Welcome to CarlyBoo's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
CarlyBoo's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of CarlyBoo

Sept 7, 1994 -- July 8, 2012

aka: Carly, CarlyB, CarlyBoo, CarlyBooDog, BooDog, LittleGirlDog, FatFatWaterRat, KittyCat, PumpkinPie, IttyBitty,

Thursday. Something is wrong. CarlyBoo did not drink very much this am, when I took her out she did not go and her stroller was dry. I figured I missed the puddle upstairs, which explains why she wasn't thirsty. (She often drinks and pees at the same time.) mmmph... there must be a puddle somewhere. When I got home after class I noticed she did not eat all of her bkf, but I found the puddle and her Hansel and Gretel trail of poo treats. Something wasn't right. When I'm in the shower she usually stretches out on the living room floor and soaks up the early morning sun, Today she curled up in front of the shower. Carly did not feel well.

I took her to Dr. Tierse. I don't know what it is, his voice, his touch, or his love, but CarlyBoo always felt better when she saw him, but not today. The news was not good. She was in kidney failure. I took her home and tried to get her to eat and drink. She stayed with me Friday and Saturday. We stayed close and looked at each other confirming how special we were to each other. Neither one of us could sleep so I pulled out all the pictures I could find. We went through them and remembered the crazy things we did, all the places we've been, and all the people that touched our lives. We laughed about our wild adventures with Maxx and admired everything he taught us. We agreed that together we all had a rocking good life, and we were thankful for every day we had together. We knew that we were blessed to have known each other.

If you are a dog person you know their wags and their smiles. You know when they are sad or don't feel 100%. but the look you only see once is the one that begs you, please help me, help me say good-bye. On Sunday I took her back to the clinic. That evening with our faces together, our hearts entwined, and with the love and support of family and friends, we smiled and said, "see you later".

BooDog You will forever be in my Heart.


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