Welcome to Chester's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Chester's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Chester
You were a clown at heart. Always pushing the limit but never crossing the line. I loved your soft ears and big brown eyes. Those eyes were so full of love whenever you looked at me. I new when we first met that you were going to be my soul mate. You always made me laugh when you flopped yourself on the couch like you were ready to sleep the day away. The way you would jump around when I came home from work, always ready for a game. I thought those days would never end. When you were diagnosed with cancer my world stopped. If you had been younger maybe we could have had more options on what course to take. Those last months were the most precious to me. I will never forget what a brave boy you were. When we made the decision to let you go it was as if you knew and your eyes told me it was ok and you knew that I would be ok too. As I held you in those last few moments of your life I felt you slip away finally at peace. My heart has ached since that day. I miss you terribly and will never forget you. You were a special friend that I had the prividge of knowing and having in my life. I know you are now with your sister Jill and the Humphrey man so I know you are ok. I will always remember my Chester Cheese man.

I love you my brave boy. Be well and wait for me.

October 14, 2008

Hello my big fella. It has been 9 days since you crossed the bridge. I just needed to write to you to let you know how much I miss you. I had lunch with Lisa today and she was very sad to learn that you had gone. She wanted to know if I was ok and I lied because I did not want to cry. The truth is Cheddie, I miss you more than I can make anyone understand. I can still feel you and I swear that once I looked over at the corner you always laid in and I thought I saw you there. My heart stopped for a moment and then I realized it was not you but only me wishing you there. I know you are no longer in any pain and I am glad. Take care my angel and know that I think of you every day and I keep you in my heart. Memories are all I have for now, until we all meet again. Sleep well my baby and know I love you with all of my heart.


October 16, 2008

Hello my precious boy. I wanted to email you tonight to tell you I love and miss you. It has been almost 2 weeks since you crossed the bridge. I thought about you alot today. We got a really nice card from Dr. Jones and the staff. Dr. Jones wrote a nice comment about you. I think he really misses you too. He mentioned something about you living the life of luxury since you chose not to be good at bird hunting. He never knew how well you hunted those pesky lizards.. You would have made him proud. Chessie I want you to know that you were my best friend. You loved me unconditionally even on my worst days. To know that I could always count on you to be there meant more than you will ever know. I miss you so much and every time I think of you I smile but I still have a deep hurt in my heart for you. How I would have loved to have you here with me but that would have been selfish on my part. To let you go was one of the hardest things I have done in a long time. You are free now and never will you be in pain, or want for anything. You can run and play to your hearts content with all of you new furangel friends and with your sister Jill and Humphrey man. I know you have probably run into Rascal, Ferris, Pistol, Samantha, and all of the other babies that have passed through our home. Be well my big boy and be happy. Remember I love you so much and miss you terribly. Until we are together again


October 18,2008

Hello my angel,

Well tomorrow will be 2 weeks since you crossed over the bridge. I still miss you everyday. Today I found a fuzzy mouse in the drawer and it reminded me of how quick you were to steal them from the cats and chew them up. I tossed the mouse on the floor and half expected to see you run over and grab it up. You didn't. It made me smile and yet tears formed in my eyes. How I would love to yell "drop it" to you just one more time. Chessie, I see you in almost everything I do. I remember how you would lay by my side on Sunday mornings when I would sit outside and have that first cup of coffee. Those big brown eyes looking up at me as if to say I am here for you and will stay by your side. How I would love to kiss those soft ears again. I hope you have found many new friends and a nice place to play. I can see you napping under a big tree in a meadow filled with flowers. No more pain for you my big boy. I am glad you are whole and happy again. Keep a watchful eye as some day we will be together again. I love you my angel. Kisses and hugs from everyone here and special loves and kisses from me.


