Carshion my adorable son, the joy of my life, my shadow and best friend came into my life at 6 weeks old and will never leave. My son that gave me unconditional love & acceptance. Carshion protected me and never left my side. He was a joy and a household name to the entire family. Carshion knew my emotions and showed sadness when I was sad. Carshion would never let me out of his sight. He always watched me from every angle. If I move he moved. Carshion would get so excited when I sit in the couch; it was his queue to jump in and snuggle up to me. Carshion waited for me to finish my meals then he would push my plate away from my lap to make room for himself. Carshion knew how to snuggle and the perfect position to snuggle when we would watch TV or just sleeping in the couch. Carshion would watch me cook from start to finish and he showed content doing so. Carshion would pull his toys one by one and ran them to the middle of the living room playing and growling. Carshion loved his walks and would ran for joy when I utter 'ready to walk' . My beloved son was my companion, my heartbeat and mummy's trooper for almost 11 years. He barked at any and everything, he alerted mommy to all crawling objects in our home. He watched through the windows and barked at even a bird that flew by. Carshion had the ability to know a visitor was arriving even before the door bell rings. Carshion my dearest best friend, Love you๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐โค๏ธ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐บJune 09: Dear my beautiful Carshi, mommy is still crying so much because I miss you, I miss our walks, our bond at home and I can't wait to see you again. I know you are here with me in spirit but I miss looking at you, hugging you, kissing you on your forehead and talking to you. Love you my beloved Carshion. ๐ผJune 10: Mommy cries and mourns you not being here with me but I feel your presence watching me like you use to. Mommy is not the same since you left, you took a piece of my heart with you Carshi. I won't be the same until I see you again beyond the clouds. I hope you find a friend in rainbow meadows and you are having fun playing and watching from above. ๐ทJune11: Carshi mommy still crying for you. I miss you so much. Our home now feels empty and is deafen with silence. It's just not the same here without you. I love you Carshion. ๐พJune 14th: my beloved son I brought you home in your urn today. Your vet also gave mommy your paw prints. I'm happy you are home but I'm so sad. I keep visioning you greeting me and being so happy when I'm home. I cry everyday for you Carshion. Mommy takes comfort in knowing you are in a better place and is at peace but it's so hard to continue without you. Miss you Carshi and God will bring us together again in heaven. ๐June 17th: Dear my beloved son, today is 2 weeks since you left mommy and went to heaven. I miss you more and more everyday and mommy feels like she can't go much longer without you. Help mommy to be strong. I know you are ok in heaven but it's so hard for mommy to accept. Love you Carshi and mommy can't wait to see you again. ๐ธJune 24th: My beloved Carshion today is 3 weeks since you went to heaven. I know you are in good company because I see you every day playing and being happy with other fur Angels. Mommy cries for you daily and misses you more & more everyday. I know you are waiting to see mommy again and mommy's faith will let us be together again. Miss you my beloved son and you will forever be in my heart. I love you Carshion. See you again I promise. Be good to the other fur angels and smile at mommy from above. ๐Jul 01: Hello my sweet angel Carshion. Today is 4 weeks since you went to heaven. Mommy misses you very much and talks about you everyday to anyone that will listen. I am crying while I'm writing you this message, somehow please let mommy know that you went to heaven due to no ones fault. I think about you soooo much and wish I could take back leaving you at that place. Please forgive mommy and I love you. See you again my Carshion. God will let it happen. Love you ๐Jul 08: Hello mommy's sweet angel. It's now 5 weeks since you went to heaven and mommy's heart still aches. I know you are a special angel now and you are here with me but I miss you like crazy. I can't stop thinking about what you would be doing at each moment of the day. I love you Carshion and we will see each other again beyond the clouds. Mommy refresh your bouquet ok. ๐ดJul11: Hello My sweet Carshion. Today was yet another sad day for Mommy. Memories of you were overwhelming. I told our neighbour Pat how I still cry for you everyday and that I was planning on getting another best friend just like you. You can't and will never ever be replaced but mommy miss having a best friend around the house. I cried for you tonight and I'm posting a beautiful poem for us. I took it from rainbow bridge site. ๐ผJuly15; Hi my Carshion, mommy remembers you with love on your 6th week since you went to heaven. Mommy misses you very very much and thinks about you everyday. I hope you are being strong and watching mommy from above. Love you my beloved son ๐Jul22: Hello my sweet angel. 