Welcome to CHLOE's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of CHLOE
Chloe was the most beautiful little Italian Greyhound with mink-soft red & white fur and the most beautiful BIG brown eyes that always looked at me with complete trust and love. She was the only dog I had ever had. I was devastated when I learned in January that she had a tumor on her heart, discovered during her annual routine physical. There was nothing that could be done. She would have been 15 years old on 10/10/10; I had to let her go 5 months shy of her big birthday. Her little heart stopped less that 30 seconds after the injection... I kissed her goodbye and hoped she would rest in peace til we see each other again.

She had been my "Christmas Baby", as I always called her; my husband, Tony, had given her to me. Because I was not working at the time, I had the gift of spending the whole first year of her life with her. When I lost my job unexpectedly in 2009, I would have the last year of her life with her too, although I didn't know it at the time. That has been the only good thing about being laid off and unable to find a new job all this time.

She was the child I didn't have. I loved her so much, and I cannot imagine my life without her now. I will always love her, and although I took Sophia and Gia,two young adult Italian greyhounds, into my heart and home shortly after I learned Chloe was going to die, they will not replace her. I already love them too, but I will love them differently. I console myself knowing I saved them from being separated when their mom couldn't keep them anymore. They don't seem to realize that Chloe is gone now but they honor her by sleeping in her many dog beds around the house.

Chloe, Mama and Daddy will always hold you in our hearts and memories and will see you again soon. Then we will never be apart again. Puppy Kisses forever and always...

May 13, 2010: My sweet girl, I brought you home one final time. You will never be cold, lonely or alone again. I have a lock of your hair and your footprint. Cherished mementos of you - but none as sweet as all the precious memories of you from babyhood until your last breath. more Puppy kisses...

October 10, 2010: Today is your 15th Birthday, Sweet Girl. My heart still aches over losing you. I bought a plaque that reads: "If Love could have Saved You, You would have Lived Forever." We'll see you again someday - time is just a blink of an eye in Eternity. You won't even know it has been more than a second since we were last together! Can't wait to be with you again... Daddy's and my love to you forever and ever... Mama

May 8, 2011: Today is Mother's Day. You went to the Rainbow Bridge this date One Year Ago. Since it is Mother's Day and as your Mama, I want you to know that you are always on my mind and in my heart. I have a beautiful picture of you on my nightstand and it's the first thing I see each morning and the last thing at night. I Love You, Chloe. You are now and always will be my sweet girl and special baby...

May 8, 2012: Hello, my sweet little girl. Two Years Ago today, you left us to go to the Rainbow Bridge. Are you happy? We miss you so much. I still think of you everyday, look at your picture all the time and long to see you again...Your adopted sisters are both well and happy. You were my first baby and will ALWAYS be my first love.Forever and Always in my heart...Daddy's too. We remember you with Love and Longing every minute of every day...PUPPY KISSES, Sweetie...

May 8, 2013: Hi, Chloe. Can it really be 3 years since you went to live at the Rainbow Bridge? I miss you so very much now, even more than I missed you when you first passed away. If I could have you back for one more day, I'd tell you how I cherish you & how I deeply regret not spending much more time with you than I did because I was working all the years you were growing up. I will forever regret the lost time with you...BUT I'd hug you and kiss you just like the puppy kisses you gave me. My long days were always blessed with seeing your sweet face when I got home, and you didn't seem to hold it against me that I was gone so much. Still, I see now with your adopted sisters what a difference it makes to be available for cuddles and kisses and lots and lots of play time together. Can you forgive me?? If you do, maybe then I can forgive myself... I will see you again,and we'll spend all our time together and I'll tell you how much your puppy love means to me still... All my love,Sweet Girl... Mama

May 8, 2014: Oh, my, Chloe! It was 4 years ago today that you went to the Rainbow Bridge to wait for Daddy and me. I miss you so much and I talk to you every day. I reread my thoughts written last year on this day, and my sentiments remain the same. I still regret not having spent more time with you but you were, and are, the light of my life. I really can't wait to be with you again. I love you with all my heart. Please be with me always. Love to my Sweet Girl. Mama