October 19, 2008

Hi baby boy,

Well Chessie, today makes two weeks since you crossed the bridge. I cried alot today. I miss you so much. Daddy does not understand why I am so upset about losing you, since we have lost many furbabies in the past. He does not understand the bond we had. I guess he never will. I put your picture on the fridge so I can see you every day. Just thought I would let you know that Romey took up your habit of eating fuzzy mice. I found a blue one or what was left of it. I asked who did this and his head went down. Busted! The weather was cool today and I remember how you would always get frisky during the beginning of fall. Jilly was crazy today running around and jumping all over the place. She misses her Chessie. I remember how the two of you would play in the cool morning air. I bet you are having the time of your new life running and playing with your friends at the bridge. I hope you have a wonderful time. Chessie it is hard for me not to write to you every day and I know I need to go on with my life. It is going to have an empty place where you would have been. I love you my boy. Keep watch for me and we can all be together again. Look up all of your brothers and sisters that have gone before and tell them I miss them all. Good night my sweet baby. I love you and miss you so much. I will wait for your angel kisses.



October 20, 2008

Hi sweet boy,

I just wanted to write and say hi and I love you and miss you. I went back to work today after a week off. It was hard. I thought about you and it made me so sad. I emailed Aunt Ceil and she and I talked about you and her furbaby Harley. I think you have already met Harley up there. I know you two would be good friends. It is good to know that you have such nice furfriends to keep you company. Chessie, I wish I could have you here. I know I can't and under the circumstances it would be selfish of me to want that. I know you are now free from any pain and you have everything you want and need there. Every time I see a star in the sky I think of you. I know you are looking down on us and keeping watch. I love you my big boy and I send you many kisses and hugs. Sleep well my baby and I will watch for you in the clouds.



October 22, 2008

Hi my sweet boy,

I missed you yesterday.. I sat outside after I got home from work and looked up at the sky. It was bright and blue. I thought about you. Chessie, I know that the day you left us was a hard day for both of us. I want you to know that letting you go was the best thing for you. You would have suffered terribly in the next few days had we not made the decision to let you go with dignity and peace. I know you probably did not understand at the time, because you were acting like you were trying to tell me you were afraid. I hope when I held you and whispered it was ok and I love you that you knew at that point it was going to be ok. I tell myself everyday that I did the right thing by letting you go but it was so very hard for me. It still is. I cry for you every day. I have your picture on the fridge and also by my computer so when I write you I have your sweet face to look at. Chessie, I will never forget what a great friend and soul mate you were to me. I could not have asked for a better companion. You and your sister Jill were such sweet and crazy characters. I miss both of you very much. I know you are together and loving every minute of your days at the bridge. Don't either of you forget how much I love and miss you. I have to go now but I did not want to let the day end without sending my love and kisses and hugs. Be sweet my baby. Goodnight

Love you

October 23, 2008

Hello sweet boy,

Ijust wanted to say hi and I love you. I thought about you alot today. My thoughts are getting more of how happy you must be now. Even though you are not here, I know you are well and without any pain. Your coat has become shiny and thick. Your legs are strong and your balance is perfect. No more falling down or trying to make yourself move in a certain direction. I am happy for you Chessie man. As you run and play with your furangel friends and nap in the warm sunshine, know that I miss you and love you so much. Be sweet and free my big boy Sleep well and know that one day I will cross that bridge and we will all be together again.

Goodnight and God keep you


October 24, 2008

Hi baby,

I just signed in to tell you I got a sweet reply from Cassidy's daddy Steve. Please look Cassidy up and show her around. You two can be great friends. You, Chips, Jill, Humphrey, Harley,Pressy and all of your new found furfriends can spend your days running the hills and valleys of Rainbows Bridge. Keep looking for your loved ones as one day you will look up and we will be there. We will all be together again. I love you my sweet boy. I miss you every day and can't wait until I see you and all of my babies again. Until I see you be well and free. I send hugs and kisses to you.

good night my sweet angel


October 25,2008

Chessie man, I wanted to let you know that Bogie crossed the bridge today. He was in such pain and was not able to run and play any longer. We were family for 12 years and it was so painful to let him go. Look for him Chessie man and show him the way. You and Bogie and Jill and all of our other family furbabies can now play forever. I will cry for all of you and look forward to the day I can see you again. Take care of Bogie my sweet boy. You two can now be pals forever.
I love you Bogie man and chessie man. God bless and keep you both.

