Welcome to Chloe's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Chloe
I adopted my dog, Chloe, from a shelter that rescued her from an abusive home on May 16th, 2009, when she was one year old. She was a beautiful gift for my 20th birthday. Later, with DNA results, I found out she was a miniature Schnauzer-Sheltie blend--a sweet 20-pound dog with black, white, and tan.

The shelter mentioned she had just become ill, but we discovered after adoption that she did not have kennel cough (bordetella) like the shelter thought but actually had distemper, a serious condition for dogs. I thought I would lose her right when I first adopted her. Thanks to an amazing vet who helped me take care of her then (as well as for her whole life), she survived through antibiotics, consistent subQ fluids, and making her meals so she would eat and drink. We were attached to each other by the second day together as I immediately felt a bond with her and would do anything for that little girl.

After that, my scared, sweet little girl blossomed into a happy, sweet little girl. A year after I adopted Chloe, I also adopted my cat, Nala, an 8-week-old barn kitten. Those two became best friends, sisters, playmates, cuddle partners, and lifelong family members. Chloe and Nala both lived with me ten hours away from my parents in college for five years and then cross-country for a year for an internship I did. We were all inseparable.

I came back after graduation to be closer to my family, and those sweet girls were also family pets. My parents, brother, and friends loved them both. Chloe had so much personality and sweetness. She was tied to my side always and checked on me if I left the room. She had separation anxiety even if I left for a few minutes outside. I couldn't stand being apart from those two girls for long, either. Chloe loved other dogs and cats. She was my best friend and soulmate.

Chloe was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and osteoarthritis at around 12 years old. She slowed down with movement but was stable on her kidney diet for many years. Then, around 14 years old, she was diagnosed with a heart murmur and started preventative drugs to avoid fast progression to congestive heart failure. I cannot express enough how amazing our veterinary clinic is and the amazing care they always provide for both my girls. About a year later, she had an episode of pulmonary edema. It was quite a scare, but we were able to start her on diuretics and treatment to keep her stable. However, it is a balancing act with kidney disease as diuretics exacerbate the kidney disease.

During the last six months of her life, Chloe began to have uremic gastritis and GI distress (N/V/D) from kidney disease. The vets stayed by my side, helping me provide the best possible care for her. She had good days and bad days but persevered. In April 2024, she started coughing and would not stop. I rushed her to the emergency vet clinic at night (as I had done several times already with her GI issues), and the vet told me she was now confirmed that she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She was started on lasix diuretic continuous drip, put on cage oxygen, and sedated to slow her respiratory rate down to help her breathing and stayed overnight. I took her to her primary vet in the morning, and he thought it might be time to withdraw care, depending on how she did the rest of the day. By some miracle, the sedation wore off, and she perked up, ate, and walked the perimeter of their yard. We were blessed with more time with our beloved Chloe.

Chloe lived to see her 16th birthday on May 16th, 2024, and we celebrated with her. She started declining after that. She lost more weight, and her kidneys were starting to suffer after the heart issues. Chloe stopped eating on June 2nd, 2024. I took her to the vet the next day, and the vet and I agreed it was time. My parents were out of town, and we wanted them to see her beforehand. They were returning that Thursday, June 6th, so euthanasia was planned for Friday morning, June 7th.

Chloe had other plans. She passed away at our home by my side on June 6th, 2024, right when my parents landed. I prayed maybe an hour or two before she died that if she was in pain and could not make it to Friday, God may take her today because she had done her duty to be by my side as she always has been. I did not want her to suffer any longer. We were together for her last breath. I was so heartbroken. I called the vet and cleaned her up to take her in. The vet clinic took amazing care of her and preserved her for the planned burial on Saturday.

My grandparents (when they were alive) had a house with pastures and a farm about an hour from me. My aunt and uncle live there now. My childhood cocker spaniels and many of my grandparents' golden retrievers are buried there. I played there as a kid, and my mother grew up there. It is a truly peaceful and beautiful place. We laid her to rest, outlooking the pastures under a beautiful shade tree on Saturday, June 8th, 2024.

Chloe lived 16 beautiful years in a loving home. My sweet Chloe bear was loved by everyone who knew her. She deserves the world, and I would do anything for her. My beloved Chloe dog, you are so loved and deserve peace and no more pain. We love you so much and will always keep you in our hearts.

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