Welcome to Casey's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Casey

From day one, you were special and one-in-a-million. You and your head-butts always brought a smile to my heart. You commanded each and every room you entered. You and I were meant to be together.

Thank you for trusting me by being such a trooper while we traveled around the country following the sun being a Golf Professional. You always wanted to be close when we were in the car.

Thank you for being my Guardian in our homes. You were the protector while I was gone. You were always waiting for me in the windows and by the door when I'd come home. You always knew when I was coming home to you.

You were the perfect companion on our journey to California in 2005. I know you weren't happy being in the car that long but you were purring right next to me for many of those 39 hours. I admire your strength and trust.

You always knew how to push my buttons. You are the most 'human' cat ever. You knew what your were doing at all times and never settled on anything. Our world was your show. You brought so much spirit, curiosity, and love to my life.

Thank you for opening yourself up to Jennifer and Jayme two+ years ago. I know you didn't like sharing me with two other 'women'. You gave Jennifer and Jayme 'tough' love and they didn't know if you'd come around. YOU CERTAINLY DID! I know you loved, trusted, and watched over both of them as they were your own now. Everything and every little corner in this house has been touched by you. You are all over our home.

I will never know what you were feeling this past Thursday, October 3rd, 2013. I'm sorry if you were in a lot of pain. Thank you for letting Jennifer and Jayme be close to you while I wasn't home. THANK YOU for letting me pick you up from the couch and hold you one last time at home. You waited for me. I felt you let go and melt in my arms.

You were so brave and trusting in the Adobe Animal Hospital. I wanted to do anything to give you another 16 years. It was time. You fought for and lived a full life especially these last few years when your body wasn't working at 100%. YOU GAVE US 100%. I will never forget our last few moments together with Jennifer. You went to sleep and my wish is that you're at peace.

I miss you. I cry because I miss you and love you so much. You are everywhere in my life. Jennifer and Jayme miss you so much too. Thank you for giving us your special gift of love and life. You are MY CASEY now and forever. You are in heaven now and God will take great care of you. I will always have you in my heart. I know I will see you when it's my time to join you in heaven. You and I will always be together.

All our love,
Brad, Jennifer, and Jayme

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