October 26, 2008

Hi by sweet boy, I just wanted to let you know that I miss you and the "Bug". I know you are together and taking care of each other. I wrote to Bogie today and told him you both came to me last night in my sleep and told me you were ok and not to worry. You will be together and take good care of each other. That made me smile. I love you Chessie man and I miss you so much. Losing 2 of my babies within 20 days or each other was more than I thought I could take. But now I know you both understand why we let you go with the dignity and peacefulness that you both deserved. You take care of each other. I love you my Chester Cheese Man.


October 28, 2008

Hello my big boy,

I was thinking about you tonight as I read all of the sweet messages from furbaby parents that have signed your guest book. I know you have made some wonderful friends at the bridge and you and Bogie are spending your days playing and napping in the soft grass warmed by the sun. Chessie I still ache in my heart for you. I miss you terribly my baby boy and long for the time we will be together again. Sleep well and be happy until we are together again. Tell your sister Jill (my jillybean) hello from mommy and I miss her too.


October 29,2008

Hi Chessie,

I just wanted to visit you for a moment and tell you I love you. I still miss you very much and hope you are happy and well. Kisses and hugs from mommy

Good night my sweet boy.


November 1, 2008

Hi my sweet boy,

I did not visit you yesterday. I am sorry, I was feeling kind of punky. It was a beautiful day today Chessie. The sun was bright and a gentle breeze. It reminded me of you. I felt your kisses when the wind brushed my face. Bogie too. I can now think about you without crying. I know deep in my heart that you are ok and having a good time with all of your new friends. You will still creep into my thoughts daily and I will smile remembering all of the time we had together. I love you with all of my heart my Cheddie Cheese Man. Be well until we meet again.

Love you

November 4, 2008

Hi Baby,

I just wanted to say hi and I love you. I wanted you to know that all of those times I blamed you for chewing up the dog beds I was wrong. Jill chewed up 2 beds this week. I want you to know that I am sorry I accused you. I hope you can forgive me. I love you and miss you Chessie. Be well and have fun.

November 6, 2008

Chessie my boy, I wanted to give you hugs and kisses today. I though about you alot today and wanted you to know I still miss you so much. It has been a month since you crossed the bridge and it still is so real and painful. I know you are well and waiting for me. Have a good night and lots of fun days with Bogie and Jill. Humphrey and the rest of your furbrothers and sisters are there with you too. What a wonderful day it will be when we are all together again. Until then stay safe, be happy and know that I love you and miss you very much


November 8, 2008


I wanted to let you know that Baxter crossed the bridge today. He was a very sick kitty and there was nothing we could do for him. We were blessed with him in our lives for 5 greaat years. He went peacefully in my arms. I cried for him and you my boy. Find him at the bridge Chessie and show him around. Keep him close with you and Bogie and the rest of our gang. Losing Baxter today just brought back all of the memories I had of losing you, and Bogie, and Humphrey so close together. I cry for all of you tonight because I miss all of you so very much, but I know that you are whole and happy again. Kisses and hugs to all of you.

I love you,


November 11,2008

Hello my sweet boy,

I just wanted to wish you a good night. I miss you and wanted you to know that I love you very much. I am finding it very hard to find peace with your leaving. I am selfish and want you here. I know your leaving was for the best and you are not sick any more. I love you Chessie man and I send you butterfly kisses and big bear hugs. Be well my friend.


November 12, 2008

Hello my baby boy,

It was a hard day today. I tried to talk about you with a friend and all I could do was cry. I felt so bad. I miss you Chessie and I am having a really hard time getting over losing you. I have a picture of you on my computer dest with your football in your mouth. You were so happy and healthy that day. Oh how I wish I could have you back for just a little longer. I know that is not possible and I know I will have to live with memories, but I want you to know that I still miss you so much it hurts. Be will and I look for the day we will be together again. Kisses and big bear hugs


November 15, 2008

My sweet Chester,

I wanted to write to say hello and I love you. I has been 5 weeks since you left us and the hurt is still here. Every time I look at your picture I cry. I miss you baby boy. Twelve years just was not enough time. Every day I get a little bit better and can almost talk about you without crying. I will always keep you close to me in my heart my sweet boy. Take care and be will until I see you again.


