Welcome to Carly's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Carly
Ailey's Message: Carly was the sweetest, most affectionate cat I have ever known. Despite being born wild and living outside his whole life, he craved human attention all the time and I always knew he loved and appreciated the humans in his life. We always thought he was a girl, since the person who we adopted him from said that him and Cameo were both girls...but it turns out that he is actually a boy. I've always known him as a girl, so I'm not really sure if I should say "she" or "he" when writing about him. I'll use "he" for this section, and I'll include her Cat Of The Day post that I wrote in 2018, which refers to him as "she" after this segment. He loved to roll over on the ground, begging to be pet. Every single night I could always tell how happy he was to see me. He loved getting scratched on the side of his face. When we first adopted him with his sister Cameo, they were both very scared of humans. I am so proud of him for coming so far, and learning to trust as much as he did. What he always wanted more than anything was to feel love and affection, and I hope he felt how much we all loved and cared about him. I wish I had gotten a chance to say goodbye, I was so sure he would be alright. But I will always remember him and love him. I miss him so much, and his memory will live on forever. Carly - I love you times infinity and more. I always have and I always will.

Cat Of The Day post:
This sweet little gray bundle of fur is my Carly. Carly has just come back from a cat vacation! She gave me and my entire family a big scare earlier this month because she had disappeared. But she came back safely and I am overjoyed!

Carly is mostly an outdoor cat. I originally got her as a barn cat but she has come so far over the past year and a half. My family adopted her and her sister Cameo (who looks exactly like Carly, except her face is a little narrower!) when they were just about a year old and they were terrified of humans and being touched by anyone. They would just huddle together in their bed and sometimes hide under their bed. I sat with them for hours and slowly they began to relax when they were in my presence. It took longer for them to get used to being touched, but it happened eventually.

So then it became time for us to let them out of their cat cage. First we just let them get used to being in the barn and living there. I would go up there every night and give them fresh food and water. I would also sit with them and let them get used to eating around me. I would talk to them about everything. It took a long time, but finally I was able to earn their trust completely.

Finally we decided that we could let them roam free and we would give them the choice of weather or not they wanted to stay with us or not. I was really worried about letting them outside to be on their own because I had grown very close to them and I didn't want them to not come back. But it was the right thing to do.

Once we let them out, we still saw them from time to time and learned to (kind-of) tell them apart by the shape of their faces. Carly had a rounder face than Cameo. But then to my dismay they were both gone for a couple of weeks and I saw no sign of them. I grew very worried and scared for both of them. But I still kept up my routine of giving them food every night.

One night when I was doing this, I heard a faint little squeak. At first I didn't know what it was, but after listening for a while I discovered that it was Carly! She was back! But Cameo was not with her.

Carly meowing became common every night and I would always make meowing noises back at her as if we were really communicating! She started to follow me down back to the house whenever I left and so I started to feed her on the porch. Eventually I even could pick her up. We were bonding and forming a relationship that is very special to me.

But still there was only one little gray cat. Not two.

I figure that when Carly and Cameo went outside and disappeared, something must have happened to Cameo. But Carly had been with her sister for her whole life. She had never been on her own. So she must have found her way back to us and because she was probably very lonely, she reached out to us. We happily took her in with open arms. My heart was bursting with happiness! But that little part of it that had grown close to Cameo as well still ached. Carly and I dealt with our sadness over Cameo together and now we are as close as ever! We both still miss Cameo but at least we have each other to love.

Carly just love to be scratched behind her ears. When someone does this. She will lean against your hand and lay down and sometimes roll over with delight!

Carly still has the habit of disappearing for a week or so now and then and making me very worried and anxious. But she will always be my Darling Carly that I love so very much!

Marley's Message: I remember the first time I met Carly and his sister Cameo in 2015. Carly was nervous and timid at first, but he grew more comfortable around the family over time. Carly was definitely always the sweetest cat that our family had. Even though I did not spend as much time with him as I did the other animals because he was an outdoor cat, every time I did, I was always greeted with friendliness. I remember seeing Carly in the airlock, or in the parking lot at night. Whenever I saw him out there, I would always go outside and pet him. His meow was so sweet and quiet. I will miss those moments. Carly, you will be remembered forever. No cat could ever replace you, I love you and always will. <3

Mommy(Corry)'s Message: Carlsbad came to us as a rescue barn cat in 2015. Her sister, Cameo, disappeared within days and would occasionally be spotted on the property in subsequent years. Carly took awhile to get comfortable with the domedwellers, but after a year or so was a frequent fixture around the dome, even during the daytime. She was especially present at night, and loved to get pet and just generally be kept company. Her sweet meow could be heard at night when she wanted this company, and she would race after anyone going up the dome front steps. She didn't seem to have a mean bone in her body, and I never once heard her hiss or growl. She considered us to be her pack, even if the other pets did not. She will be dearly missed. She was my FAVORITE cat, simply because she was never any trouble and was so sweet. Carly, I wish you a lovely warm bed up in heaven, with lots of nice cats to play with, plenty of canned food, and many human hands to pet you.

Ezra's Message: Carly was a rescue cat we agreed to take care of, though it took some some time she became connected to us and every now and again you would hear her sweet meow calling that she wanted company. It took a bit of sitting but once she allowed you to pet her she wouldn't stop cuddling with you unless you went inside. she once followed me all the way to the yurt and stayed they're until I left and followed me back. She would role over on her back when you pet her, she is proof that cats do like attention and are not as antisocial as people think.
I wish I could of pet you one last time. I cant believe there is still a whole life left to live without you carly. I hope you have nice and cozy cat bed in heaven with what everything you desire. We all will miss you so much Carley <3

Daddy (Barton)'s Message: Thank you Carly
You showed us that little can be powerful.
You showed us that timid can be brave.
You showed us that shy can also preen, and show off.
You loved affection, even as you ran from it.
You joined our family, even as you hid out on the edges.
Thank you Carly, for letting us find all these qualities in you when we took the time to look closely. Thank you for choosing to live your life around us. Thank you for being exactly who you were. You were -- you are -- a beautiful soul. Even as we miss you, you will be in our hearts, forever.

Harper's Message: Carly, throughout the years that I have known you, you have always been a sweet, laid back cat. Even though I didn't get to spend a lot of time with you, you always were nice to me when I did. You would never scratch or bite me, and when you warmed up to me you were very affectionate. I wish I got to spend more time with you, and I miss you very much <3. I'll always remember and love you, Carly.

Carly, even though the other animals didn't accept you as part of the pack, you still were, and always will be. Deep down I know that Pixie, Blaze, Kitcat, Frida and Monty all love and miss you too.

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