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Memories of Cassie
Cassie, your beautiful blue eyes melted everyone's heart. Anyone who met you fell instantly in love with you. But you will always be "Daddy's Big Girl". When you first jumped into your mom's lap and I called you a traitor because you never went into anyone's lap other than your daddy's. Little did I know you were just bringing us together under your spell to become a family.

You were always there for me. Anytime I looked into your intelligent, beautiful eyes I saw love and understanding. It was almost like you understood everything that I told you. You listened to both me and your mother with understanding. Because whether it was me or your mom you loved us both equally as we do love you.

How do I put 20 years worth of love into a few words when my heart is breaking. You were our "Sassy" baby with fur. You welcomed your human sister with love and welcomed 3 furry brothers with love. Although you gave your first brother a little attitude when he first joined our family. But after some time you came to except him and love him. The other 2 you tolerated but excepted. You wound up teaching your first brother the ropes like opening closet or bedroom doors that weren't completely closed. Then you sat back and watched him get into trouble for doing what you taught him.

You brought so much love to our lives and we will miss you to no end.

8/27/2014 Hello my precious Angel. I miss you Cassie. I am really lost without you. Your brother Lucky is not handling things too well either. In fact he was laying in your carrier. I think you need to talk to him and tell him all is well with you. Your Dad and I heard you MEOW on Sat. I thought I was losing it but daddy heard you too. You gave him so much of you and he tries to hold up but his heart will never heal. Have you seen Megera yet or Dusty or Misty? I am sure you are romping around like a baby kitten but I am selfish and wish you were still here. I miss and love you so very much...Mommy!

9/4/2014 Hello my little Angel Girl. 2 weeks today and it doesn't get any easier. I was talking to you today and telling you that I have never lived in our home without you and here I am trying to get through another day without you. I miss you so much that my heart is so broken and I don't know how to fix it. I don't know how your dad is feeling or what he is thinking ...he doesn't say much. He looked at me weird yesterday because I was talking to a Dragonfly and calling it Cassie. It is just so empty here without you! I love you with all my heart, Cassie...Your Mommy

9/21/2014 Hello my Cassie girl. Mommy misses you so much. Today is 1 month since you have left us and I am still in disbelief. The tears still come and the heart still aches. I have so many memories of you and how beautiful you are. I hope you have found lots of friends but it doesn't make it any easier being without you. I love you, Cassie and miss you with all my heart. I just wish you were still here in my arms, my sweet angel...Mommy

9-21-14 It is hard to believe that you've been gone for a month now. It seems like yesterday that I held you in your arms. Daddy's Big Girl. Every morning when I get up for work and go back to feed Patches I look into your room as if you are still there. I still haven't washed the shirt that I wore the last time I held you. I can't bear to wash it yet because it has your hair all over it. Big Girl I miss you so much! I hope you are missing me as much as I miss you and one day we will see each other again. Then you can tell me how much fun it is there and all the friends you have there too. I love you and miss you my Big Girl!....Daddy!

10/3/2014 Hello sweet girl..just dropping in to say hello and tell you how much I miss and love you. My heart is so heavy..just not sure what to do anymore Cassie. I have needed you to cry to and you're not here. I miss our "girl time" I love you so much, Cassie girl!..Mommy

12/31/14 My beautiful sweet girl..I may not come here often but I think about you always..I want to tell you how much I love and miss you..I have started to volunteer for a few months now at a cat house. I actually feel like I am needed. They like YOU are precious furbabies. I have thought about adopting but just not sure what I should do. Maybe you can give me a sign and let me know, Cassie...I miss you so much...just not the same....I love you,sweet girl...Mommy

10/27/15 My sweet Cassie, Please forgive me for being a little late on your 1 year anniversary. I remembered it but was hard to come here and write something. Things still are not the same without you. We don't hear you anymore so I guess that means you have found your way and are happy.Me and your Dad ended up adopting not 1 but 2 furbabies. Their names are Harvey & Ellen. Can you imagine that? They were both sick and I nursed them to health and once healthy could not give them back to the cathouse. What a sucker I am. Still can't believe you have been gone 14 months. We talk about you often and miss you so very much. I love you, Cassie girl..Mommy

4/4/16 Hello sweet Angel girl. I sure do hope you are having the time of your life. I miss you Cassie.

7/31/17 My sweet Angel,Cassie..Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. Can't believe it will be 2 yrs on 8/24/17 I wonder if you hear me when I talk to you at nights when I am all alone. That is when we used to spend OUR time together. Mommy has been sick a bit more lately and wish I could hold you and have you look in my eyes and look deep inside my soul like you always did. I miss you so very much and love you with all my heart!! Mommy

7/31/17 Oh how I miss you my big girl! I miss your meow in the mornings when I'm getting ready for work and how you would look at me with your beautiful blue eyes. It doesn't take much to make me remember you. I sometimes still feel you jumping on the bed and snuggling by my arm. I sometimes even hear you when I'm outside the door of your bedroom and catch a glimpse of you in the corner of my eye. I know that you will always be with me. I love you and miss you Big Girl!.....love daddy!

9/5/2018 Hello my beautiful sweet girl.I cannot believe it has been 4 years that you have left us Cassie and not a day goes by that we don't miss you. I am sure by now you have found your brother Lucky. He went to the Rainbow Bridge on August 9. Please take care of him for mommy. You know how he can get into trouble. I am sure he has also found Trouble..You know how them 2 always got into trouble. I love you so very Much...Mommy

9/24/19 Merry Christmas Big Girl...Love and miss you so very much!
9/8/2020 Love and miss you so much Cassie girl. Think about you often. Daddy still really misses his BIG GIRL!

Please also visit Dusty.

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