Welcome to Chipper's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Chipper
Chipper...my buddy. I believe if God made the perfect dog in a laboratory, it would be you. We said goodbye to you today, one of the hardest things I've ever done. We got Chipper back in December of 2012 as an early Christmas gift for the kids. We found him at a local animal shelter. An elderly woman had him previously and just couldn't take care of him. Boy, did she miss out! We named after baseball player, Chipper Jones. Chipper never met a stranger and just wanted someone to rub his chin or rub his belly.

We have so many wonderful memories of Chipper. Every Christmas for years, Chipper would get stuffed toys. He would have the stuffing out of those things in 5 minutes. He loved it!

Chipper hated for me to fall asleep in the recliner. He would start growling at me to wake me up.

Chipper's favorite thing was FOOD. He knew when we had Chic Fil A just by seeing the bag. He would go crazy for it. He also loved popcorn, all kinds of nuts, and scrambled eggs. He would wait patiently as I ate my eggs and couldn't wait for his little bit at the end.

Chipper development liver and gallbladder issues over the last couple of years. For a while, he really had no symptoms. Over time Chipper started having episodes where he would get extremely weak. We would take him to the vet, get him some fluids, and he would be back to normal. As time went on, those episodes turned into vomiting as well. And eventually, his vet informed us his medicine simply doesn't help him and he needs his gallbladder out. That kinda leads us to where we are today. Chipper had it removed, but simply had too many adverse effects to continue at his almost 13 yrs of age. He developed pancreatitis, which was challenging enough. He also had a leak somewhere in his abdomen that the only course was another surgery, which still had no guarantees. We made the painful decision to have Chipper euthanized.

Lastly for now, Chipper, I hope you know how much we loved you. I thank God you were in our lives for almost 12 years. I have no plans of another dog, as there is no way a dog could compete with how wonderful you were. I don't know if dogs somehow are in heaven, but I hope one day to see you again. I love you and will never forget you.

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