Welcome to Chelsi's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Chelsi
Since my early adulthood, it was my desire to one day have a Sheltie that I could name Chelsi. Never did I expect to adopt you on that day in December 2005. Daddy Rich and I went into a pet store to buy a toy for Candi, Bekah's and Rachael's dog. When we walked into the store, Daddy said how cute all the puppies were. I immediately said, "Let's get one." So I looked in every cage for you, looking for that cute Sheltie, and there you were -- the last cage I looked into, in the upper right corner. We took you out, and I immediately feel in love with you! You were this adorable, fluffy little tri-colored Sheltie with the floppy ears, little beady black eyes and a tiny white spot on the end of your tail. That day, we walked out with you, and no toy for Candi.

From that day forward, you blessed our lives more than you could imagine. You were "MY" baby girl, Chelsi. At the time I had no kids, so you were my baby. You were such a good dog. You didn't take long to train, never chewed on anything but the linoleum floor, which Daddy was not happy about. You went everywhere with me -- to the mountains, to the beach. Wherever you could go, we would take you.

You were never the typical Sheltie. Daddy and I would take you to the park and throw a ball, but you would never chase it. We would have to get at opposite ends and call you to get you to run. You were not much into walking either, and you only occasionally played with a toy. For a Sheltie, you were very calm. You always enjoyed your time at home.

I would take you to the groomers monthly, and this started when you were a small puppy. I still remember the first time I brought you to the groomers. I would not leave you there. I waited until you were done. I don't think you were too fond of the groomers, but you always looked so beautiful when we left. You came home wearing either a bandana or bows in your ears. All the people at the groomers loved you. They thought you were such a beautiful, sweet dog. I was so proud to have you for my own.

We also tried the doggy daycare with you. I would drop you off on my way to work and pick you up on my way home. This did not go well, because you preferred to hang out with the humans more than the dogs. They tried you with the small dogs, and that was better, but we soon realized you really did not enjoy yourself there, so we stopped taking you.

Almost two years after we adopted you, a little boy named Joshua came into our lives. It was a big adjustment for you because you now had to share my attention. I always tried my best to give you the love you deserved, but I never felt it was enough. I remember taking family pictures and you always wanted to be in them. Whenever I came home, and I would greet Joshua, you tired to come between us because you were so jealous. Even though you were jealous of Joshua, you never tried to hurt him. I am sorry if you ever felt left out; I hope you always knew how much I loved you.

As the years went on, we gained and lost pets. You never were close to any of the animals, however, you were always accepting of each and every one of them.

You were funny, too. You had a lot of traits that were unique to you. Whenever we left the house, you would spin in tight circles and bark. You would nip at my pant leg, and then grab the rug in front of the door and shake it. You did not like when we left. You also had your favorite sleeping spots; in front of the fireplace, next to the front door and under the island. When you were younger, you would sleep on the floor in our bathroom when we went to bed. Occasionally, I would inconvenience Daddy to let you sleep in bed with us.

We also had a special family party to celebrate your 10th birthday. I did not tell anyone why we were having them over, but wanted to make it special for you. It was a big milestone in your life, and I wanted you to know how special you were to me on your big birthday.

It wasn't till the last year or so that I noticed your age was catching up with you. You were having a harder time getting around due to your arthritis. We tried to help with medicine, but could tell it was really bothering you. Just recently we upped your medicine, but you weren't taking it long enough to see how you would respond. Other then your arthritis, you seemed to act normally until that day you were at the groomers for the last time. It was Friday, July 3rd, 2020. I received a call from the groomers that you were in the bathtub and fell over. They felt you were disoriented. I came and got you, and took you to Carolina Vet Specialists. On the way there you seemed fine. You spent about 2 hours at the vet, and they too said you seemed fine. In fact they said, just looking at you (except for the arthritis), you looked much healthier than an almost 15 year old dog. They did blood work, and realized your liver enzymes and kidney levels were elevated. They recommended an ultrasound of your abdomen within the next few weeks. You came home, and seemed like the normal old Chelsi.

On Sunday, July 5th, I noticed you did not eat all your food. You would not eat your cheese, which had your pills in it. You always eat all your food and your cheese. I had to put your pills in some seafood, which you did finally eat. I tried giving you the rest of your food shortly thereafter, but you were not interested. I gave you a bone which you seemed to enjoy, however later that day, you were not acting right. You were pacing the house and foaming at the mouth, looking like you were trying to throw up. This is when I realized it might be the end. I was devastated!! As we drove to the vet, I cried and loved on you. I was telling you how much I loved you, and praying you would get better. Unfortunately, you didn't. You never came home again.

Monday, July 6th around 8:00pm, I got a call that you went into cardiac arrest. They tried to revive you, but they couldn't. You passed shortly after 8:00pm. I got there as quickly as I could, because I never wanted you to leave this world without me by your side. Unfortunately, I was not in time. I was crushed! I never had the chance to say goodbye. Even though you were gone, I was able to spend a few hours with you. I did not want to leave -- I could have stayed there with you forever. I did FaceTime Daddy and Joshua so they could also say their goodbyes. This was one of the hardest days of my life. The pain I feel knowing I will never see you in your favorite spots again, never hear you whine for your bone at night, never hold you again, or go on another trip with you again seems unbearable.

As time goes on, I know it will get easier and less painful. I have not cried this hard my entire life. You blessed me with so much love and companionship. We, but mainly me, were so blessed to have you. I wish I had done more to make you feel loved. I tried my best, but I never felt it was enough. I always thought there would be more time. How quickly 14 years, 8 months and 18 days would go by. You were here in my life for such a short time, but you will remain in my heart as long as I am breathing. I love you my Chelsi girl, I love you with all my heart. Life will never be the same without you. Thank you for being a part of our family.


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