Calypso is my beloved bearded dragon child. Sadly my laptop is playing up and I can't upload a photo of my baby, but he was and always will be my precious gift from God. I long to be with him again, and with God's help, when the timing is right, I will be. I have had pets all my life, whom I have loved extremely, but for someone who has never had human children, Calypso fulfilled those feeliings for me. When I would hold him in my arms, and sit beside him, I felt like a mum holding her new born baby in her arms. Thank you Calypso for giving me something no one else can ever do. ************************************************************************* Happy Birthday my precious little boy. Today you have turned six years old up in heaven. I so wanted to have you here with me on this very special day, but sadly in the early hours of 15th August of this year, you very courageously gave up your fight to life. You had been fighting for so long to live, and to stay with me, but sadly the disease took hold again, and this time it was too powerful for you to overcome. What am I going to do without you. I was so proud of you, how I would tell everyone I met about you, and what you had gone through. I am so proud now, and so honoured you chose me to be with. You gave me such confidence, you literally opened my world. Spyro seems lost without you. But Sadie will be happy to have you with her again. Keep close to Grandma and Grandpa, they will take extra special care of you. I know I will be with you again, because a love as strong as ours will never end, you are my one and only soul mate. God brought you into my life for a purpose, you were my rock, and you absorbed my sorrows and emotional pain, but unfortunately your wee body wasn't big enough to cope with it all. That is why you were so sick, and that is why I eventually lost you. But you tried, tried and tried again enduring lots of blood tests, x rays, injections, pokes and prods from your doctors and lots of yukky medication. And then there were the operations you endured. The loss of your left eye, the removal of your left arm, the biopies. Why would one so small have to go through so much. You deserved to live, but now you deserve to be pain free, and heaven was the only place for you to be. Calypso, you are my truest inspiration, and you were courageous to the very end. Thank you for being in my life. Mummy xxxx Very early hours Friday 26th September It's been six weeks since you left me Bubby. But we will never be separately. Not even death can do that. I miss you so much Calypso. Spyro needs your tender loving care from above. I miss your head-bobs. It feels so long ago since I saw a head-bob from you. Love you forever, Mummy xxxx
Hey my precious little boy angel Calypso Cheeky, In a few moments time 8 weeks back, you drew your last breath. Every breath was a struggle as you lay on me, and then I placed you down on the swab and moved you around a bit. I was worried you were getting a chill from the opening of the doors. I then moved away, not too far, but still away from your side, to get the remote for the heat pump, as I was worried you weren't warm enough. Silly old mummy then threw a sweetie into her mouth and chomped it up and then lay down beside you again. I waited to see your mouth open again so I would know you were still with me. But nothing happened. So I picked you up my baby boy, and your precious body had gone limp, your little legs were limp. And at that very moment my heart became limp, never to be lifted again. Love you more than what can be possible. Mummy xxxx Friday 7th November 1.23am My precious wee man, It's been 12 weeks this very a.m. that I lost you my baby boy. Last week I donated to The Animal Connection in your memory. This weekend, for 2 hours on Friday and 2 hours on Sunday, I will be collecting for the SPCA in your memory. We will always be joined my beautiful handsome boy, always. Love you more than life and living, Mummy xxxx
Merry Christmas my baby boy. I can't wait until we are together again. Keep watch over your Mummy my precious Calypso, because she needs you very much. God's blessings, Love Mummy xxxx Monday 9th March, 2015 My beloved baby boy. Today I finally managed to put your photo up on your beautiful headstone. It is not easy seeing it there. On Friday early morn, the 13th March, it will be 20 weeks since you went up to God's heaven. On this special day, you will have also turned 6 years six months, as you live on in heaven. This will be the perfect day for mummy to start the countdown, for when God chooses when I am to be with you again - God bless Baby Boy, Mummy xxxx 15th August 2015 My beloved baby boy Calypso, You are the light of my life and I miss you so very much. It's one year ago in the early hours of this very day that you left me. My heart yearns for you. I have never loved as deeply as I do you. You are my soul mate and my bestest little friend. Yesterday Mummy got a very special tattoo done of you baby boy. It was from a photo I took of you on the day Mummy heard your body was holding fluid, and the vet told me you were trying to die. I hang on to the hope that one day I will be with you in heaven, and that gets me through each and every day. Mummy loves you forever, from heaven to earth and to heaven again. God bless my little son of scales. Mummy xxxx ps Spyro sends love to her beloved boy buddy in heaven too. 13th September 2015 Happy Birthday my precious baby boy Calypso. What a very special day today is. You have turned 7 in heaven. Love and kisses, cuddles and hugs Mummy xxxx
To my precious son Calypso, whom I love with all my heart and more. You were my life baby boy and I miss you so much. Spyro keeps me going and helps me through the days, and she is a huge link to you. In a few months time I will be moving out of the family home, it will be sad, but nothing can ever compare to the heartbreak of losing you. I will never be whole again on this earth. But when I hold you in my arms in heaven my precious, then I will be again whole. Today I lit a candle for you, and the flame is burning lovely and bright. I hope you can see it my darling little boy. Merry Christmas in heaven baby boy. I hope and pray you will be with Mum and Dad and your Sadie.
