Chalupa today is the 4th day your gone, All I do is cry for you, I miss you so much.You were always there for me over the past 10 years to help me through with Starr-Ann and for that my Baby I want to say Thank-you so very very much, we had some great talks, crys, laughts and fun time togeather, Your brother Chourico is very sad and seams to be lost with out you here and to give him his licky faces.I should be receiving your ashes this week and I also had a special placq made for your Urne which will be placed on my dress forever I'll speak to you every day just like we always did. Papa's misses you also sweatheat. My Special Choclate Chalup12/15/2010 My dearest Chalupa Today is one week that your not here any more I hope you've made a lot of friends at Rainbow Bridge. I just want to let you know I picked up your ashes today, The Urne is so beautiful just as you were, I placed you on my head board where its the side of the bed that you always slept on with me for the past 10 years I just thought you would prefer that instead of my dresser, it will keep us closer together. I also brought home some of your fur and your blanket. Chourico knew I had you with me as soon as I walked into the house, I put your blanket on the floor for chourico and he rolled around on, he say he misses you also. Also Chalupa THANK-You for the small bark you gave me when I had your ashes in the car I know you're always going to be with me forever... I Love you so m 12/9/2012 My dearest Chalupa Today is your birthday I just wanted to let you know I didn't forget, also I didn't forget to wish you a Happy New Year, Papa's is very sick and is in the hospital he has been sick since New Years Eve He has double pneumonia and had a heart attack but he also wishes you a Happy Birthday, Chourico sends his birthday licks because he misses yopu so much, Like I siad before I love you and always will. Happy Birthday my baby.. Love Your Mama's 12/25/2013 My Baby today is christmas and I miss you opening up your gifts but your in my heart and always will be and my present to you is my heart,your brother Chourico miss you so much and your papas. Love your Mamas 12/18/2010 I've been in to visit you everyday, sometimes 2-3 times daily. My heart still hurts so bad my baby, I have a hard time sleeping at night because your not here sleeping next to me as you always did, I miss being able to cuddle, touch your little head and face and baby I miss looking into those monkey eyes, Chourico is still so very sad and he is trying to be such a big boy for you. Next Sat. will be Christmas and it will be the first Christmas your not with us in 10 years, I miss you so much my precious little baby boy
Dec.25,2010 My Chalupa, I want to tell you Merry Christmas from my heart baby, our first Christmas with out you after 10 years. Last night we opened our presents as always on Christmas Eve, Papa's placed your picture on the dinning room table with your Urn, (the picture was of you in your christmas offit) you were the first one to receive your present and I said a prayer for you. Your present will be with you always no one else in the house will ever be able to touch it,it just wasn't the same without you here. Chourico didn't have you here to open up the presents for him so we opened them for him instead, you were fantastic at opening up presents but Chorico never learned how. You'll be on my mind all day and when dinner is done I'll make you your plate as I alaways did, My baby my heart still hurts and I still cry for you I MISS YOU SO MY "MY CHALUPA" Dec.31,2010 My dearest Chalupa, today is New's Eve and I still miss you being here with all of my heart, we will be staying home tonight and I'll have you in my heart, thought and prayers, I'll always love you, Your Mama's always I'll alaways love you Jan. 9,2010 My dear baby boy, today would have been your 10th birthday, its just not fair that you had to leave so soon, I miss you so much. Your always on my mind. Chalupa something I want to say to you is that I Love You and not only do I Love You but I'm in Love with YOU that will never change, your always my special number one... Happy Birthday my Baby Boy Jan.26,2011 My baby boy, I've had you on my mind, and I want to Thank-You for your visit, yes, I did notice. Chourico still and always will miss you, Also we have a new Chi which you probally know by now and his name is Chipotel he's cute and a terror but I miss YOU my baby boy and like I said I'm in love with you and you will always as long as I live will have a