Welcome to Cameron's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Cameron's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Cameron
We were always a dog family and somewhere along the line we decided that cats and dogs would never get along inside the same household. Due to that mistaken belief, we lived without cats for years. That all changed when Cameron came to live with us. My sister's Supervisor had to give him up because her husband-to-be didn't like cats. Her loss turned into one of our greatest gains. He and our dog, Samantha, grew to be best friends. Also, he learned to share our home with another cat so now our house will never be a home without both cats and dogs. Cam loved to chase birds, play scrunchie catch, and go for walks on a leash. Initially, he was so stand-offish that we nick-named him "Cud" but eventually he became a cuddly little soul who, widely smiled, when his belly was tickled. He was so good at catching things with his mouth, we told him he would be great on the Twins team. We would tell him, "Atta boy Cam"! We love you and miss you soooo much! Until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.

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