May 2, 2016: I am ashamed of myself, Chloe. I think of you every day; however, it has been a difficult couple of years. It's no excuse for not stopping by, but it's an explanation which needs expanding... I had both of my knees replaced in 2015: the left one in January and the right one in November. But that was NOTHING --You see, your two sisters whom Daddy and I adopted in 2010 when you were terminally ill, themselves were diagnosed with Renal Disease in 2015. While they were not from the same litter, they both developed it and at about the same time. We did everything we could medicallly to give them the best quality of life we could, just as we had done for you, but in July of 2015, they began not to respond to Sub Q treatments to make them comfortable. Gia had even lost the sight in her right eye when her blood pressure reached a damgerous level and blew out her cornea... Finall, we had to make the devastating decision to put Sophia to sleep on July 10, 2015. She was born in 2001 so she died just before her 14th birthday. She had had such a rough start in her life and had had many medical issues we addressed but at the end, we just couldn't save her. I was heartbroken. Gia started to fail rapidly after her sister didn't come home. So only 12 days later, on July 22, 2015, we had to let her go. She was even younger than Sophia; she was born in 2003 so she didn't even live to see her 12th birthday. It was devastating to end her life. She was so loving and cuddly. It crushed me and I became deeply depressed - torturing myself over the whys of it all and could I have done more, just as I tormented myself about you. I had you for almost 15 years but I wasn't around much of the time because I worked then; your sisters got more of my attention because I had retired; however, about 5 years was all I had with them. Now, your three Memorial Urns reside next to one another in my curio cabinet in the living room so that you 3 can be together and with us all the time. I'm going to add photos of your sisters for you to see but also to memorialize them as part of your memorial. I miss you with every fiber of my being and someday soon, I will be rejoining you and your sisters at the Rainbow bridge. I can't wait...My life is so empty now. Lest you think I'm alone now, though, Daddy and I adopted a rescue dog, Winnie, last August. She is not an Italian Greyhound, as you 3 were, but Daddy fell in love with her. As a rescue dog, she had some behavioral issues and we had a trainer help with improving her manners. Still, she's not like any of you. I feel guilty saying that, but I miss my girls so much. I will love her and care for her as a tribute to you who gave me so much love and devotion. I'll add a picture of her too. I love you, Chloe. I hope you are happy and having fun at the Rainbow Bridge. I'll see you soon. Love always and forever, Mama P.S. I promise not to stay away so long this time. Don't ever doubt my love and devotion to you and now to your sisters in spirit. It's just painful to visit but I owe you all that much... xoxoxoxo
May 8, 2017: Hello, my sweet girl. I love you and miss you so very much! You are never out of my thoughts. I wish I hadn't had to let you go all those year ago, but you were not well. Forgive me... All my love, always, Mama
May 8, 2018: Hi, Sweet Love ❤️! I miss you so much. Are you happy? It has been EIGHT long years without you. Daddy retired at the end of 2017. He bought a new boat; how we long to take you out with us! You were such a good little C-Dog ("sea" vs "C", get it?!) 😃. Would love for you to visit me in my dreams to let me know that you're alright and are waiting for me and for daddy. Love you forever, CHLOE. 💕 and tons of puppy kisses...😘 Mama
April 26, 2020: How areyou, my sweet little girl!? I miss you every day. The world is suffering a Pandemic of the coronavirus (covid-19) & in the US, we are under stay at home orders...There is no cure nor is there a vaccine yet. Daddy & I are fine so far, as is your sister, Winnie. We're living at your favorite place at the beach & I see you everywhere I look. It will be TEN years ago on May 8 that we had to let you go. It seems like yesterday; does it seems that way to you? I believe I'll see you soon! I love you with all my heart, as does daddy. Mama ❤

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