Welcome to Chloe's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Chloe
Chloe's story begins with my other fur friend, miss Aimee. We adopted Aimee (age 1) a year before Chloe, (age 6) from the St.Charles Humane Society. Aimee is very social, and we found out quickly she would need a friend. The day we went to the shelter, I'd looked at every, single cat in every single cage. I was on my way out (after going back through again, ALL the cages to make sure I had seen all the kitties), when I noticed a cage in the corner that I'd assumed was empty the first time through. I said "let me just check and see to be sure" . When I bent down and got on my knees, I saw a small, dark shadow in the back of the cage. I stuck my fingers through the cage, wiggled them, and here came Chloe. She walked slowly over to me, and nudged my fingers with her cheek. I looked at the attendant and said "get her out of here right now please". She was placed my arms, I held her like a baby, and she turned her head, into and up/rubbed the side of her face on my chest towards my face (like a baby would if it was trying to nurse), reached/extended her paw up to my face... that was it. That's all it took. My husband said to the attendant "ok. we'll take this one home". It was not even 5 minutes. My heart hurt to put her back in the cage that day. I had to wait 2 agonizing days before the adoption was final and I could go and pick her up.

Chloe bug, snuggle bug, squeaks, pris, baby girl, love bug, princess, pretty kitty, little bit, are just a few of the names she went by. She also taught me a few things about cats I never knew before. One was that cats DROOL! yes, when they are happy, some cats actually drool. It's not slimy but like water. She would leave huge wet marks all over my shirts when I held her or she was on my chest. About the size of the top of a muffin. Also, she loved to eat anything with wool fibers, also known as Woolicker Syndrome. She would become somewhat possessed and chomp and pull at certain fuzzy blankets, and I caught her multiple times trying to eat the carpet. She also loved to eat grass when she was outside. Lying on the deck and front porch were her favorite things to do. Springtime was her most favorite time of the year. Sleeping on the skirt, under the Christmas tree each year was one of my favorite traditions. Like clockwork, each year, as soon as the tree was up, while I was decorating it, she would crawl under it and curl up and go to sleep. Never, messed with the tree or ornaments. My chest, though, was the top spot for her, during the last 14 years. Hearing the sound of her purr first thing in the morning and that being the last sound I hear before going to bed at night is going to leave a hole in my heart forever. The only thing, I might not miss, is when she would nudge/head butt my nose with her nose turning to her cheek, which then left a drop of drool UP my nose! Super cute when she did it but definitely not my favorite thing she did to me.

My husband left her outside on the deck a couple of times, while grilling dinner, and forgot to let her back in and she went on what we called her "walkabouts" in the neighborhood but staying gone for 2-3 days the first and second time. Both times I almost had a complete mental breakdown. She found her way back the first time, and the second time she was found by a neighbor, that just happened to be a foster parent for the SCHC and she took Chloe up to see if she had a chip. I was contacted by SCHC and left work immediately to go and pick her up. Brad was not allowed to let the cats on the deck when he was grilling anymore. :) lol

My snuggle bug was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism in May 2017 which, once under control revealed Kidney disease around August 2017. She did really well for a long time and I am so grateful that I had that much time to be able to say good by to her. My husband and son, were and are amazing. Although at times, I'm sure wanted to not have to deal with her, and the constant inquisition from me every day about what they observed with my baby girl. They both helped give her medicine, watch over her, feed her and kept up with all the changes over the last year. (& there were many). Anyone that has ridden the Hyperthyroid/Kidney Disease roller coaster knows about the ups and downs and all the changes. I was blending her food for the last three months, as she had broken teeth and when I did this, she ate double the amount each week she had been eating before. Even in the last few days, my Son helped during the day by taking her to the litter box for me. (she couldn't go by herself anymore, although wouldn't and never did mess in her bed). I am so grateful for my family's support. It allowed me to have many, many more snuggles from my sweet , loving friend, Miss Chloe bug.

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