Welcome to Cherry's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cherry
My sweetest baby girl. I wanted to write you a memorial for the longest time. I want to tell the whole world about you, all the love and joy you brought to my life, and how you were the best thing to ever happen to me. It took me a while, though, to grow strong enough to open up that raw space in my heart without breaking it. But I will try my best, even if my words could not convey anywhere near how much I adore you. Before I said goodbye to you, I grieved so loudly, all alone, wondering how I could live life without you. I was so young when we first met that I legitimately did not know what life was *supposed* to be without you there. But despite how painful your loss was, and still is, I believe that it was your gentle, patient, unconditional love that carried me through the heartache. Now, because of that, I have peace in my heart knowing that I was able to overcome my own selfishness so that I could allow you could peacefully cross the rainbow bridge without a minute of pain or suffering. In the end, you lived a long, happy (SPOILED!) life and we couldn't have asked for more.

My father, your abuelo, always wanted a doggie for me till the day he went to heaven. And I wanted a puppy so bad too, but my family figured it would be too much trouble at the time. Dad always wanted a guard dog, though. One who would protect me, of course. And you were no German shepherd and certainly no Rottweiler, but you did a great job protecting me from my family's scolding and especially from boys, just as Dad would have wanted. You were afraid of nothing (except fireworks, lightning, and grandma's broom!), but either way, Mama was always there to curl up with you in bed while you trembled against my leg. If your abuelo knew you on Earth, you would have been the apple of his eye. But I like to imagine that the both of you (and your bisabuelo Bello who would have loved you just as much if not more) are running, playing, and laughing it up together in heaven.

Your beautiful face came into my life when you were not even three months, wearing a yellow bow and a bandana decorated with Pokemon, and I was only 10. My first memory of you was opening the door to my grandmother, and seeing you in her arms so teeny tiny I thought you were a little stuffed animal till you turned your head. I fell in love with you instantly. I gave you your name. I gave you my pillow to sleep on and I gave you my toys to keep you comfy and entertained. I remember the first laugh you gave me was when you'd knock over all the paper bowls full of kibbles when you tried to eat. And that night, I had you all curled up on my lap, like the way you always slept until the very end, and I read you one of my stories from when I was a baby (the same story I read you 16 years later just a couple of days before you went to heaven). Because, on that 7th of May, 2007, you had become my baby. And you fell asleep with me for the first time. All that night, I kept checking the room we kept you in at the time because I thought it was just another dream. In a way, you were. You were my most beautiful dream come true.

From that day on, you were the love and joy of my life. I lived for your happiness, to see you zooming all around the living room and to watch your ears flapping in the wind in one of your favorite car rides, or how your tail would whirl around like a helicopter at the sight of ham or a slice of Cuban bread. Not a day goes by that I don't miss the times you'd cuddle up to us with your head perched on our leg and make us smile without even trying. I would give anything to kiss your little button nose and run my fingers through your silky soft fur all over again. All the memories are too much to talk about here, but my reasons for loving you could fill a whole library. Our home feels so empty, quiet, and incomplete without you. You will never be forgotten. You were mommy's best friend, her spirit guide, her protector, and her baby all at once. You taught me so much about patience, gentleness, mindfulness, and especially unconditional love just by being you. Even until the very last moment, I learned what strength and sacrifice truly mean so that the ones you love never have to feel pain. Thank you for all the joy, laughter, comfort, and even the tears. Because as a wise man once said, "What is grief if not love persevering?" Until we meet again on the Rainbow Bridge, my sweetest angel. Thank you for everything.

Your mama forever,


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