November 23, 2008

Hi baby,

I know I have not written in a few days but that does not mean I don't miss and love you. I wanted to let you know that. I want you to look up a kitty named Chester. His mommy Jennifer wrote to me and I know you can be good friends. Chessie I miss you so much. I know you are happy and healthy now and that gives me some consolation. I never wanted you to hurt. Take care and have fun until I meet you there.


November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Chessie, I really missed you today. I can still see you sitting by the oven when the turkey was cooking, and sticking you nose so close to the rack when I opened the door. It was a wonder you never burnt your nose. Well the day went ok, but I still am sad you are not here. I know you and Bogie would have been like a road block in the kitchen. I just wanted you to know that I missed you today and I love you soooooo much it hurts. I bet you had a fun day today with all of your friends at the bridge. Tell everyone hello for me and I love and miss each and every one. Take care sweet Chester until we are together again.

Sweet dreams

December 10,2008

Hi sweet boy,

I know it has been awhile since I wrote, and I am sorry. I just had days when I could not bare to sign on. My heart ached so bad for you. I hope you are doing well and having alot of fun at the bridge. Chessie it has been 2 months since you crossed the bridge and it still feels like yesterday. I know you are no longer in any pain, but I still am a little selfish and wish I could have you back. It will be a sad Christmas without you. I remember how excited you would get when you found your packages. The funniest was the pink football. I have that picture on my computer desk and I smile each time I see it. You thought you were the top dog with your pink football. My sweet goofy boy. I know you Bogie, humphrey, Baxter and all of the rest of our furfamily will be together this year. Have a great day and never forget that mommy loves you and misses you very much. Sleep well my baby boy and I will see you someday soon.



Hi Chessie,

I have not written in awhile, but that does not mean I don't miss you terribly. This is a busy time of year and I am having a tough time knowing you and Bogie will not be with us this Christmas. It breaks my heart to think of Christmas morning without you all hyper over your Christmas toys. I think my favoite picture of you on Christmas morning is when you got the pink football. I have that picture in a frame on my computer desk so I can see you every day. Know that we love and miss you and hope you have a Merry Christmas at the Bridge. Give Humphrey, and Baxter our hugs and kisses as well as all of your furbaby siblings there at the Bridge with you. Know that I will be thinking of you on christmas morning and send you all love and kisses.

I love you chessie man,


December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas my sweet Chessie

We missed you today. Presents weren't the same. Hope you and all of your furbaby sisters and brothers are having a good time at the bridge. My heart aches for you today Chessie as this is my first Christmas without you. You were always the life of Christmas morning. Be well my angel and know that we love and miss you.


January 3, 2009

Happy New Year Chessie.... I did not think I would make it through the end of 2008 without you. Starting a new year without you in my life is going to be a struggle. I miss you may big guy more than I could ever express in words. I thank God for the time I had you in my life. As I begin this new year I want you to know that you will always be in my heart,and I will have my memories to keep me going. Be safe and well as you wait for me. I send you big hugs and kisses. Tell all of our furbaby family hi and be well. I love you my big guy. Stay well.


January 11, 2009

Hi Sweet Chessie,

Well it has been 3 months now and I miss you as much as when you first left. Each day I see your picture and wonder if you are happy and taking good care of everyone. How I would love to touch your ears like I use to when you would lay by me on the couch. Those floppy ears with the hair as soft as feathers. There will never be another on like you my swee boy. I miss you every day and I love you so much. You must have been thinking about me today becasue I caught myself whispering your name. I send you lots of hugs and furbaby kisses my sweet boy. I will see you soon.


