Welcome to Chloe's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Chloe
Chloe was a beautiful Chocolate girl. The love of her life was Sunny who she picked out when he was a pup. Sunny passed on 3/28/15. Chloe loved to tease with a Hedgehog. She was not much of a retreiver, mostly a lover. She was born with orthopedic issues on each leg but love and great vets and her toughness got her 14.5 years of life in this world. She was my best friend. She loved to swim. Her walks i referred to as "sniffs". One time i was late for a wedding because she was chasing water bugs in a deep creek and i had to swim into murky snaky waters to retreive her. There are so many stories. She has been febble for several years due to her joints but she loved life and she was a inspiration to me as i have faced many surgeries myself. Our hearts are broken but it is better to have loved her and lost rather than never having known her. Caring for her was an honor of our lives. I know that our grown kids are hurting as she was there in their formative years. May you run in open fields with Sunny, free of pain and worry forever my love. And you can lick my salty legs and show whose is boss anytime.

3/23/17: Dear Chloe. The crying has gone away and we are left with emptiness and fond memories or our 14.5 years. You were really genetically unlucky from birth so your life was a struggle with hip dysplasia and front elbow arthritis etc. Thanks to the great surgeons at Gulf Coast Veterinary Services you led a pretty normal and long life with us. Before my memory fades I would like to describe more of the great memories together. How about that alpine lake in Colorado where you tried to pull me over the rocks and logs straight into the lake? I could barely hold you back from that water. Remember when you were a pup and I was flat on my back working on my Honda Accord and you stole one of my oil pan bolts? What kind of dog carries away a metal bolt? Even though you were very old you had a presence in our home up until the end on this earth. And you liked to go outside every day around lunchtime when it was sunny to lay on the driveway and soak up some of sunlight's warmth. I miss you checking my breath to see if I have been snacking on a raw steak or something - hah hah. I miss you in the kitchen cleverly positioning yourself to have the best chance of getting me to drop some food. Molly was devastated by your passing but she now has a new lab friend - miss Zuma. Zuma is a chocolate rescue who I know that you would approve of. More about Zuma next time. I know that you have crossed that bridge and you and Sunny are having a great time. Maybe you met Bailey, our first lab, in your new home? Until we talk again Pretty Chloe............

Pretty Chloe, It has been 2 years since u left us for a better world. Hope Sunny is by your side over that rainbow. Zuma has been such a joy for me and especially your mom. You would have loved Zuma. Molly is getting more and more odd every day. She acts like a cat. She is 11 yrs old. It makes me tearful to read your remembrance from your passing. We are getting some country woods of our own and i hope to see you out there as a shooting star my love on a clear night! I will write again soon.

5/29/23. Dear Chloe, I have been working on your memorial. I have also been working on Molly's new memorial. She should be with you in the heavens. I have found some better pics of you that I have added. You have been gone from us for 6 years and I can't believe that. Your urn is on the shelf with Sunny and I guess I can't let go of you from our house. I have pondered spreading all the dog ashes at our rural campsite but you never visited there. There are bugs aplenty, crows, buzzards, coyotes, owls, rabbits, squirrels, bobcats, lots of cardinals, snakes and many other Texas creatures. I know you would approve of the place. We work hard to improve the wildlife habitat and conservation up there. Miss you bo boos.

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