It was two years ago by the day in the early hours of this morning that you left me for heaven. 104 weeks have passed since that day. The saddest day I will ever experience. But God knows what you mean to me, and I look forward to holding you in my arms in heaven.
Two years ago by the date just before 2am that morning, you sadly lost the battle you had fought for so long to stay alive. Mummy has put a lovely photo of you in a pretty sparkly turquoise frame, and there is a turquoise candle that is shining a very strong bright flame just in front of it. Tomorrow I am getting 'My beloved Calypso, My boy-child from God' placed on my arm beside your cherished picture. I will always love you my precious baby boy, and Mummy is going to try and create little bible story books in your memory. You are my greatest inspiration and my true soul mate, and I thank you Calypso for blessing my life. Love you forever, Mummy xxxx
To my very dear boy-buddy Calypso. I love you and I miss you. You made me happy and gave me confidence. Lots of love from your cherished girl-buddy, Spyro Lily Evans
Happy 8th birthday in heaven baby boy. I have had a good day, as I have reflected on you and done little things for you. But when I came to your rainbow bridge memorial, and hear the song 'In the arms of an angel', then the tears came. I have a candle going for you baby boy, and beside this candle is another very special candle I have had made especially for you. It has blue on the top and blue on the bottom, and a white dove in flight in the middle. Your full name is written on the candle, and 'Happy 8th birthday in heaven,' also today's date. Calypso you know what you mean to me, and how much I love you. I feel sad that God took you away so young, after you fought so very hard to live and fight your illnesses. I long for the day I hold my living breathing boy child in my arms again. I have never loved so deeply in all my life, and I thank you for everything you gave me. Give Mum and Dad and Sadie a hug from me, also all my other dear children gone before me. Thank you for the tears that I shed, the love in these tears are what life is all about. The love in these tears are you. Love you Calypso, be close to Mummy, and be happy my beloved 8 year old. Mummy xxxx
Happy 8th Birthday Boy Buddy, Mummy gave me eight wax worms today, one for each birthday year, and I got a little toy lizard like yours, and it's head can turn around too. Lots of love forever, Your girl buddy Spyro ..... PS I miss you so much Calypso, so does Mummy xxxx
Merry Christmas to my precious boy child Calypso Cheeky. I lit your Christmas candle today. I hope you saw it. I hope you were able to see me and Spyro today, and I hope so desperately that you were close by. Love forever,
2-1/2 years ago today I lost my greatest love ever. My beautiful Calypso. He fought so hard to live, but his wee lizard body wasn't big enough or strong enough to take on all what I laid on him. He came to me for a reason, and he was the greatest gift God has ever given me. To feel these mummy feelings he gave me was amazing. Both me and Spyro miss you so much baby boy. You gave Spyro confidence, and you gave me yourself. I felt sad this morning at life group, how I heard how some prayers are answered and others are not, because God had to take you away from me, But I will be with you again my little man, when it's my time to leave this world. Then I will be able to hold my living little boy in my arms again.
I wasn't able to write on here on the anniversary of when Mummy lost you because I couldn't access your special rainbow bridge number. Mummy got a special tattoo done on that day, of two angel wings, a pink one for Sadie, and a blue one for you. They are touching to make one, with your precious names in the middle. It was three years ago that you bravely took your last breath and went to heaven. Love you forever my son, your very proud Mummy xxxx
Happy happy birthday to the love of my life, my soul mate and my cherished baby boy child Calypso Cheeky Evans. Today you have turned that very special age of nine years old. Congratulations. I am so proud of you. l wish we were both together like it was when you were still a living little boy on this earth, but until the day I get to hold my living Calypso in heaven, I make do by enjoying your day remembering and reflecting on you. Spyro sends boy buddy all her love. She will get nine yummy wax worms today for you, and I have a wee gift to give her too, a little white finger puppet sheep. All our love forever and ever, Mummy, Spyro, Tiggy and Bettina. XXXX
My beloved Calypso, 10 years ago this early morn, Jesus lifted you up and carried you to heaven, so you could be pain free and healthy, and once again whole. Mummy will love you forevermore my precious child. xxxx
Happy sweet 16 my beloved little mannikins. 16 candles shine bright in heaven. Thank you for helping me through these last couple weeks, I couldn't have coped being in hospital without you on my arm,supervising, taking on the lure, giving me someone to focus on and to talk about. I will love you forever. Happy happy birthday my precious boy child from God. Mummy is so very proud of you. xxxx 25th December 2024 What can I say Calypso, except it has been 10 years and 4 months since I lost you, and my heart holds on to you so tenderly and lovingly. Thank you for helping me enjoy this Christmas Day. Thank you for being here with me. Mummy loves you my precious son, Your soulmate Mummy xxxx Please also visit Sadie Tim-tam Evans. |
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