Welcome to Cerberus's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Cerberus's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Cerberus
We may not be together in the way we used to be,
We are still connected by a cord no eye can see.

So whenever you need to find me, we're never far apart
If you look beyond the Rainbow and listen with your heart.

But we miss you terribly --

We want to thank everyone who sent an email or a card, your words got us through a very difficult time. Thank you for sending your fur babies to meet our Cerberus and show him around. And now that he's settled in, we're sure he'll be a big brother to all of your beloved fur babies.

May 17, 2008
You've been gone 6 weeks now, and it still hurts. Daddy saw Shadow the other day and she is so her brother's sister. There's no one here to scare away the ravens or keep the deer in line. Shadow has become our Shadow. And it won't be too long before Andie comes to join you. Run and play and lay in the sun dear one, and enjoy the scent of the lilacs. Until we're all together again, we love you.

September 25, 2008
Cerbie, go to the bridge and greet your sisters. They made a pact to leave together. Show them around and introduce them to your friends. The house is so quiet with all of you gone, it's unbearable.

October 23, 2008
It's been 4 weeks since Andie and Shadow left. I cry every day, my heart is broken. I know you're all in a better place and can run and play again, but I miss those cold noses and slobber kisses. We couldn't stand the stillness when we came downstairs in the morning, so we went to CARE and are fostering Regis. Did you guys fill him in on everything? He knows exactly what the routine is and has done a lot to ease the loneliness, but there's no history and he's not you. I'm planning on building you guys a garden with big black paw print stepping stones and dogwood trees. Love and play with each other until we are all together again. We miss you.

February 7, 2009
We officially adopted Regis in November, we spoiled him too badly to ever send him back to the shelter. He's a good companion for us now. We found out after two days he was deaf, but that's not a problem and he sleeps really soundly. It's very different now with only one dog. He's much smaller than you guys ever were (even as puppies) so we take him with us a lot. He's a very good dog, but sometimes I miss the history. 14 years is a long time... I knew everything about you, and I miss the unconditional trust. I can't wait for the snow to melt so I can start your garden. The time is going by so quickly, it's more than 4 months since the girls left and almost a year for Big Dog. Your pictures are in the living room with a photo album I put together. I even found puppy pix of Cerberus. We smile more than we cry now. But we still miss you. You will always have a very special place in our hearts. Thank you for all the years of love & fun. Have fun and take care of each other until we're all together again. Love you bunches.

March 25, 2009
It's 6 months today since the girls left and you were all together again. Sparky crossed over on the 19th. Have you found him yet? Go find him and show him around. Cerberus, be nice! How the time has flown. We've had some Spring days, but it is gray and snowy today - it fits my mood. We miss you guys bunches. Regis is fitting in very well. He chases away the deer and turkeys now. He channels you guys every now and then. It seems like he has a little bit of all of you. We're convinced you sent him to us. We love to tell kids' stories. You were such a huge part of our lives for so long. Thank you for all the years of memories & love. Have fun and take care of each other until we're all together again. Love always...

March 22, 2010
How the time has flown! Bill & Liz came up this weekend with their new dog - a 3 year old black lab named Ares. Did we tell kid stories all weekend :) It reminded us so much of when you three were young and full of energy. He was definitely better behaved than you guys though. Have you found Aurora? She left us the day after New Year's. It was so unexpected. Why do you guys leave way too soon? A week later we adopted Keira. You would have loved to torment her. She has taken over the entire house. Now Regis has a heart condition. We don't know how much longer he will be with us either. Lots of meds and coughs. But he still seems happy. We hope he gets to enjoy some of the Spring/Summer before he joins all of you. We know you're still with us, it's so obvious sometimes. Thanks for all the good times dear ones, you're always in our hearts. Be good to each other until we're together again. Hugs and slobber kisses ...

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