!! November 7, 2024 Its been 11 months since I lost you that day and still everyday I miss you and look for you!! Kitty Callie you will always be in my heart . You brought the best love to us than we could ever ask for from any animal. My heart still and will always have a empty spot in it for you!! Sharon and I will always remember the great time we had with you for 19 years and the special moments we had together. Sending love to heaven kitty Callie things we never be the same. You are with God and you family and friends that you can run and play together. Kitty Callie sending love and kisses to heaven on your sweet forehead and a kiss to Winney and Brittian. Love you and miss you everyday!! December 7, 2024 Kitty Callie it has been one year since you left us to be with God and your family. You are never forgotten you will always be the best part of our life when we adopted you and brought you in to be a part of our family. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you or remember the good times we shared together. You will always be missed but not forgotten. I miss you laying with me on the bed and at night when you slept by my side. Your spot is always there for you! We will always remember the good time we shared together and the memories we had these past 19 years. Give Winney a hug and kiss from us and tell her she will always be missed. I know you are healthy and running free with your family. The weather is probably much better and warmer in heaven with God. I have been posting every month since that day God took you away from us. Sending kisses and hugs to heaven my beautiful kitty Callie. You will aways be missed and never forgotten. Jan 7, 2025 it been over 13 months since I said goodbye to you kitty Callie. When God took you on this date you will never be forgotten and missed everyday. We always looks for you Sharon and I miss you so much that you are in our everyday thoughts and prayers. The days are not the same without you and the months just seem to run together since God called you home. i know you are in a better place running free and playing with your kittens and Winney and friends. February 7, 2025 it has been 14 months since God took you home with him. There isn't a day or hour or minute that you are not in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you are running free with your kittens and Brittian enjoy Gods heaven. We miss you a lot the bed does not seem the same without you cuddle to me. Always looking outside for you kitty Callie were you like to lay at times. Yes the yard does seem empty without you patrolling your yard. The days and month just seem to run together and hear we are 14 months since we lost you that day. I know you are in a better place with God and all his other creatures. I just want you to know that one day we will meet at the rainbow bridge will we will stay together forever's know that time seems to stay still but those days will come. And it would seem like minutes since we were a part from each other. God bless you kitty Callie and tell Winney and Brittian we love you and miss you. March 7,2025 it has ben 15 months since God took you home with him. Callie not a day or hour or minute goes by that I am not thinking about you and Winney. I pray everyday that you are in a safe place with God and your family and friends. i am always looking outside for you kitty Callie and watch you walk your yard letting the other cats know this is your yard. The days and months seem to go by so fast that everyday runs together sine we lost you on that day ❤️. I know you are in a better place waiting by the rainbow bridge waiting for us to meet again and be together forever. i know it seems like forever but it will only be minutes. I miss you kitty Callie and tell Winney we miss her and sending love to heaven. Also tell Brittian that she we always have my heart also. God bless you Kitty Callie and tell Winney and Brittian we love them and miss them.❤️❤️❤️
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