Welcome to Chimo's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Chimo's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Chimo
-As as wee puppy, Chimo loved to be chased as all puppies do. He'd grab assorted underwear and run with it until you could catch him.
-He was our 'Houdini' puppy - we crated him during the day when he was small, but we'd come home to find he'd escaped. (even with a lock on the cage, Chimo found a way to escape) He disliked being hemmed in. Good thing our home is mainly open concept. :o)
When he was a bit older he used to let himself out via the sliding door, he'd nuzzle his nose at the bottom of the door & somehow pry it open. If only we had trained him to close the door after himself. *Grin* - Just kidding!
--Obedience classes as a puppy - Chimo won best trick in the class.
-Canine Good Citizen - Chimo successfully completed all requirements under the AKC for Canine Good Citizen and was certified accordingly.
-Vet's office after neutering surgery - Chimo made such a fuss when his stitches came out that the owner of the clinic had to come in to see what all the to do was about
- Sticking his nose in other peoples yards - poor Chimo got bitten on the nose by a German Shepard but nothing that a prescribed antibiotic couldn't clear up.
-Our daily walks - if I didn't get him walked by a certain hour, Chimo would hunt me down or go into the cupboard to find his leash - our walks were 'our quality time together'
-Up at the cottage in Haliburton - Chimo insisted on riding in the paddle boat with us. It was a tight squeeze but we managed and he enjoyed it thoroughly.
-Imitating our pomeranian Tika - Our pomeranian, Tika has this funny howl. Soon after her howling began Chimo would try his voice to howl in tune with Tika. The result - American Canine Idol here we come :o)
After our 2nd baby Tika arrived there was quite the todo about the food. Chimo would prefer Tika's food and vice versa. I'd have to watch over both of them while they were eating their meals. If I turned my back for a second, Chimo would be at Tika's bowl merrily chowing down.
-Everyone in our neighbourhood loved Chimo - kids would surround us on our walks through the park just to pet him, Chimo was more than happy to oblige.

Chimo - you were a gentle & loving dog, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of our precious time spent together and await the day we meet up again. Rest well, my gentle lion.

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