Welcome to Chloe's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Chloe
(7-19-2020) John and I found Chloe on Petfinder.com and adopted her on Sept. 15, 2003. Chloe adopted us, too. From that first day we were inseparable.

Chloe came with us (by car) to many places and was a wonderful traveler. She adapted easily to being in different hotel rooms and vacation condos. I always said, "If Chloe can't come with me, I'm not going." Several times she has been to Bethlehem NH, Christmas Island NS, Montague PEI, Fredericton NB, and Myrtle Beach SC; as well as Niagara Falls NY, Princeton WV, Branson MO, Richmond VA, Pittsburgh & Harrisburg PA, and Kissimmee FL.

One thing about Chloe that I thought was funny. She was definitely camera shy. About 90% or more, when she saw the camera she would look away. As hard as I tried, I couldn't get her to look at the camera or in my direction. Or if she did look towards me, by the time I pressed the shutter button, she had looked away. Most of the pictures I have of Chloe I took while she was sleeping!! Fortunately, I do have a few pictures of her facing me.

Chloe followed me around the house wherever I went. She would only be a few steps behind me, or sometimes run ahead. She always came when I called her. After dinner, I would be busy in the kitchen cleaning up. Chloe would come to get me, meow for me to hurry, and go into the den to wait, keeping an eye on me as she waited. Every evening after cleaning the kitchen, I sat in "our" chair in the den and placed her soft blanket on my lap. Chloe would jump up, make herself comfortable, and purr as I hugged and talked to her. I often told John, "She's purring with happiness." Chloe gave me kitty kisses on the nose in return for my hugs. Treats were on a table next to our chair, and she would stare at the container until I gave her one or two. After her treat, she would curl up on my lap and go to sleep as I patted her. I told Chloe every day "You are my precious pet that I love." "I'm so lucky the day that I got you." Every night she would lie next to me in bed. I put my arm around her, she would start purring, and we would go to sleep together. This was our routine.

During the past year, Chloe started showing signs of her age, 18. She was having a bit of difficulty with her back legs weakening and eventually arthritis too. She was sleeping for longer periods, her hearing diminished somewhat, and walking wasn't as steady. -- Yesterday, she was in greater discomfort than before, and I couldn't let her be that way. She had difficulty squatting in her litter box. This happened a couple of times in the past but she recovered her strength and could complete her litter box business. Yesterday it was quite different - Chloe was trying very hard to hold her squat position, but even with my assistance supporting her back end, she had difficulty and it broke my heart. So I knew the time had come for her to cross Rainbow Bridge where one day we will be together again. When I woke up yesterday morning (7-18-2020), I never imagined this would be her last day.

I have always felt that the final kindness you can have for your pet is to know when the time arrives for the inevitable. John and I brought Chloe to her vet and I was with her when she passed. We had such a close bond in life, I would never abandon her at the end. The last thing she saw was me. She was 18 yrs 1 mo. old.

I can't describe how much I loved her. I will miss her dearly, and all the cute little things she did that made me laugh. God love her. She was such a joy. What a really good and sweet pet she was. I loved it when we looked into each other's eyes with love. Chloe really touched my life in a very special way. My life will never be the same without her. I am heartbroken that she is gone, but I am also happy that she had a pampered and happy life. She deserved it.

I'm having Chloe cremated and her ashes returned to me - so in a way I will still have her.

Bye my little love, until we meet again...
Peggy and John

(7-22-2020) Chloe's ashes were delivered to me.

(8-12-2020) My dearest sweet little Chloebug. The house is not the same without you. Every day I have precious reminders of your past presence, and now your absence. It's dull and quiet now, but when I think of you, I think happy thoughts of our time together, our special connection, the joy and happiness you brought to our home. We had such fun. I especially miss you not by my side when I go to bed for the night. I miss your kitty kisses on my nose, hearing your meow, and not seeing you follow me wherever I go, patiently waiting for me to sit down in our chair so you could jump up on my lap to get hugs, kisses, pats, and of course, treats. Now and then, I still find a strand or two of your fur, and miss you even more. I love you still my little Chloe and always will. You were very special to me... I love you. Bye for now.

(1-2-2021) My dear Chloe. It's hard to believe it's been 5-1/2 months since I held you. John and I think about you and talk about you every day. You are in our hearts all day. At night when we turn out the lights, I'm sure you hear us say "Goodnight Chloebug. We miss you." My love to you, my sweet, precious pet... I wish I could have you back and start our life together all over again.

(7-18-2021) My precious Chloebug. There hasn't been a day that has gone by that John and I haven't thought about you. We miss everything about our 17 loving years together. Here it is, one year since you left us, and our hearts still ache for you. -- My sweet Chloe, I must tell you that your absence left a large void in our hearts and stillness in our home. Being without you has been very sad, and not having a kitty became unbearable. So, on February 15, 2021 we adopted a homeless kitty from the Humane Society of North Myr Bch, giving her a new and wonderful life with us. She is mostly gray mixed with brown. We named her Kitty. She is sweet, friendly, and playful, and always wants to be with us wherever we are. Like you did, she comes when I call her. Kitty jumps up on your soft blanket on my lap, purrs, and goes to sleep when we watch TV. She comes to bed with us at night, too. Kitty's favorite toy is your small yarn ball. I told Kitty the yarn ball is her inheritance from you. -- My precious Chloe, I knew you would want us to give another kitty a good home, and so we did. But know our memories of you will never fade. We love you and miss you. You were a very, very special kitty and we were so lucky to have you in our life for 17 years. Now it is time to love another kitty and make her happy. -- With our love and thoughts of you forever - until we cross Rainbow Bridge and are together again. Always yours, Peggy and John.

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