special place in my heart. Love you forever March1, 2011 Hi my baby,Chups my heart still hurts I think of you every day and miss you so much, we lost Manx, poor thing she was so sick, maybe you'll see her in Rainbow I know she could use some company. Well here we are in March again a hard month for Mama's it will be Starr's anniversity soon and you were always there for me I'm going to miss that this year, Chourico and Papa's send there love. Chipolet is cute and loveable but we don't have any history yet. I had you on my mind so much lately I just had to write you. Love you alway and forever 4/24/11 Happy Easter my baby your first Easter not here last week was Chourico's B-day he is now 2,Papa's is sick today, Love you Forever 7/9/11 Hi,my Chups, havent been in to write you for awhile, but I visit you on a regular basis....Well baby Thurs the 14th, Starr's B-day she would have been 40,I really need you here with me I miss you so much your always on my mind, you haven't been to visit me in a while I hope to hear from you soon....Love Mama's 11/25/11 My Baby, our first ThanksGiving and my first Birthday with out you, my heart still hurts and I still miss you so much..your 1st. yr. anniversity will be comming up shortly and it will be a very hard day, I hope you've made a lot of fur babies friends. I always have you on my mind and I wanted you to know even thought your not here on earth anymore your always in my heart.. I love you (please visit me) Your Mama's forever.... 12/8/2011 My baby today is one year that your gone, yes the hurt is still there, I guess it will always be there, like I've told you when you were still here with me not only do I love you BUT I'm In Love With You, its been hard and I miss you with all my heart and soul, you'll be with me forever.... My Dearest Baby Chups Love you always.....Your Mama's 12/25/11 My baby today is Christmas,I miss you opening up your gifts, you were so good at that and poor Chourico doesnt know how, I have to help him he just looks at me as to say "where is my chups" My baby I just want to let you know your in my heart and always will be but this holiday season I cant seem to get throught a day without you on my mind, I miss you being here....Love you always.... your Mama's 5/15/12 My dearest baby boy, its been a while since Ive worte you something. New years was soso Papa's was sick so we stayed home. Chourico had a bad reaction to a rabies shot, not more needles for him, I know he still misses you eveytime I say your name he runs around the house looking for you. I still miss you and wish you were here, I wish you didn't get sick and needed the surgery you were my rock/my cry pillow and you have my deepest love and always will, I have your picture and ashes on my headboard so you are always with me....Just want you to know I love and miss you so much. Your Mama's 11/22/12 My Chups, I havent been in for a while. I wanted to wish you Happy Thanksgiving, your heavy on my mind all the time I still wish you didnt have to leave.( B-day kisses from u 2 me ) Some news you probally already know Molly and Ruffus has gone to play with you. Ruffus your popcorn buddie. I Love you Chalupa and always will, I miss you so....Love your Mama's 12/8/12 My baby, today is 2 yrs. since you left and Im still heart broken, I miss you so much my chups,I wish I could hold you and cuddle you and tell you how much I Love and miss you. your always on my mind and in my heart, and always will be forever. I love you so much it hurts, Love Your Mama's 12/25/12 My Chups have you on my mind, this was not a good christmas to much has happened and its been very stressful but no matter what ever happends your always on my mind I just want to say I miss you and wish you were still with me Love you always and forever Your Mamas 1/9/13 My baby chups, Once again its your birthday and you would be 11 yrs. old today, wish you were here, I want to send you big hugs and b-day kisses also Papa's and Chourico send you kisses, All of us still miss you so very much and we are always talking about all the memories we had with you some very happy times since you had come into our lives and yes my Chalupa I miss that so much. Mama's is having some health issues so please watch over me and send your love to make me feel better. I love you Chalupa- always and forever. Love Mama's 3/16/13 Hi my baby, as you know today is Starr's anniversity 13 yrs. today and I needed a hug from you and in my heart thats what you gave me and I gave you the biggest hug back for