Welcome to Chloe Bears's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Chloe Bears
To a special and beautiful Chloe Bears who touched so many lives. She was always around socializing, being curious, playing, and begging for treats. She got me through many rough days and always made me feel at ease and loved. I have so many memories of her from hiding in closets, to catching mice, playing with her favorite toys and ball, including lasers and so much more.
She loved to be "a while" in her litter box as she did her business, scratching the sides until all of the litter was off her paws.. and making it seem like it was a toy sand box for play. Her sissy Tallie was always on her toes as Chloe loved to chase after her, and the same later on in Chloe's life in regards to my Dad's cat Arra. Chloe was never mean, she just wanted to play and show how much she loved life.
Many times she would tap me on the shoulder with her claws out just enough to get my attention for snack or meal time. She loved jumping on the bed at night and crawling on top. She would often sit on my chest and put her butt in my face, but that was okay.. I miss that. I miss patting her butt and getting headbutts every morning and evening.
I loved seeing her laying in the sunshine on the windowsill and coming home to her at the door, then racing upstairs past me to give me love and get a treat. She will always be my Chloe Bears.
I miss and I love you Chloe Bears.
9/21/2021 - To my Chloe Bears. I keep thinking of you and we had a beautiful candlelight tribute for you last night. I have so many fond memories that I will never forget and you brought so much love and joy to me, everyone you came across, and into the household. One memory is when I forgot your ball that you had in the cage when Momma Beth and I adpoted you. She had to make sure you had your ball and thankfully we got it for you. I still have the little red spongey ball with your toys and belongings. You can see your claw marks and bite marks in it, you played with it so much, it is one of your favorite toys and I will never forget that.

I also remember when you were staying here at your Poppie's house in my bedroom. You would often jump onto the computer desk, and climb up the back of the bed in the middle of the night. You loved to explore and sleep in different areas. You also made a bed right on top of my head for several nights when you were just a kitten. I felt like I had a hairpiece. You kept my head warm with your soft tummy and fur. I miss you so much my Chloe Bears. I will never ever forget how beautiful and loving you were. I love you Chloe Bears. - Daddy
9/21/2021 - Chloe Bears I MISS YOU... I keep looking for you like you are just hiding from me again, you always like to hide. I remember coming here to PA from Ohio and you were not sure about me but you knew who I was. You first came up to me about a week after I moved here and you rubbed your tail on my leg and when I got up you ran to get treats, with your bell ringing and you tail swing in the air. You always loved your treats. I always told your daddy that you were so spoiled lol but I get why now.

I really miss hearing your bell in the morning, you going down the stairs to go potty or get a drink. you were always so fast. Time seems like its going so slow without you here. I tell your daddy all the time that this house seems empty without Chloe Bears. You have/had a big impact of my life even though we were just around each other a little over 6 months you will always be in my heart. I want you to know that I love you so much and you will always be my bubble buddy. Love you Chloe Bears my silly goose :) - Kay
9/22/2021 - Good Morning my Chloe Bears. Haven't had much sleep, always thinking of you and looking at your bed when I wake up to see if you are there. Kay and I will miss you, we are heading to Leesport Market today as usual and we always came home in the late morning to take a nap and you would be sleeping in the room with us on your favorite spot at the window. I miss and I love you Chloe Bears. - Daddy
~~Hey Chloe I am sorry I couldn't help you as much as I wanted to. I seen you in my dreams last night. We was playing with bubbles and you were so happy. I MISS YOU. Kisses to my Silly Goose - KayYourBonusMama:'(~~
9/23/21 - I miss seeing you enjoy playing with ice cubes across the floor and wire ties from bread. It's rainy today and i cannot stop thinking of you my Chloe Bears. You are more then missed. I love you so much. - Daddy
9/25/21 - Yesterday was hard as it was a week since you left this earth, I miss you so much my Chloe Bears. You are my angel and I cry everyday missing you. I love you. - Daddy
~~Chloe,I want you to know that I miss you so much and its been a rough couple days, Like tonight Daddy had a show and normally you would meet us at the door :( I wish you were here with us. You may have been small but you filled this house a lot. I love you my bubble buddy Kisses -Kay~~
9/30/21 - We have you back at home now Chloe Bears, we received your paw print and urn and you are in your favorite spot at the window. I miss you so much, you are always on my mind. I love you Chloe Bears. I miss looking over and seeing you sun bathing and so much more.
10/2/21 - A day & 2 weeks since you left and got your angel wings. You are in my thoughts constantly and I miss you so so much. I pray and talk to you everyday where we have you resting, right at the window. I love you Chloe Bears.
10/10/21 - We are going to get pictures printed of you Chloe Bears. To put in your Paw Print and Album, and so that your sissy Tallie and Momma Beth have them too. Thinking of you everyday. Momma Kay and I pray everyday and talk about you all the time. We know you are with us but yet we miss you so much. I love you Chloe Bears.
10/26/21- Hey Chloe Bears, Man I miss you. Christmas is right around the corner and I wanted to get you a new bed, being away from my love ones in Ohio sucks but you not being here hurts alot more. I keep playing the day in my head and each time I see your face in Daddies arms, WE MISS YOU Silly GOOSE!!-MamaKay
9/17/22 - Hi my Chloe Bears. I think about you everyday and miss you. Your warmth and personality, and everything about you. There are so many memories I have with you and I will always have you in my heart. Things will never be the same without you. I love you my Chloe Bears.

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