February 8, 2009

Hello baby,

I wanted to let you know I thought about you today. Not that I don't think about you everyday, but today was different. I felt like you were right here beside me. Oh Chess how I miss you. I cry for you every day. It has been 4 months since you crossed the bridge and I can still see your face looking at me with those big brown eyes. Was my decision right? Were you trying to tell me something and I didn't hear? I sill lhave a hard time living with my decision. I let you go becasue you were suffering so, and I could not bare to have you in any pain. My decision was not an easy one, and I want you to know that you are always in my heart and thoughts. I am so sorry you had to go. I know you are happy at the bridge with all of your furbaby friends and family, and I would not want it any other way. You have the big Bogie and Humphrey, Samantha and Baxter, Ferris, Rascal,and all of our other babies there with you. I know you are all waiting for us to join you and what a happy day that will be. I love you my Chess man. Until we meet again, be happy and safe and sleep well. I send kisses and hugs to you and everyone there.

I love you

February 25, 2009

Chessie my love. You have been gone for 4 months now and I miss you still everyday. Each time I see your picture I tear up. I miss you terribly my boy. I miss your soft ears and your loving eyes. How I wish we could have had some more time together. You will always be my boy and I will always keep memories of you in my heart. Be safe and well my sweet Chessie man and know that I think of you each day with love and tears. Say hello to all of our babies that have gone before you and let each one know that their mommy loves and misses them. We will all be together someday and what a great time that will be. Until then be well and know taht I love you.


April 15, 2009

Hi big boy,

I wanted to tell you how much I miss you. I have not written in awhile, but that does not mean I don't think of you every day. I miss you so much. I watched the move Marley and Me and it made me think of you and your silly antics. The end was almost unbearable and made me cry. It brought back so many memories of those last days with you. Wrote Bug today and wanted you to know that I still miss you everyday. I know you are having a good time with all of your furbaby siblings and the new friends that you meet each day. Know Chessie that I am going to be with you again one day. We can all be together again. I keep you in a special place in my heart along with Bogie, Buster, Ferris, Rascal, Samantha, Humphrey and all of the ones that have gone before. I will always remember my babies. Be safe and have fun. The weather is warm now and I know you and Bogie are laying in the warm grass dreaming of treats. Be good and I will write again soon.

I love you my big guy,

July 19, 2009

Hello baby,

I can't believe it has been so long since I visited. It does not mean I don't miss you everyday. Each time I see your picture, I think about the funny and sometimes naughty things you would do. I miss you big guy. Romey has been under the weather lately. He has 3 compressed discs in his back and the other day he was in such pain I thought we would lose him too. He is a little better, but today was hard for him. Everyone else is good. Shadow is still swimming his little butt off with his bright orange life jacket. He is too old to get out of the pool by himself so we make him wear this life jacket when we are out by the pool. He just turned 15 in June. Jill is Jill Still neurotic when it rains or thunders. She misses you because now she only has me to play with. Chessie I do miss you everyday. You were the best pal anyone could have. I am gonna visit with Bogie now so you be good and remember one day we will all be together again. I love you and send butterfly kisses and puppy smoochies to you .

Be well,

Love Mommy

August 24, 2009


Romey crossed the bridge today. He was hoping you and Bogie would meet him. I told him this morning when I said goodbye that he would soon be with his fur brothers and no longer hurting. His passing brought back so many memories and I am so very sad today. Please take care of Romey and you and Bug make sure he has fun and is with his family. I sitll miss you terribly and I am so sorry to have lost you guys. I cried today for Romey, but also for you and all of the other babies that have gone before you. I love and miss you all. Take care my sweet boy and make Romey feel welcome. Show him all of your special places and wait for me.

