Welcome to Cede's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cede
We are so very heartbroken over the loss of you Cede, our baby girl. You meant everything to us and it hurts so bad to have lost you at such a young age. You truly put up such a heroic fight the last few days of your very precious life. The out pouring of phone calls, cards, emails, flowers that we have received from so many people since you left us has been overwhelming. You truly touched so many people during your short 5 years here on this earth. The void right now is almost unbearable and we will never ever forget you. Mommy misses coming home every day to all your unconditional love and kisses and taking you everywhere with her. I miss us going upstairs every night, just you and me, and you curling up next to me in the bed and us watching TV before Daddy and your sister and brothers would come upstairs. You were an absolutely amazing baby to us and we love you baby girl. So many people are so sad that you are gone. I hope that you are at peace now and are happy and can see us where ever you have now gone to. One day we will be together again. We Love You, Mommy and Daddy

February 27, 2008 - Baby girl, it's been just 8 days and our hearts still ache so much and wish you were right here with us. Mommy and Daddy attended the Monday night candlelight service in your honor and your Grandma and Grandpa Crow were there along with Uncle Johnny. They are sending you bunches of nanners for you to eat, your favorite thing. Your mommy is still so very sad and misses you so much. We brought you home yesterday and put your favorite toys all around you and lit some candles. Then just as I did every night, I brought you upstairs and put you in your bed. Daddy just said that you always loved getting up high on things so that you could see. Well baby girl, you are now in the heavens and are higher than anything else so now you will be looking down on us instead of always having to look up at us. We are now looking up to you sweety.

Stinky we love you so much and miss you so much. Love Always, Mommy and Daddy

April 1, 2008 - Baby girl, I think about you each and every day and it is still so hard driving home each night and pulling into the driveway and coming inside and you aren't there to greet me. It is still so hard and I miss you so very much. I want so bad to just be able to hold you one more time. I love you stinky.

Now I wanted to tell you about a baby sister we got, which I am sure you have seen her already. Your sister's name is Chloe and she knows just how much you meant to me and knows that you can never ever be replaced. Sometimes I look at her and hope that your spirit is inside her listening to me. She's really tiny like you were when we first got you.

Daddy and Momma love you baby girl. Take care and be safe.

June 18, 2008 - Baby girl, you are so very much on my mind still and I never ever want to forget you. It still hurts so much. It feels like I just lost you last week. Even though 4 months have now passed, there's not a minute in the day that I don't think about you. Still everyday driving home I re-live driving as quick as I can to try and get to you in time to say good bye one last time. Cede, that is what hurts so bad and I can't seem to get past it. It hurts so bad. I wish so bad you would come back to me baby girl. I need you.

I wanted to let you know that Diane Finch has been talking to me because she sees still how so very heartbroken mommy is and wants to help out. She also needs our help as she has so many puppies right now and her house has flooded 6 times. We are thinking about it and the baby is chocolate and small just like you were when you came to us. Please send me sign to let me know what you think. Baby Chloe would really like a friend and you would have loved her. Joe Joe misses you so much Cede. He was so sad for so long. Well, better run. Mommy and Daddy love you very much sweetie!!

December 15, 2008 - Baby girl, our newest addition Fergie, the little brown chocolate girl we got from Diane Finch when I flew up there in the summer, almost died this morning but you must have truly been her angel watching and making sure she stayed with us and so that we weren't heart broken again so soon after losing you. Daddy was amazing and was able to help save her. God we miss you so much baby girl, especially since this is the first Christmas without you. We have your stocking hung on the mantle. We love you and you will always be close by in our hearts. Merry Christmas sweetheart and Happy New Year.

Love Always, Mommy and Daddy

February 19, 2009 - Baby girl, today is a very hard day for us. It still seems like only yesterday that we lost the love of our lives. It is hard to believe it has been a year since you left this earth and went on to Rainbows Bridge. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of you sweetheart. All of your brothers and sisters miss you too, especially Mighty Joe. Please know that we love you very much and know that you are now at peace. You will be forever in our hearts and we will never forget you. There truly will never ever be another Cede Biehl.