always being there. I love and miss you my Chupa Chups Love Mama's 10/19/13 My Baby I have some news for you which you probally already know, Mandy your girlfriend passed to the rainbow bridge on Wed and Im sure you were there to meet her I know you you will take care of her. Holidays are just around the corner and I still miss you so much I miss being able to hold and cuttle you and whisper in your ear how much I love you. Your Mama's forever love you my baby boy 12/8/13 My Chups, today is the 3rd year your gone and I still hold you dear in my heart and thoughts you will never ever be forgotton I missed you the day you left me and will always miss you. Papas and Chourico say hi and send there love and Chourico misses giving you the licky faces. Oh my baby, it has not gotten any easier with you gone. Christmas is just around the cornor and I'll miss how you usto open your presents.Yes I still have tears for my boy you were just so special to me. Will love you always and forever. Your Mamas 12/25/2013 My Chups, Merry Christmas my baby I miss you opening your presents and my gift to you is my heart, your brother Chourico say hi and misses you also, and papas sends his love.Your my first little boy and I'll love you forever there is no end of time its always and always..forever.... love your Mama's 12/8/14 My baby Chups, my heart still hurts from missing you and yes Im still crying my tears for you, today is 4 years that your gone and sometimes I think I see you at night running across the floor. Chourico still misses you as well. Papa, chourico and Boo send there love. 12/27/15 My Baby Boy still heavy in my heart and always will be. will love you for ever and ever miss you so much it hurts. Love your Mama"s 12/8/16 My Baby Chups, another year without you here, and it still has not any easier I miss you so much, your part of my heart and always will be I'll love you forever Love Your Mamas Papas and Chourico also send there love. 12/8/17 My chups been thinking about you a lot lately I still miss my favorite boy your still in my heart and always will be I will love you FOREVER. your Mamas also Papas and Chourico and Boo say hello hugs to my baby boy 12/8/18 My baby Chups another year without you. I still miss you and your are always forever in my heart. Papas said hello Chourico still misses you and chipolata is a big help for Chourico. Bo isn't doing to good shes 20 yrs.old now but she also sends her love. You will be forever in my heart I Love you forever. Mamas 12/8/19 My Chups still miss you and your always on my mind I notice you come to visit me and I love when you do. Papas has to have back surgery,mamas is sick with the flu and Chourico misses you so much Chipotle says hello. with all my heart and love I will always love my baby boy. I miss being able to hold you and cuddle you, Love your Mama's 11/22/20 Still miss my baby boy still love you with all my heart. Its been a real bad year papa had a stroke and 2 back surgeries and now a knee surgery. we have this awful virus still going on. Chourico is ok but Chipotle had real bad issues with both of his back knees. still wish you never left me I love you so much and miss you so much. your mamas 12/8/2020 My baby its 10yrs. today I still miss you and wish you were here so we could cuddle and give kisses. I will love you forever my special baby boy Love Mama's 12/8/21 My precious Chalupa today makes 11yrs. and I still miss you Ive seen you around the house so I know your still with me I miss you so very much Always in my heart Love you my sweet baby Mamas 11/13/23 Well my baby Chalupa I haven't been here for a while life has been very very hard Papas was sick off and on with different thing but on 8/17/23 Papas passed from a Heart Attack with complications Chourico and Chipotle are devastated and Mamas is lost right now but I want you to know I love you and always will hopefully you found Papas. Love Mamas and boys 12/8/23 Today was the day you left me 13 yrs ago,Im still heartbroken I love you my Chalupa Love your Mamas 12/3/24 Chalupa, papas passed away and now Chipotle also passed away 7/3/24, Its just me and Chourico I Love you my boy and always will MaMas 12/8/24 Ill always miss you and love you my Chalupa 14yrs. today I still love my baby Love Mamas 12/25/24 Chalupa Merry Christmas my baby boy love and miss you Mamas 1/1/25 New Year 2025 14 yrs. your gone I still love you my baby boy Mamas 1/9/25 Chalupa I want to wish you a Happy Birthday baby 15 yrs old today Love Mama's
Please also visit Chipotle.