Love you


October 5,2009

My darling Chessman. Today is one year since you crossed the bridge. It still is so fresh in my mind. I miss you so much and how I wish I could have had more time with you. Love is a funny thing my sweet boy. Even though you are not here with me, I still feel your love in my heart. It was a sad day for me today, Chess as each time I thought of you my heart ached. But it was also a happy day as I know you are no longer sick and in pain. You have a great place to run and play and many of you furbabies siblings and friends are with you. Chess, I don't think I will ever get over losing you. I hope someday soon we can be together again. You were my sweet clown man and I miss you antics. Jilly got your old hippo out of the toy box the other day and when I heard the grunting noise I remembered how you loved to play with that silly thing. Be sweet and stay well my big boy and know that you are missed and loved beyond measure. Give Bug, Romey, Humphrey, Sam, Baxter and all of my babies fur kisses from mommy.

I love you baby


October 21,2009

Hi Chester man,

I was writing to Bogie, and could not leave without sending you some love and kisses. It has been a year for both you and Bogie and I miss both of you terribly. Are you taking good care of Romey? Give him a mommy hug from me. I miss the little guy. Shadow had surgery today and he did well. I was so worried that I might lose another furone and I don't think my heart could stand it. Oh Chessie how I wish you were still here. Not sick like you were but healthy and strong. I miss being able to talk to you and pet your soft ears. Oh how I loved those ears. Well my sweet man, I have to go. It is getting late and I need to sleep. Tell everyone hi from me and know that I think of you everyday. I will always hold you in my heart. Be safe and sleep well my sweet boy. Mommy loves you bunches and I send you all warm kisses and hugs.


December 15, 2009

Chessie my love, Gizmo crossed the bridge today. Look for him and show him what a wonderful place he has to wait for the day we are all together again. He was with us for 5 years and we hated to lose him. I know you and Bogie will take good care of him just as you do all of your fur baby siblings. I miss you all so much. My heart aches each time I think of you all. We will be together again some day and what a great day that will be.

I have to go but know that you are loved and missed each day. Stay well and know I love you,


December 21, 2009


Shadow crossed the bridge today. He was so ill and we did all we could for him. He went quietly, looking at me and kissing my face. He is well now and no longer in any pain. I see him running with you, Bogie, Sam, Rascal, Ferris, Jilly, Humphrey, Baxter,and all of our furbaby family. Take good care of him and make sure you tell him that mommy and daddy love and miss him. We are very sad and our hearts are hurting. It is the same feeling we had when we lost each one of you. But knowing that he is well now and back to his spunky self helps us though. I love you all so much. Until we are all together again, take care and I send fur baby hugs and kisses to you all.



December 24, 2009

My precious Chessie,

Tomorrow is Christmas and again you will not be with us. It pains my heart to know that you will not be there. I always think about the way you goofed around with the new toys and quickly emptied their stuffing. You did have a way with toys. This Christmas will be especially sad not having you, Bogie, Romey, Baxter, Gizmo, Ferris and now Shadow. Take care of each other and know that tomorrow we will be sending furbaby kisses and hugs to you all. I love you Chessman and will always miss you. Be well my love until we are all together again.

Merry Christmas


Happy New Year sweet boy. I can't believe I am starting another year without you here. I miss your sweet face so much. How I long to nuzzle those soft ears. Chessie my heart is still so broken with losing you. I saw a picture in a magazine the other day of a Brittany and it looked just like you. I could hardly hold back the tears. I know you are doing well and taking great care of all of the other fur family. Bogie, Shadow and all of the kitties. Know that I think of you each day and sometimes when I am in my quiet place I can feel you are there with me. Be well my sweet one and know that each day I send love and kisses your way.



Hey my baby,

I have not written in awhile, but I think of you every day. I have your picture in front of me as I write this. I wanted to tell you how much I miss you in my life. You were probably my best friend and I miss you so much. They say there is no love greater that that of your dog and I believe it to be true. That love I send back to you each day from my heart. I know you are taking good care of Romey, Shadow and Bogie as well as all of your kitty family. I miss each one of you so much. Chess man having you in my life was so special and I will never forget our time together. Take care my sweet man and know that I send kisses and furbaby hugs to your an your brothers and sisters. One day soon I will cross that bridge and we will all be together again. Until then stay well and know you are loved.

