Welcome to Casper's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Casper's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Casper
...Sweet feathered baby... so loved...so very missed.

I know your wings are breathtaking on the Rainbow of Golden colors! I miss you at feeding time!

Dear Casper,

You were the tiniest little bird when you were born. It's a miracle you survived at all.

I named you Casper because you were all white. What a beautiful bird you were, so grand with those white feathers and when you got older even more grand in beauty.

From the start you were unwanted. Your mother rejected you, the other peacocks rejected you because you were different from them.

When you were just a baby you took bread right from my hand.I always made sure you ate first to be sure you got enough food and then the other peacocks had their turn.You made your rounds around our community and at 5'oclock every night there you were, at my door, waiting to be fed.

When you went missing we searched for you, fearing someone stole you. After a few weeks we were told you were just next door at another community.Were you accepted there? Did they treat you better? Maybe not because you came HOME again.What a sight you were Casper, all white sitting in the tree. People stopped to stare at your elegance, your beauty.

You trusted us in the community didn't you? We let you down somehow. How could we have known you would be killed. The workers found your beautiful white feathered body sprawled on the ground, a shot gun wound they say. How could this be? How could someone have taken you from us? For what reason?

I am grieving for you. I miss you so much. I still look at the trees and rooftops thinking I will catch a glimpse of your elegance, but you are gone.

I didn't sleep for three nights and on Thursday came home and there it was...Don and Wilma left me a gift. It was one of your long white feathers. I could barely breathe when I saw it. I held it close to me. It was all I had left of you my sweet angel.I wish now I never prayed for you to come HOME. Had you stayed next door you would still be adorning trees, you would still be with us.

Man is so selfish, we want what is meant to be free.You are free now, I know you are with my Fifi and I will see you both again. I am so sorry you were hurt, I hope you forgive man's cruelty,but I know that I cannot.

I will miss you always...

Please also visit FiFi and OCHI.

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