Welcome to Chubbs's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Chubbs
I'll never forget all the turkey sandwiches we shared, you sitting on my lap while we watched tv together, you waiting for me at the door to get home everyday, your sweet smile, and the way you looked at me with pure, unconditional love. I love you so much my sweet boy. I can't wait for the day I can hold you and kiss your sweet face in heaven.

10/19/21. I miss you my sweet boy. I wake up every single day hoping this was all a nightmare and you will be waiting for me to watch our morning tv together. No one will ever love me the way you did. You loved me with everything you had, you loved me just because I was your mommy. There is nothing more I want in this world than to scoop you up and kiss your sweet face. I hope you know how much I love you. My life is so empty without you

11/24/21. It has been 6 months without you, but it feels like just yesterday that my whole world fell apart. I go through everyday with a big piece of my heart missing. I love you so much bee. I can't wait to kiss your sweet face again.

1/20/22. I miss you so much. The holidays were so hard without you. I couldn't get through Christmas or my birthday without crying because everything hurt without you. Christmas was your favorite. We didn't do anything special without you. We didn't set up the tree, put out our stockings, or make a big deal on Christmas Eve. We couldn't do it without you. My heart is so broken. I love you so much.

2/27/22. "He is half of my soul, as the poets say. I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world." I miss you so.

5/24/22. One year since the biggest piece of my heart has left this earth. It is not nearly as beautiful without you in it. Everyday I wake up and things are okay until I remember. I can't wait to pick you up and kiss your little face again. My bee. Mommy loves you sweet boy. I miss you.

8/5/22. Mommy misses you so much sweet boy. Any time I take medicine I think how you would come running to get your pill pockets. I hope you're with me. I hope you visit me soon. I love you so much my sweet boy.

1/15/23. I died the day you did. I will never be that happy person again. Mommy misses you so much. I can't wait to be with you.

5/24/23. "I have felt no greater pain than when your heart stopped beating, and mine carried on." 2 years. And it still feels like it was yesterday. Getting through the day knowing you're with me has gotten easier but then I come home and you're not there and I remember. We donated in your name today. I know you were with us. I miss you so, my sweet boy. I wish you could come back. I hope you had lots of turkey today. I love you baby

2/7/24. I can't believe it's been almost 3 years of missing you. And it shatters my heart to know I will endure this pain for the rest of my life. Thank you for always sending signs. I know you're with me, but I would do anything to scoop you up and kiss your sweet face. There's not a day I don't think of you. Things are so hard. I miss you so much. I can't wait to be together again.

5/24/24. 3 years. And it hurts like it just happened today. I can't believe it. I miss you so much. I know you're with me, I know you're protecting us. But I would do anything to come home and see you laying in your summer bed waiting for me. I would do anything to kiss your sweet face and breathe the smell that was so uniquely you. I love you so much my bee boy. I will never stop missing you.

6/30/24. Happy 20th birthday, baby. I can't believe it. You'd be my little old creaky man if you were still with me. I know you're happier in heaven with no aches and pains. I miss you so much. I hope you love your new plant I got for your headstone. I'm sorry we move so much. I'm so glad you can come with us. I miss you so much. Please visit me soon. I love you my bee boy. I'm so glad you came into my life 10 years ago.

2/11/25. " Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away to the next room.I am I and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other, That, we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name." I miss you baby. Sorry I haven't written you, it's been a rough year as you know. I know you were with me. I love you.

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