My friend and protector. I miss you so much. My heart is broken. Our time together was so short. It seems like yesterday I turned around at the shelter and saw you, huge ears and all, looking at me as if to say "What took you so long?". We bonded instantly and the people there would not let me leave without you. As if! You even threw up in our car on the way home. I remember that first night with you in your forever home I slept right on the floor with you in my arms and sang you to sleep. You were so cute and small. From the moment I saw you, you had my heart Sweet Pea. I know you are running and jumping and free. I'm free! I'm free! Remember running along the ocean and over the rocks? How you ran to daddy after you jumped through the camper window? No way were you going to stay in there by yourself when Mommy and Daddy were outside! My tears come too quickly now and Chrissy says that is you, tugging at my heart, letting me know you are here. I know you are Sweet Pea. I talk to you every night and every morning. I say hello and good night to you. It is the only way I can get through this. Lilly misses you terribly. She hasn't eaten since Monday. It's been hard for me to eat too. I know you don't want us to get sick, but we need to mourn. We hurt so much. Lilly and I take comfort in each other. She looks for you and paces the hall. Truman, well he's just the puppy. The baby who needs attention. He misses you too, but doesn't understand what happened to his friend. Casco, until we meet again my friend, I will miss you with every breath I take. I love you January 1, 2009. Happy New Year Casco. So many people have sent there love to you. Everyone who met you, loved you. I am doing better but my heart still aches. One of the mommy's who signed your guestbook wrote a beautiful Indian proverb~ "The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears". My soul is definitely full of rainbows these days. Lilly still hasn't eaten and is looking for you. I comfort her and give her tummy rubs. She did eat a little bit last night from Daddy's hands, but not much. We both miss you terribly. I will follow you my friend.....until then. I love you. January 4, 2009. It has been one week and my tears still come so frequently. I miss you so very much my big boy. Are you being a proud boy, running around with all of your new friends? When you can, find Mac and give him a big kiss from you and me, ok? He deserves it Sweet Pea. He was such a good baby. I think of you every day my love and miss you with every breath I take, still. Until we meet again, I love you. January 6, 2009. Hi My proud boy. I am bringing you home to me tomorrow. I know your soul and spirit are all around me. Remember: "You may only be one person to the world.But you may also be the world to one person."~ by Anonymous ~ You were my world. I dedicate this to you my Casco, for you loved, trusted, needed, wanted, accepted and desired me: January 7, 2009. Hello My Sweet Pea. I brought you home today. You are home with your Lilly Girl, Truman and Mommy. I want you back in my arms big boy. I can't stop hurting. I miss you so. Good Morning my beautiful boy. It's been awhile since I last wrote but seconds since I thought of you. The pain is still as fresh today as it was this time last year, knowing how you were suffering so. My heart still aches for you. I miss you and hope you can somehow know that. Are you happy and running free again? That is my biggest wish for you. That you are running and jumping again. I wish I could turn the clock back to the first day I saw you and freeze time there. Thank you for the joy, compassion, understanding and unconditional love you gave me. You are always in my heart Sweet Pea. I think of you with every breath I take. Still. It's that time of year. Almost Christmas, and I miss you so much. I've cried every day for you my big boy. My heart aches so much for what I had to do. The pain is as fresh as it was the day I said goodbye to you. I go on but my life is so empty without you. I do see you and feel you everywhere. I want you back Casco. I want you back. Are you playing with Judge? You would have loved him. I hope he found you and you met him when he crossed the bridge on my birthday. My heart can't take much more pain. I love you so...... Hey Sweet Pea. Do you hear me saying good morning EVERY day? I tell you how much I miss you and want you back. Happy Easter proud boy. I miss you more than you will ever know. You touched my life in a way I can not describe. You saved my heart and for that, you will always be there. I love you so Casco. I want you back. I love you. I miss you. I ache for you. Missed with every breath I take. FOR ALL I'VE BEEN BLESSED WITH IN MY LIFE. THERE WAS AN EMPTINESS IN ME. I WAS IMPRISONED BY THE POWER OF GOLD. WITH ONE KIND TOUCH YOU SET ME FREE. LET THE WORLD STOP TURNING, LET THE SUN STOP BURNING. LET THEM TELL ME LOVE'S NOT WORTH GOING THROUGH. IF IT ALL FALLS APART,I WILL KNOW DEEP IN MY HEART,THE ONLY DREAM THAT MATTERED HAD COME TRUE. IN THIS LIFE I WAS LOVED BY YOU. Oh Casco, you are the only dream that mattered. Thank you beautiful boy. December 25, 2011. Merry Christmas My Sweet Pea. I still have a broken heart. Do you hear me every day tell you how much I want you back in my arms? Running and jumping and knocking me down and licking my face. But most of all when I was sad you would sit in front of me and put your paw on my lap to tell me you were there for me. You are my treasure and I love you so. You will never be forgotten beautiful boy. I love you so very much~still. December 29, 2011. I miss you so much. I love you proud boy. Mac, I say good morning to you every day. You, little one, are always remembered in my heart as well. I hope you both are running free of pain, happy and having the time of your lives. You both are sadly missed beautiful