Welcome to Casper's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Casper's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Casper

Casper, you were a hoot! You were our beautiful angel here on Earth, what a beautiful darling soul you were and you brought more love to our life than anything else I have experienced. I am so glad I picked you and your sister, Flossy, from Granny's Litter. You were a little mischievous kitten but my God, did you fill our lives with all the compassion, empathy, emotion, kindness, generosity of your little spirit, and the most sensitive and kind-hearted nature you showed your little sister, Flossy, who misses you every single day. She misses you washing her ears and soothing her to sleep in your big brother paws. What a difference you made to my life in 14 years. I did not experience that love before, until I had you and Flossy in my life. Big Boy, I miss you every single moment and minute of the day and not a minute goes by that I do not think of something that you used to do, or your little (or big!) meows and your lovely eyes and sweet face looking at me when I opened my eyes in my morning. What a joy you were and its so hard to accept that you are forever gone in our lives. I was not expecting that you would be gone in a few weeks when we brought you to the vet. I am so sorry that we were not more vigilant and attentive last year - to your weight loss and loss of appetite over time and then your crying going to the toilet. I blame myself most of all, but also the vets just did not do anything in time and put everything down to Old Age.

Casper, WE MISS YOU BUDDY, WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW AND WE MISS YOU MORE EVERY DAY. It has only been three weeks since you passed and it is agony to lose you and not see you again. I just miss your silliness, your little play fights with Flossy, your excessive appetite when you were younger, your love to everyone, your zest for life, your love for your little sister, Flossy and your gratitude for giving you a home - a home that you made so much better my sweet petal.


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