I love you,

October 5, 2010

Hello my sweet boy,

Today is the 2 year anniversary of your crossing the bridge. I can't believe the time has gone so fast. It seems like yesterday I held you in my arms as you slipped away. Many of our babies have gone since you and I know you are with each one. Chessie I still miss you so much. I can't explain the loss I feel in my heart. I have your picture at my computer so I see your sweet face each day. We have a new baby now, his name is Oreo and he is a goof ball just like you. We got him from the pound and he was a mess. He loves to dig, like you did and he loves to eat everything in site (remember the remote?). Chessie I love you so much and I think of you every day. Your picture is on the fridge with Bogie, Romey, Shadow, and each baby that has touched our heart and blessed our life. I want you to know I send many furbaby kisses to you and know that one day we will all be together again. Until that day my baby, run free, be safe, and know that you are loved.

Love you

December 21, 2010


Hi baby, I was visiting to let you know how much I love and miss you. I am sad today becasue it is a year since my precious Shadow crossed the bridge to be with you. If you see him give him a bid Chester hug. Chess I cry almost every day since you left. My heart has a big hole in it and I don't think I will ever be able to fill that void. I miss all of my fur babies so much. Each of you have a special place in my heart and will always be with me. I am going to post a picture of you as soon as I get one that does you justice. That way everyone can see what a handsome man you are. Take care my love and stay well. Rest until we are together again. All of us, oh what a time we will have.

I love you buddy,



My Sweet Cheeseman,

It has been 3 years since you left us here. I still miss you terribly and talk about you every chance I get. They say time heals all wounds, and that might be true, but it can't totally heal the break in my heart from not having you here. You were my best buddy and I still smile when I think of some of your anitcs. You were a funny guy Chess, and I don't know how I was so priviledged to be your mom. My sweet boy, I know you are now well and strong and I am thankful for that. I can just see you playing with Bug and Shadow,Romey, Sam,Baxter, Ferris, Jillybean, Gizmo, Humphrey and little Rascal. All of our furbabies that have gone before are all together now as one happy family. Chessie, know I send you love and butterfly kisses each day. When I look up in the sky I sometimes feel you are looking down on me. I feel your fur kisses on my cheek. On this 3 year anniversay, know how I miss you and love you. Keep well and someday soon we will all be together again. I love you Chester man. Kisses and hugs to you and your friends.

Love mommy


My precious Chester man. I wanted to wish you Merry Christmas and let you know we still miss you so much. I look at your picture each day and say a prayer for you. I hope you are having fun with all of your furbaby friends and Shadow, Bogie, Romey, Jill and each furbaby sibling that has left our family. I love an miss all of you. Be well my sweet boy and know that you are loved so very much.



October 5, 2012

It has been 4 years now Chester and it seems like yesterday. I miss you so much. We have lost so many of your fur siblings since you cross the bridge. The latest is Frederick O'Mally. After 16 years he left us. We know what good buddies you and Mally were. Hopefully he is with you now and you guys are having a great time. You are always in my heart big man and I will never forget you. Tonight when I close my eyes I will feel your furbaby kisses on my cheek. Until we meet again remember I love you soooooo much. Be safe and well sweet one.

Love you

October 5, 2013

Hey buddy,

Another year has come and gone. We miss you just like it was yesterday. We think and speak of you often. We still laugh about the time you got your head stuck in the cat house shaped like a big wedge of cheese. Chess you were the best! I love and miss you.

Love Mommy,

October 5, 2014

Here we are another year. We miss you and look forward to the day we are all together again. Please take care of all of the fur babies that have come since you left. Each one holds a special place in our hearts. I love you Chester forever.

Love Mommy

October 5, 2015

Here we are, another year without you. I still miss you by goofy boy. The time we had was so precious and the day we had to let you go was the worst day of my life. I still cry tears for you. I can still feel you furababy kisses on my cheek when I dream of the times we had together. So many of your fur baby siblings have joined you in the last 7 years and I know you are watching over them just as you watch over me and daddy. Chessie, I will love you forever. Until we are together again be well and keep everyone safe. Love and kisses forever.

Love Mommy

Please also visit Bogie.

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