Welcome to Carmela's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Carmela's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Carmela
Carmela, you came into my life in summer 2002, when a friend gave you to me. I immediately fell in love with your sweet personality, and you and my other cat, Moonie, became fast friends. It's been a month now, and I still can't believe you won't be there when I come home, wanting food and snuggles. I have so many good memories of you, like the time you tried to dig Moonie out when she got stuck behind some file boxes. I couldn't figure out why you were clawing at the carpet until I investigated and realized that Moonie was back there. I remember another time when I was really stressed out from work, and I lay on the bed, trying to relax, without much success, until you jumped up and snuggled up beside me, purring loudly.

Some memories are funny. You and Moonie used to like to make kitty forts out of paper bags. One time you came into my bedroom basically wearing a paper bag. I had neglected to cut the handles off, and you had stepped through one and couldn't extricate yourself. You were very indignant.

You were snuggly, sweet, vocal, and opinionated. The staff at the kitty hotel where you sometimes stayed said you cried out for attention whenever they walked past, and that they could always tell what you were thinking.

I am so grateful for the time I had with you. I only wish it could have been longer, but I like to imagine you and Moonie playing together again by the Rainbow Bridge, happy and healthy. Have fun there, sweetie. I love you.

6-2-2017: I still miss you so much, sweet Carmela. I just want you to know I will never forget you.

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