What can I say about the best dog ever... never destructive as a puppy, always happy to see everyone, loved food and retrieving tennis balls, never peed or pooped in the house even on her last day of life.......? Only that our hearts are broken, and there is a big hole in our house. You were truly my soul mate dog, Chloe, and could connect with me in a way no one else could. You could say more with one glance than most humans can with a thousand words. You always knew when I would come home from work because Bill would tell me you would sit at the door for two hours before I arrived home. I always looked forward to spending time with you outdoors throwing the tennis ball...for hours and hours and hours. You always loved to 'talk' with groans, especially when your ears were rubbed. You and Bill had some interesting and lively 'conversations!' The house has fallen quiet, and Gracie is beside herself looking for you. Christine cried yesterday, because she remembers bringing you home as a little girl. Now you are no longer in pain. Run free with Keesha, Lacey and Jessie, until we meet again. Godspeed, Chloe Queen of Chocolate. 5/28/15 - Four months today, Chloe, you went to Heaven. I know you are happy in the arms of the Lord until we meet again. I love you very much. 7/5/15 - Ten years ago today, Chloe, we lost little Jessie. I hope you and she are playing again in heaven..... 10/2/15 - Chloe, you would have been 12 back on August 14th. I miss you every day. We have a new puppy now, Annie, who is a feisty little trip! She keeps chasing Jamie and acts towards Gracie like you did towards Keesha when you were a puppy. Sigh....here we go again. 12/31/15 - Chloe, I hope your first Christmas in Heaven was a good one! We missed you very much. My heart is still broken, as we leave this year that took you from us. I sometimes feel like I am not being fair to Annie, because I'm still mourning you, but I love her as well. Happy New Year in Heaven, Chloe. I love you! 1/27/16 - Well, my girl, tomorrow morning it will be one year since you went to the Rainbow Bridge. Bill even had a dream of bringing you there himself and there were 10 dogs there to greet you. I can't believe a year has gone by since I last saw you. Your last night was tragic but also very blessed, because I know you went right to Heaven. You will be in my heart for the rest of my life, Chloe. I love you!! 6/30/16 - Chloe, your buddy Gracie suddenly left us on 6/14/16. Unlike you, there was no warning. I went to work and she was gone by noon. Please show her around the rainbow bridge; I know you two are together again, playing like you used to. 1/28/17 - Chloe, it is hard to believe it has been two years since you went to the Rainbow Bridge. It doesn't seem like that long, and I still miss you every day. I hope you are enjoying yourself with Gracie, Jessie, Lacey and Keesha. I love you! 8/14/17 - Happy 14th Birthday in Heaven, Chloe! It's so hard to believe that you've been gone 2 1/2 years! I love you! 1/28/18 - Happy 3rd Anniversary in Heaven, sweet girl! I still miss you every day! 1/28/19 - Happy 4th Anniversary in Heaven, Chloe. Mom left us on September 14th; and I hope she and Dad are with you now, along with Babe, Precious, Keehsa, Lacey, Jessie and Gracie. The two pups we have now are giving us a run for our money. Annie and Loucie are sweet but rough, lol. 1/29/20 - Yesterday it was 5 years in Heaven, Chloe, and I still miss you every day. I thank God for the years we had with you. You were such a wonderful, loyal friend, whom I will miss until the end of my days... 1/28/22 - My Chloe girl, it's been seven years since you passed. I'll miss you always...💔 1/28/24 - I still miss you after nine years, Chloe girl. Sometimes it feels like only yesterday, but others it feels like a million years ago. 1/28/25 - It has been ten years since you left us, sweet Chloe. It does not seem possible, and so much has happened since you passed onto the Rainbow Bridge. You will always be in our hearts, until we meet again..... |
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