Welcome to Chelsea's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Chelsea's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Chelsea
A long time has passed since we rescued you from the shed at work, you were only 4 weeks old and so very afraid. We will never forget that day that brought you into our lives.
We brought you home and introduced you to your Big Brother, Sebastian. He proceeded to pop you around and that never changed in all the years !!
You were always such a sweet girl, misunderstood a lot of the time because everything was always on "your terms"! You really loved your "lap time" but very selective on the "laps" you chose to be on. The only person outside of the home that you chose for lap time was you Aunt Bridget - she would read while you slept on her lap!
You were always a very healthy girl, even though you had a rough beginning. We managed thru the skin allergies and mild arthritis - as long as there was plenty of "pill pockets" to choose from.
So many wonderful memories that we will keep in our hearts.

So now my "Missy Prissy" - go play with your brother Sebastian and all the other friends at Rainbow's Bridge that you will meet, and be a sweet girl. I know Bridget will visit and let you sit on her lap if you ask her sweetly. Your baby brother, Cafe', is very lonely and keeps looking for you - you were very good with him when we brought him home 3 1/2 years ago.

Our hearts are lonely without you but we know you are so happy at Rainbows Bridge.
We will always love you and keep you with us, Your Family, Mom, Dad and Cafe'

12/16/14: Missing you and thinking of you today. Hope you and Black Cat are playing sweetly together. Hopefully Aunt Bridget is visiting you and playing with you. How we wish we could have you back here with us again. We love you very much, Mom and Dad

Please also visit Cafe' Au Lait and Sebastian.

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