Welcome to Captain Jack's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Captain Jack
Our sweet gentle giant we are first and foremost so grateful for the 12 years that God lent you to us and our family.
Your life like was all in all a good one, unlike most of the others who came through our world, for that we are forever grateful.
You came in the Christmas of 2008 in a little purple box all wrapped up when you came out of that box you were just a ball of fur that grew into a 135 pound gentle giant over the years.
Our daughter bought you for her husband for Christmas after they lost their lab; they were good to you and like most as their family grew and children came you were just their dog. You would come over and stay with us when they traveled for sports or vacation.. We would keep you weeks at a time, at the age of two your stomach flipped. You were hospitalized for two weeks and you made it through the surgery. You were such a sweet boy. Fast forward you were four years old and we wanted you to have the life that you deserved.
You spent a lot of time alone because the kids were busy with their growing family so we went to our grandkids with a proposition lol. They by the way were very good negotiators LOL We offered them 500 dollars each if they would let you come live with us and they could have visiting rights anytime they wanted. They relinquished their ownership and you became ours!! You fit in so well, as you already knew this as your second home. You became our big gentle giant. Every morning you would wake to come down stairs to eat then you would take your morning walk around every inch of the 5 acres we have fenced in. That was your job, and even when you were old and could barely walk you would make your rounds just a bit slower. You loved the snow you would lay in it for hours if we let you. You loved us and you loved your food LOL. You never ever complained or did anything but give us joy. You didn't have health problems and you lived a great life until your legs just gave out. You would come up stairs to sleep every night and it became harder for you to get there. You would make it half way up and fall but we would be right behind you to lift and assist you the rest of the way because that was your joy! You fell a couple of times and we knew the end was nearing, then the last time you tried to make it up the stairs you feel down about six before we could get to you. Then the time came that you couldn't make it outside to potty. The day I looked in your proud eyes and saw that you were tired and that you didn't want to live a life less than you had for the twelve years we were blessed to have you I knew just as I had with all the others that it was time. So like the others I made the trip held your face in my hands and thanked you for the love and companionship you had given us for the twelve years we were blessed to have you. You now rest in the cabinet with the nine others. I love you Jacko and I will never find another big old white boy that was as gentle as he was big. Thank you our sweet boy for allowing us to be your people.
Hello sweet angel, Gosh I miss you. It is so weird not having that big old white ball of fur to look over as I type this and not be at my feet. You were the sweetest and most gentle giant and I will always recall your loyalty to our family. So many great adventures and so many trips to the beauty shop as I called Pet Smart for your Summer cut. I recall the last time you went as it took three hours I said to you that you were too old to stand that long so you will be our furry boy from now and on and you were. I miss you my baby and I will hold a forelorn place in my heart for our boy this first Christmas without you.
Good morning sweet boy! Mommy has left your candle for the service tonight lead the others to the service.
I saw a picture of two big white boys yesterday and they looked so much like you. Gosh I miss you and the knowing that for the first time in many years we will not have you for Christmas makes me sad. It snowed here yesterday and I was brought back to the memory of you laying out on the back deck. You loved the snow. You would lay out there til the ice balls were on your fur, we would have to say ok buddy it is time for you to come in . LOL Golly gee I am going to miss that towel by the door that we used to dry you off but more than that towel I am going to mess my big old white puppy laying at my feet this year.
Merry Christmas in Heaven Buddy!! Our first one in many many years without you.
Hello sweet boy I hope you have a wonderful New Year in Heaven this year. I miss you so much the first New Year has begun without you. I miss you so much.
Hello sweet boy it is cold and snowy here today. I can't help but think of you and how much you loved the snow. I miss seeing you lay out there and the ice balls that would drop off your fur when you decided to venture back in the house. I love you Jack always and forever
Hello sweet boy mommy has left your Valentine's Day things for your celebration in Heaven this year. This will be your first Valentines Day in Heaven I hope you enjoy the grand celebrations up there!!
Happy Spring baby boy! Our first one without you laying outside watching mommy in her flowers. We miss you so much!
I left a brush for you today. I was thinking this would be the time in your younger years we would head to the beauty shop for your #8 trim and in your later years we would just brush you and sit with you . I miss you Jack you were the best of the best my big white angel boy. Bella is a senior now and she is still our only child she is asleep as I type this. I pray she gets to stay a long time. I love you to the moon and back my gentle giant.
Happy New Year in Heaven sweet boy, it is cold here and I think of you and how you loved the cold weather. I remember in your later years I would have to bring you in so your bones wouldn't get stiff but oh how you loved the winter time.
Happy Fall Here!
Happy Spring my sweet boy I miss you so.
Well hello sweet boy ! Mommy wanted to share with you that we have added two new rescues to our family. One is a Wolf a Doodle , his name is Marley and man he reminds me of you in his sweet personality and the other is a Mountain Cur/Boxer mix named Duke which reminds me of your brother Buddy Jarvis. I will share some stories later but just wanted to stop in to say hello and I miss and love you big
Happy Thanksgiving to you sweet boy. You would love Duke he has such a sweet spirit! I hope you and all the others had a beautiful Turkey Day in Heaven.

Please also visit BELINDA SUE, BUDDY, Bud-Jones Jarvis, Kaizer, LUCKY GIRL, MADDIE, OLD GIRL, Princess, SCOOBY and TURBO JARVIS.

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