What I will miss most about you chewy is the leaping into my arms everyday when I came home and putting those paws up for more loving. I truly loved you and always will. I am sorry I was not a better person. I promise you I will be a better person because of you and the time you gave me. I just wish I would have given you more of my time....Paws Up You have given me more than I could ever return and I Thank you for that...Paws Up 10/13/2018 My Sweet Chewy, its been a day. I miss you. Its Saturday a day we usually hung out, my heart is hurting but I know you are in a beautiful place. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. Paws Up. 10/14/2018 My Sweet Chewy, another day has past, want you to know I am thinking about you, your dad Mackie is really sad he has been roaming the house looking for you. We Love & Miss you sweetheart. Paws Up. 10/19/2018 My Sweet Chewy, It has been a week since we said good bye. I really miss you, life has been a little rough. It has been cold & raining all week. I hope you are warm and safe. I have your beautiful memorial box from the Vet. I will cherish it until I come to join you. I have been working really hard on my promise to you to be a better person. Paws Up. 10/19/2018 My Sweet Chewy, Just got home from work , it has been raining all day. It has been a week in my time but a month in yours. Just want you to know I am always thinking of you ~ Paws Up 10/26/2018 Chewy I miss you dearly, It will be two weeks at 9:30 today that we said good bye. I have been trying really hard to up hold my promise to you. It has been hard these past few weeks. Seems since you left my life has just been crumbling around me. You always were able to cheer me up no matter how bad things got, I will continue to hold true to our promise no matter what. I Love you and miss you alot. Paws Up my Sweet Chewy 11/02/2018 My Sweet Chewy, today at 9:30 am it will mark 3 weeks since we said goodbye. It has still been very hard for me because I feel I failed you. I have thought of you everyday and I miss you. Been working on my promise to you to be a better person. It was had yesterday and a made a few mistakes. I hope and pray everyday I will not let you down again. Paws Up 11/12/2018 My Sweet Chewy it has been 30 days since we said good bye, I miss you dearly. Yesterday I gave Little Jolene your Sunday Bacon because you always shared. Sunday Morning Breakfast has not been the same since you been gone. I want you to know I am working on my promise I made to you and it has helped me alot. I believe I am becoming a better person. I Love You so much Chewy.. Paws Up 12/12/2018 My Sweet Chewy it has been a long 60 days since we said goodbye (see ya later). I think of you daily. my world has still been crumbling around me since you left my side. I struggle everyday to stop it and build it back up. We got some new kitchen appliances right after thanksgiving. I am trying to be a better person and hold true to my promise to you. My heart hurts everyday for you. I truly will always Love You Chewy... oh I did get your brother, sister , mom and dad hoodies from your favorite place Chewy.com in your memory.. Paws Up 12/26/2018 Chewy it was a very lonely Christmas without you. My life is still falling apart and I miss you so much. You always made the world go away when you and me were together. I can not wait for the day we meet again, I hope you will remember me.. I am so sorry I failed to protect you.. Paws Up 02/08/2019 Chewy we have moved into a New Year and I have been really missing you. Your picture from one year ago when you were a little sick laying on the bed just looking as beautiful as you were. I am sorry I have not written since Christmas but this year has already gone by fast. Everyday I come home I catch myself saying were is my Gitsu looking for you to come running into my arms. 04/01/2019 Chewy Its has been awhile, I hope you know I will never forget you. I miss you everyday. Its April my birthday is coming up and I wish you were here. This year is passing fast. In a few days it will be six months since we said goodbye. I still feel the void in my life since you have been gone. I love you and always will.. Paws Up.. I Love you Chewy.... 06/30/2019 Really missing you. I been going through old photos and changing my profile pictures to you. Deputy(brother), Cinnamon(mom),Mackie(dad) and Jolene are missing you as well. They miss you too. Things are going ok, alot a crazy storms. I am really sorry for letting you down, I just did not do enough to protect you. I hope you forgive me. Paws Up my little girl, miss you every day.. You will always be in my heart. Paws Up I love you Chewy. 09/10/2019 Chewy want to let you know your mother has left us today to join you. She had a long good life just as you did. I miss you everyday but now i have a little comfort knowing you are not alone now. Let Cinnamon know we love her and will always cherish the time we all had together. This part of life is very difficult but memories of you chewy keep me going. 09/13/2019 Dear chewy , your brother Deputy had to go to the doctor today , he has a tooth ache. Your Dad Mackie is doing good, we can tell they are missing your momma since she left to join you. We all love you and cinnamon, our hearts are a little empty missing you both. Paws UP my little girl Love You 04/04/2021 Dear Chewy, I am so sorry it have been a long time since I have written you, A whole lot has happen since I last wrote 569 days ago. 2020 was a really rough year with all the bad things going on in the world I did forget to tell you about Frank, he came into our life a Nov of 2019 and helped us. Frank and Jolene had babies in September 2020 almost two years from when you left our world, two girls and a boy. One of the girls is a blonde version of you, called sunshine. Your daddy and brother are still with us, this year Jolene and Frank had another set of babies this time four boys. I will come on again a fill you in on more that has happened, I wanted you to know I was thinking about you these past few weeks, sunshine reminds me of you everyday. She is learning the paws up, that me and you shared. She sends me off to work each day with a hug and a smile and greets me each day when I get home. She does not yet know how to jump like you but she seems to be coming close. You will always and forever be my sweet girl. Paws up Love you sweet girl.. 04/28/2022 Dear Chewy, I am so sorry it has again been so long since I written to you. It's my birthday today and I miss you dearly. Sunshine I believe has your sprite, she is very much like you and cares for me. She knows the paws up and is always doing it. She is you blonde twin. I hope you know that you will always mean the world to me and I will always love you and your place in my heart will never be replaced. I have been keeping my promise the best i can , I think I am becoming a better person. It is really hard these days with the way the world is going. Paws up Love you sweet girl. 10/12/2022 Dear Chewy, Its been a long 4 years, hope your brother Deputy found you as he went to play with you at the rainbow bridge last month. I believe your daddy Mackie will been coming soon. The whole family Your Mama Cinnamon, Your Brother Deputy and soon your Daddy Mackie will be together again. You all have gave us so many joy & love filled years, you would love the family that is with us now. Not sure but I believe I told you about Jolene (mama) and Frankie (daddy) they had a lot of babies, I have mention Sunshine, but Leroy her brother and Gringo Her other brother fill the house with love and joy. They all Love your daddy Mackie and I am sure they will be sad when he comes to join you soon. I miss you every day and yes I am trying each an everyday to be a better person, my promise to you when we said see you later when you left to go to the rainbow bridge. Paws Up I love you sweet girl.. 01/ 08/30/2024 Dear Chewy, I am so sorry it has been almost two years since I last wrote you, I think of you every day. It is coming up on six years since you left us. I am hurting thinking of you today, I am however becoming a better person because of you. I miss you so much! PAWS UP I love you and always will. forgive me for time that has passed between visits. I know they are even long in your world of time. Paws up I love you sweet girl.. 02/19/2025 Dear Chewy, I know it has been awhile, but my love for you still is the same, a friend has just sent his Capone to play with you so please let Capone know his humans love and miss him. help him enjoy eternal life at the rainbow bridge. Paws Up Sweet girl, still working on being a better person and I think I am doing good