Welcome to Chloe's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Chloe
You were one of the best dogs I ever had you protected me you always listen to me you always came when you were called I'm missing you so very much my house is so quite and empty without you I wish you could come back to me I'll see you on the other side I hope you're happy wherever you are and you're with Sasha I'll bet she's happy to see you it's been a long time you guys are running around and playing like you used to I'm going to miss the way you cry and bark and walk alongside of me with your Cold wet nose touching my leg. Your love kisses your silky coat you had the most beautiful coat it was like silk it so soft to touch shiny to look at beautiful girl. You are my girl you'll always be my girl I love you I miss you I'm going to always miss you to until the day we meet again . Every Where in my house I see you the spot used to like to lay in it's so very hard to be here without you. To not see you here in the House ..Me and Juno miss you on walks I miss walking you.
Juno is missing you very much she's very depressed I don't know what to do she's so very lonely without you and so am I.
When I adopted you your nine months old you already had a rough life to two different homes with people I'm positive abuse you because you were so skittish when I got you Shelter after shelter. I tried to give you the best life possible here with me and Juno and Sasha and Amber. I'm sorry but I believe you were in pain the last week or so I had no idea how ill you were the vet told me it was worms that's why you stopped eating after a couple of days of you still not eating I took you back to the vet again to get bloodwork and she told me something was challenging your liver. So I took you to a specialist because I wanted to try and save you they took too long with the results and you went downhill very fast I'm sorry if you were in any pain I was just trying to save you so you can spend some more time with me and Juno .I think the last three weeks is you didn't eat you were getting very thin I'm so sorry for taking you to the hospital where they poked you and God knows what they did to you I left you there two days . I'm so sorry forgive me for trying to save you I did not know what wrong with you. Turns out you had either liver cancer or liver failure I still don't know which but you were gone in three weeks you were fine before that.
I miss your bark my God I miss everything about you you are such a beautiful girl I'll never have another girl like you. I don't know what to do with Juno she so Very lonely with out you I know you didn't like her very much but she liked you she misses you she's very lonely very depressed.
Chloe baby rest in peace My silky girl. I love you a piece of my heart is gone it went with you. R.I.P. MY GiRL

Please also visit Deja vu and Sasha.

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