Welcome to Chase's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Chase
February 3, 2016 at 10:30 AM we said goodbye to our beloved hound dog Chase. He has been nearing the end of his life for several weeks after a series of issues... his little canine body was tired. This has been very hard for our family but putting him to rest this morning so he can start his next chapter in doggie heaven was a relief. Now he can roam miles on the island again, chase racoons, bay at scents all day long, raid trashcans, and look down on us to tell us "it's okay" we let him go. So tough. Our pets are so loyal and they trust us always. Chase and I camped next to each other the past two nights and we had a long talk this morning when somehow he stood on all four legs, walked over to me and lay down putting his head on my shoulder. He told us it was time. Thank you to Tampa Bay Beagle Rescue for introducing us in 2006, to the staff of Pet First Animal Hospital (especially Dr. Taylor and Kelly Straka), all our family and friends who have supported us these last few days. Hug your animals, they are our best friends.

Chase, thank you for ten great years of being our best bud. You have so many nicknames...the best one was when Dad called you "BTU" BEAGLE THERMAL UNIT...when you would sleep between us on cold nights to keep us warm. These last few months have been hard for you with the medical issues you faced. You were so great and never complained. It was time to go and it was hard to give you up, believe me. Now you are tucked in safe next to Sadie, Benji and Inky (and the yellow bird) in the best Pet Cemetery in the world. There are red flowers there and best of all, shells from Cayo Costa that I picked up two weeks ago. That was the first time I have been there without you and I missed you so much. you were just to weak to come.

The boys love you, too, and all of us miss you so much. Up on the Rainbow Bridge you can be free again! No more pain, no cancer, no bad back legs, non of Mom trying to get you to eat your food! You can run on the island and have fun again.

thank you for being our forever hound dog. We love you Chase...Mom, Dad, James, Mark and the birds

FEbruary 10, 2016
It has been a week since you left us Chase. I have cried buckets but know you were ready to go over the bridge to meet Sadie, Inky, Benji and our yellow bird...you would not believe how many RB Guardians have written to wish you well and help us along with our grief. You are surrounded by loving pet friends, there is even another one named Chase who's Mom wrote me! your lovely place of rest has a great blue vase Jen sent us full of flowers. There is a cross made from branches and shells from Cayo Costa. I just know you are on that beach now.

I wanted to talk to you about us getting another dog. NO BEAGLE CAN EVER REPLACE YOU but we are just so sad without you, our hearts are empty. There is a little one named Stanley coming to see us tomorrow. He was orphaned in Alabama and needs a forever home. Do you think it's too soon? Somehow I think you would want us to have another loving dog to love. We love you more than anything and I hope this is the right thing to do.

Your chair is still in its place in the shop. I cried again when I touched your little sweater in the laundry room tonight. It's cold tonight but you are warm over the bridge. I still have one towel with your scent on it...I just need to feel you near. Thank you Chase for everything you have given us. I miss you boy. Love you, MOM

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