angels. January 2, 2012. Hey Beautiful Boy. I want to let you know how much I miss you. This job is beating me to death. It re-enforces the hatred, stupidity and ignorance that runs rampant in humans. I am so thankful I found you and was able to know your love. I hope I did right by you Sweet Pea. Know that I can't wait to be with you. I have to believe you are in heaven, or somewhere animals are treated with kindness, respect and dignity. Hopefully they will treat us humans the same, if we are worthy. I don't know how they can use "human" and "kind" in the same word. I love you Sweet Pea. Until we are together again. Run free. Hey, have you found beautiful Stanley? Please give him a hug and tell him Mommy misses him terribly too. I wish I could have been with him when he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Daddy misses him too. March 19, 2012. It still has not gotten any easier. I miss you so very much, especially on hard days like today. My beloved fur babies, I miss you all. I love you Sweet Pea, give Stanley, Mikey, Cody and everyone big kisses for me. Happy Spring tomorrow beautiful boy. January 14, 2013. My heart still aches beautiful boy. Do you know how much I love you, still? I hope you found Stanley and Steve's kitties and they are all curling up with you, running with you and loving you. I can not express to you what joy you brought to my life. It is not any easier. Missing you with every breath I take Sweet Pea. xoxo Mommy. March 31, 2013. Happy Easter Sweet Pea. I still love you and miss you with every breath I take. I am glad for the pain in my heart, it means we had a never ending love. I know I will love you and miss you until we meet again. Truman and Lilly send their love up to you. I hope you are running free and playing hide and seek with all of the other fur angels. Until we are together again, know you are always in my heart. I adore you Casco, and did from the moment I saw you. May 20, 2013. Casco, I had to let Lilly go today. Go meet her at the bridge Sweet Pea. Stick together until I can join you. My heart hurts all over again and now I will be saying hello to you both. I want my dogs back. I love you both with every breath I take. Run free Lilly Girl, run free beautiful. I love you so~ December 24, 2013, Casco and My Beautiful Lilly Girl. My heart still aches for you both. I miss your kisses, I miss you more than my heart can express. I hope you hear me talking to you every single day. You both filled my life with such joy and happiness and letting you go was the hardest thing I have ever done. Lilly's last kiss on my face is embedded in my memory and on my broken heart. I want my dogs back. I love you both and miss you with every breath I take. ANYONE WHO CARES FOR ANIMALS AND WANTS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, PLEASE CLICK ON THIS LINK. IN MEMORY OF MAC, MAYBE WE CAN ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE A VOICE TO SPEAK AND BE HEARD. MAC's Rainbow Residency: December 31, 2014. I still miss you with every breath I take. So much has happened in this year Sweet Pea. I lost Lilly girl, I lost daddy, Grammy just lost Angus. Go meet him at the bridge Sweet Pea. Another broken heart was made yesterday. I moved in with the love of my life and am trying to put back together the pieces of a broken heart. I am doing it but it is a heavy heart. I miss you so much and I miss Lilly Girl. This time of year always makes my heart break. Did you find Daddy? I cant believe he is gone. I hope you are running and he is laughing, without a care in the world. Another year has come and gone, seemingly in the blink of an eye. I miss you and Lilly with every breath I take. I love you Sweet Pea. Until we meet again. March 29, 2015. Hello Casco and Lilly Girl and Angus! Did you meet Lady Bug at the bridge yesterday? Heaven got another angel. Show her around and keep her close, she will probably be a little scared for a while. Let her know she will be thought of every day, how much she was loved and to send a rainbow sign when she can that she is running free of pain once more. December 27, 2016. Almost Happy New Year my babies. Casco and Lilly girl, I miss you both so much. Did you hear my whispers Christmas Eve? There isn't a day that goes by that I don't say your names out loud and how terribly I miss you both. I hope you both, along with Angus and Lady Bug are running free and having an amazing time. I love you babies, until we meet again. December 27, 2018. Hello my babies. Casco and Lilly, I hope you are together and met Truman at the bridge. I lost him in September suddenly and my heart broke all over again. The pain of losing all three of you is gut wrenching. We had a wonderful family, the four of us. I miss you all with every breath I take. Christmas Eve was hard this year, but I made it. I hope you got the prayer and love I sent up to all of you. I hope too, that my love for you will carry on in your hearts. Take care of each other until we meet again. I love you all so. January 1, 2020 for December 2019. My babies. It's hard this time of year for so many reasons. My heart hurts because I miss you all so much. My little Truman, I hope you are having fun with Casco and Lilly. I donated your toys yesterday to babies who are less fortunate and waiting for a forever home. I hope that's ok. Casco, are you and Lilly running fast and strong? Don't forget to wait for Truman! His little legs aren't as long as yours. December 31, 2024. We lost Grammie Thanksgiving day of 2023. I can't take the pain. I miss you all so much. I need all of you on top of me in the bed, comforting me through my tears and heartache. I hope Truman and Moji are having a blast. Apparently living with a broken heart is something I do quite well. You all are in my heart. Thank you for your love. |
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