Welcome to Charley's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Charley
Charley didn't waste a moment - always playing, eating, running, and jumping. He loved to play the "pants ball game" with his Daddy, Steve. Steve would hide a tennis ball up inside the cuff of his pants, and Charley would "dig" it out. He never gave up and wanted to play that game over and over and over. In another game, one of us would sit on the floor and hide a tennis ball under our legs or inside our clothing, and he'd have to find it. He had so much fun doing so and was so proud of himself when he found the ball.

Charley LOVED toilet paper and made it his mission in life to get a hold of as many rolls as possible and chew them up before we found them. We tried everything to outsmart him, but he always outsmarted us. No type of tp holder was Charley-proof. So, we resorted to keeping toilet paper on the top of the toilet tank. We put it on a holder a few times when guests came over, and we told the guests to be sure to keep the bathroom door closed. Well, a guest didn't understand, and within seconds, Charley found that toilet paper and had a picnic! I noticed that he had been missing from the living room for a bit and immediately realized where he would be! Other times, he dragged the tp through the house, finding a comfortable spot in the living room or hallway to lie down and chew it up. He'd even share it with his alpha littermate, Chester.

He made sure to tell us when it was time to eat - all day long. He'd come find us, run right up to us, then run to the door of the room we were in. He'd stop and turn around to make sure we were following him. If not, he'd repeat the run over and over until we followed him into the kitchen and gave him food or treats!

There was nothing Charley didn't like to eat. That included paper, telephone wires, juniper berries, and rocks!

In the evening, he liked to curl up in a blanket. The beds and blankets in every room of the house were not enough. He wanted Mommy's beautiful throw that she kept under the coffee table. He'd dig it out and make it comfortable for him.

He was endless fun, all day and night.

Steve picked up Chester and Charley from the groomer in the late afternoon of 9/23. They were so excited to go home, and both were running and jumping. When they got home about 25 min later, Charley wouldn't get out of his crate. He would normally FLY out of the crate. When we saw that he had been sick on the way home and couldn't even walk, we rushed him to the vet. He was apparently in excruciating pain, shock, and had lost a lot of blood. It took a few hours for the vet to determine the problem and confirm with an outside radiologist, and then the vet and 2 vet technicians stayed more than 3 hours after closing time to do emergency surgery to remove his spleen and the huge tumor on it that had ruptured, most likely from the stress of the groomer.

Charley made it through the difficult surgery, and the vet said that although he wasn't out of the woods, he had a very good feeling about how well he did. We were elated. We then had to take him to the emergency vet clinic about an hour away because the vet's office had to close. It was after 9 PM. We were supposed to go back pick to him up in the morning and bring him back to our vet who was going to watch him for the day.

Charley never woke up completely from the anesthesia, but he picked up his head several times and whimpered many times during our car ride to Flagstaff. He seemed to be fighting so hard to get up. I had my hand on him to comfort him. When I went to get out of the car in front of the clinic, I realized that the movement had stopped within the last few minutes. Eventually, the emergency clinic doctor confirmed that there was no heartbeat. We were and are just devastated.

Mommy, Daddy and Chester love and miss you so very much, Charley Boy. RIP our sweet angel.

Please also visit Chester.

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