7 weeks since you went to heaven and mommy misses you more and more everyday. Mommy knows you are here in spirit and wishes she could see you. That would bring such great joy to our home again. Mommy sending you another sweet poem. It's just about how mommy feels everyday. from rainbow bridge. ๐ทJul29: My beautiful son, I keep seeing little doggies like you which makes mommy cries. I miss you so much and can't wait to see you again. It's 9 weeks since you went to heaven but I know you are here with me in spirit. My sweet angel, mommy sending you lots and lots of kisses & hugs. Just wish I could see you. Thinking of you always my Carshi and Mommy loves youโค๏ธ ๐พAug05: Dear my beloved Carshion, It's already 10 weeks since you left for heaven and mommy is still mourning your loss in great pain. The sorrow is not going away my son. Mommy is trying to be happy but missing you is overwhelming at times and I still think about you every minute of the day. Help mommy to be strong until we are together again. Mommy loves youโค๏ธ ๐Aug12: Hello my dear son, mommy is visiting you to say hi and to tell you that you will always be in my heart. I think of you daily and I miss you like crazy . Have fun in heaven my angel until we see each other again. Love you Carshi. Your mommy Carol. ๐ดAug19. Mommy leaving you a poem popoo! Miss you! ๐ธAug26: Dear my Carshi, mommy Is here with you and writing you a note to remind you that mommy loves you and thinks of you everyday. It's not getting any easier popoo. Only keeping busy helps me to get by without you. Love youโค๏ธ ๐ผSept02: Carshi another week as past since you went to heaven. Mommy sees you at home everyday in the butterflies and little animals that come around now. I don't remember seeing them around when you where here with me. Miss you and Mommy is so sad without you. Love you my poopo. Our bond can not be broken nor forgotten and I'm leaving you a poem. ๐ดSept09: Hi my beloved Carshi. Mommy checking in on you. I cried for you more this week because I swear you are the special butterfly that comes around when mommy is watering plants. The butterfly even waited at the door like you use to. I know we will be reunited again and I miss you so much. Mommy leaving you another poem. I just love leaving poems for you. It's how mommy express missing you๐โค๏ธ ๐Sept16: My dearest Carshion, mommy's journey without you it not easy. I miss you wholeheartedly and know we will reunite again. We did in my dreams. Love you poopo!!! Of course I'm leaving you another poem. For, In my dream, not long ago, an angel came to me....and said, "I'll take you to a place I think you'd like to see...... I awakened at that moment...the dream had been so real, that tears were on my pillow, for I love and miss you still..... ๐ณSept23: hello my Carshi, I hope you are having fun in heaven and not overwhelmed about us being apart like I am. I love & miss you so so so much. Sending you lots of kisses & hugs. ๐ปSept30: Carshion, mommy checking in on you. Miss you a lot. Love you always โค๏ธ ๐ถOct07: my sweet Carshion I miss you and mommy won't let you die, You will live on in my heart, and nothing can take you away from me now. I will carry you wherever I go, and I will love you forever. Death is not powerful enough to break the bond we share. I will keep you alive in my heart, in my mind, and at the very core of my soul. I love you so much, and thank you for everything - my protector, my team mate, my son. I love you dearly.โค๏ธ ๐ฏOct15: Hello My Carshi, mommy made a decision to start writing to you monthly instead of weekly; But it's so hard for mommy to visit and not write to you. I know you are waiting for me poopo and I miss you so so much. Love Youโค๏ธ ๐November 10, 2016 ๐ตJune 03, 2017 ๐Beyond The Rainbow (From Carshion to mommy)
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