We Love You, Mommy and Daddy
Sophie, Max, Louie, Mighty Joe, Chloe and Fergie

February 16, 2010 - Baby girl, this is a very hard week for us. We think about you often and with this week being the 2 year anniversary of you going on to Rainbows Bridge, it is still so hard to grasp that you are no longer here with us. I think about you each and every day!! Your brother Louie has been sick now for almost 9 months with issues with his heart, collasping trachea, chiari-like malformation and on top of it, he had to have surgery to have the head of his back right femur removed. I know you must be watching out for him. Even with all that is wrong with him, he is such a happy dog and misses you so much. We thank God for each extra day we have with him. We took all the dogs to the beach for 2 weeks at Christmas and it really did a lot of good for Louie. I do try to stay positive about him but he is slowly getting worse. Oh Cede, I miss and love you baby girl so much and wish you were with me right now. All the dogs are laying around me just as they always have and no I am very sad today.

I Love You Cede!!! Mommy and Daddy

February 19, 2010 - My sweet Baby girl, how much I miss you. Received a note from Ginny of Rainbows Bridge. Today is so very hard for me and oh how much I miss you Stinky. I wish so badly I could have gotten there in time that day. Please know I tried so hard to get there. I just want to hold you in my arms one more time and let you know it will all be ok and we will be together again one day soon. I love you so much and you will ALWAYS be with me and in my heart. We will NEVER forget you. Be safe stinky. We love you so much. Mommy and Daddy

August 23, 2010 - Today would have been your 8th birthday. Happy Birthday Cede!! There isn't a day that goes by that we don't think of you. It's still so hard to think about how young you were taken so suddenly from us. You will live on forever in our hearts and one day, we will be together again. Just sitting here looking at your picture and your favorite orange fish toy (yes, we still have it. We love you, Mommy and Daddy

February 19, 2011 -- Oh my sweet baby girl, how much I still miss you. This morning I received an email as a reminder today is the 3rd anniversary of your going on to Rainbow's Bridge but know we needed no reminder as I have been thinking about it all week long. I had to take your brother King Louie to Carolina Veterinary Specialists for his follow up appointments with the Cardiologist and Neurologist and unfortunately he continues to deteriorate but they said he is a fighter and just not ready yet to join you at Rainbow's Bridge. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. You will ALWAYS be with me and in my heart. Sophie, Max, King Louie, Mighty Joe, Chloe and Fergie are all sending you doggie kisses this morning. It seems like only yesterday I was visiting you in intensive care the night before and they let us come back just to be with you. I'll never forget you wanting so bad to get out of the cage as soon as you saw us and they let you out so that I could hold you. I didn't want to put you down, I just wanted to stay there all night and hold you in my arms. At least now you are in a better place and with all the angels and looking down upon us each and every day. I think of you each and every day. It still hurts so much in my heart that you were taken from us so young. You are truly an angel and I love you.

We Love You Forever Cede our baby girl,
Mommy and Daddy, Sophie, Max, Louie, Joe, Chloe and Fergie

May 29, 2011 -- To our sweet baby girl Cede. We know you were right there waiting to show Louie the way when he passed on to Rainbow's Bridge on May 27th. While our hearts ache so much right now, it does give us some peace of mind knowing that you were there waiting on him. Please take care of him and let him know how much we miss him. We put his picture right beside your's. The two of you were truly the love of our lives and we will forever miss you but you are always in our hearts and thoughts and a day will never go by that we don't think of you both. Louie fought to the very end even with all his illnesses. His poor little heart just could not go on and we are at peace knowing that he no longer has any pain and can be running again up in heaven with you and all the other fur babies. Please take care of him stinky. We love you. Love Always, Mommy and Daddy, Sophie, Max, Joe, Chloe and Fergie

February 19, 2012 -- To our sweet baby girl Cede on this very hard day for us remembering how we lost you just 4 years ago. We miss you so much. We know now that King Louie, Max and Lexi (your sister you never got to meet) are now all together and we will be together one day soon. It's like only yesterday still that you were here with us and how you and I always had that very special alone time each night upstairs before all the other dogs came up to bed. I miss you so much baby girl. I miss all of y'all so much. Please know that we love you and there is not one single day that we don't think of you. Love Always, Mommy and Daddy, Sophie, Joe, Chloe, Fergie, Bella and Bentley

Please also visit King Louie, Lexi, Max Biehl and Sophie.

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