Welcome to Charlie's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Charlie's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Charlie
We miss your loving eyes and sweetness of your touch on me, patting me to wake up in the morning for breakfast. When combing my hair you wanted the top of your head to be combed as well and then I would kiss you. Off to the kitchen for breakfast and for you to look out the window from your kitchen chair, to see who is walking by--maybe your best friend Bruin. Then off to the enclosed porch for more viewing from the end table outside while we played whale of a tail, then you would slide your tail back and forth and on the fifth movement I would kiss your tail. I remember so many beautiful things you would do I loved when you would sit on the floor and stare at me when you wanted to go upstairs to bed and how you would turn your head to look at me with you beautiful brown eyes, just like me. At night when grandfather would come home from work you always jumped up on the loveseat to be close to him, a beautiful and missed site. Even when you escaped out the kitchen door to go to see your friend(s) and I called you to come, you did, sometimes right away and sometimes it took a long while. After, when you settled down on the couch on your blanket, and you had many, you looked so sweet!!! You will always b remembered and loved forever!!!Amen!!!

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