Welcome to Chloe's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Chloe
My sweet girl Chloe...silly, moody, smart, strong willed, feisty, fun, special, brave, goofy, independent, and a beauty. I cant believe you were my baby for almost 7 years on this earth. We did so much together, you loved being with your humans, loved adventures, and loved the outdoors. You were a tiny rebellious adorable thing when you made your way into my life, only a few months. I cant believe how fast time went by, it was never enough with you, you were the best part of my day, every day. You will always be my happiest & most precious memories. I love you forever, my baby you'll always be. Thank you for your pure unconditional love.

We have been through a lot together. I never wanted to be away from you for long, you were my best friend and I loved you as if you were my child. Because to me, you were, you are, my baby girl. You always seemed to understand me, you were always there for me and with me.

You were only 5-years old when you developed osteosarcoma. You were a fighter and wanted to live, so I fought for you as much as I could, we fought together. As long as you were fighting I would fight with you. You were so strong and brave, always smiling and being a ball of light, you got everyones attention, my beautiful blue eyed girl. At 6-year old, you became a tripawd, oh how much we all learned. You were so resilient, you bounced back fast and you were at the beach running again just a month or so after your amputation. Everyone was so proud of you, even towards the end, you fooled everyone, by just looking at you, everyone thought you'd be around for another couple of years. Even though odds were against us, we had faith, we had hope, and we prayed. But this is how life goes often, its unfair and can be cruel, so much is out of our control. We must enjoy each day, and enjoy the ones we love and care for. We must not sweat the small stuff - its never worth it.

We did as much as we could to make sure you were living your best life, and I know you had such a great life, we shared so much joy and love. Everyday I was so thankful to have another day with you. We went to the beach, camping, dog pool, the park, church, snow trips, visits to friends/family, and got puppaccinos often and even shared ice cream! You were spoiled, especially with food, id buy you the best stuff I could and cooked for you, often. You also loved bread! Little fatty! Ha. Man, I miss you so much, your absence is so loud, this is the worst pain and loneliness I have experienced. But, God is getting me through, and my faith keeps me strong. I will see you again, we will be reunited and that makes me smile.

I have a few little scars from where you had nipped me when we wrestled together, you'd give me little nibbles when we played hide and seek or I would pull your tail (playing of course), it was fun and I knew you were having fun with me. I knew your facial expressions, your body language and even your sighs. I studied you often, and some would say I was obsessed with you. I definitely poured my soul into you, and I wouldn't change anything (except spend more even MORE time with you), I would do it all again.

Chloe, I miss your stinky corn chip smelling paws! I would smell them and your ears often, your unique smell, oh how I loved to sniff you as if you were a baby! I would smoother you with so much love and attention, some would say I was harassing you, ha, it was funny. I miss your side-eye, you'd watch me and sometimes when I would catch you, you'd look away. You were a spunky girl! Very particular on what humans and dogs you liked. You were very independent and wanted to be snuggled only on your time! You loved being at the window seal and on the deck, you loved playing in water and getting wet, even in the rain. I loved watching you enjoy life, it brought great joy to my life. So many people love you and you have so many fans.

Your fur is still everywhere, and I dont mind it.

Its hard now, not having you around, your last couple of years we had a lot of vet appointments, medications, procedures, etc., now I feel like I dont know what to do with myself. So much time and energy was dedicated to you (I loved taking care of you), and now I feel anxious often. I was always in a hurry to get back to you, from work or any other activity that kept me away from you. You were such a good girl, always waiting so patiently. I am glad you always had a buddy with you, and you were hardly ever alone.

Oh Chloe, you brought people together, you made everything so much more fun, its going to be hard doing life without you. Its been 1-month and yet it feel so much longer. I miss your smile, I miss saying your name and baby talking you. You were such a curious girl, so special...

Even though we were told you only had about a year after you were diagnosed, loosing you was such a shock, I was fighting it, and I was never ready. I try to find the silver lining in it all...You didnt suffer, and I did everything I could for you, and you lived your best life. I find comfort in that. I have to correct my thinking when I start analyzing your last few days, I should focus on the almost 7 years we had together, instead of focusing on the rough days you had, they were few compared to the healthy vibrant years you had. I remember, just a month before you left us, your oncologist thought you were doing so good considering everything. You wanted to live and you had such a great attitude through everything. Even though cancer took your body, your spirit lives on, and I will see you again, my sweet sugar plum. Im so blessed to have had you in my life, we were blessed to have each other. I love you more than words could ever say, see you at the rainbow bridge.

5/23/23 Chloe, I imagine you laying in the grass on a breezy warm day, I imagine you with our creator now. You are a treasure, I cant imagine the Lord not loving on you as I did.
It has been a month since your passing and it feels unreal. As if I am waiting for you to come back, when in reality, you are waiting for me. I miss you, I love you, my best friend you will always be. I always want to honor you in love & want others to know how incredible you were.

"The special bond you created is never truly broken. Even though you no longer see them, their spirit is always here. Curled up beside you in your favorite chair, listening closely, and walking side-by-side when you miss them the most. Their love is everlasting, forever etched in our hearts. So (try to) wipe away your tears, and remember angels are always near." -Unknown

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