Welcome to Ciara's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Ciara
Ciara my beautiful baby girl, I can't believe you have had to leave for the bridge, you were only 16 months. I am so sorry that you got hit by some vehicle and for the injuries you suffered because of it. I am so sorry that you were missing for those days after your accident and before you died and I am tortured to think of you in pain and needing me and that I did not find you... I looked for you darling girl but you were not anywhere that I looked and in the end you were found somewhere further away than I thought you would have gone. Oh sweetheart I was hoping you would return and you would be okay and those days of not knowing where you were also were difficult but I tried to keep hoping. I knew in my heart though that you would not stay away from home... you always came home.

I thank the person who found you so much and for taking you to the vet so that at least you could receive some pain relief and comfort and that we could at least be reunited before you had to go to sleep for the last time. When I learned you had been found I felt elated at first... but then the vet told me the terrible news of your injuries and how your spine had been broken and you had been left paralysed from your pelvis and below... poor little baby girl, you had been so brave just to survive those last days... how did you do it? You were a very brave and courageous little cat Ciara... when you were a kitten you were abandoned and survived nights in the cold and at the end you survived those days after your accident and must have been in such pain... I just can't bear to think how you suffered.

I will never forget those last moments with you. When I walked into the room at the vets that you were in, I saw you in a plastic tank with the line in your front paw and your poor back legs without a lot of fur. I saw your beautiful face, big eyes and I could see how happy you were to see me and I can tell you darling girl, I was the same way to see you. I am just so grateful I got that time with you to tell you how much I love you always, to tell you that you are my angel, to tell you how Nando and me had missed you in those days and would miss you again forever when you went to sleep again. I will never forget your little face that night, and how you tried to move towards me as I came to you... I stroked and kissed your beautiful head.

Ciara you were such a cute girl, you had such cute little ways about you and you were a pleasure to live with and look after, I just wish it could have been for many years more. You were so beautiful, small and delicate but despite that you were a fearless girl, nothing frightened you. You had beautiful fur, in the sun it shone red brown but out of the sun you were pure black. Your tail was always in the air with a little curl over at the end. You were such a happy and content little cat... you loved playing out but also loved to be in the warmth of the house on cold or rainy days having love and cuddles or playing with your toys. You loved to climb... on the doors you would climb and sit on the top, or on your cat climbing post or on top of the wardrobe. You made such cute sounds... little chirrups and chirps and a lovely loud purr. Everyday you sat on the window when I went to work and watched me go... I would wave at you and blow you some kisses... I hated to leave you.

So now you are at the bridge... Nando and me are missing you so so much... we love you our little baby girl... I hope you have found Simba and Amelia and they will look after you until we get there too to be with you all again.

I love you so much my baby girly... my Ciara.

06/07/2015 - I miss you Ciara so much, I love you sweetheart. I looked back today when I left for work and felt the emptiness when you weren't watching me from the window. My baby girly... Nando and me, we are so very sad.

16/07/2015 - Hello darling girl... we are still so upset and sad sweetheart, Nando & me, we miss you so very much. Nando cries and he has been sitting in your favourite place on your cat climbing post and he keeps sniffing at it and rubbing his face where you used to scratch... he never went up there when you were here but now I think he feels closer to you there. Well finally today we have brought you home in your little box and I am just glad you are back here even though so sad it is not in the way we wanted you to come back... I know you're here now though. When I was walking down the path, I held your little box so tightly... it was in a bag but I was still holding you so I kept you close to me... you are forever precious to me... as I walked down our path a petal from a rose tree fell gently and landed on you... I hope it was a little sign that your beautiful spirit is still around us. I love you so much my girly, nothing seems the same now you're gone for Nando and me... please watch over us, I love you, love you, love you.

16/08/2015 - Hello my baby girly... we are still missing you so much sweetheart... we miss you being here with us and brightening our days as you did so much with your cute little ways... you were such a character and so happy all the time. I have been looking at your pics and the short videos I took with you and Nando last August when you had just started going out... I wish it was last year and more than anything I wish you had stayed in on that night in June and you would still be here. I am still so sad to lose you sweetheart at such a young age... you were full of love and life... I am so sorry sweetheart I feel I let you down... if only I would have known. I love you so very much Ciara.

24.06.2016 - Hello sweetheart Ciara, today I am so sad remembering this particular Friday one year ago... you did not come home and our nightmare began. You were a brave girl, you survived those next four days until we finally were reunited... but you were so injured sweetheart, you must have been in such pain, I hate to think of it. Ciara you were a very brave and wonderful girl, you were full of spirit and love. I miss you so very much. We did not have long together darling girl but you were special and I will never forget you and I will always love you. I just hope you are happy still and running free and playing at the bridge. I hope you have found Simba and Amelia, they will look after you and love you. I miss you little one, love you forever and ever.

02.08.2016 - Hello my sweet sweet girl, just want to let you know that you are always in my mind and my heart every single day, I love you so much my pretty one. I send you lots of kisses darling girl, I love you forever.

30.06.2017 - Sweet Ciara, it's been two years this night since we had to say our goodbyes and your spirit flew into the night, I think of you every day sweet girl and have felt so very sad again this particular week being the second anniversary of losing you... I love you so much sweetheart and I believe Nando loved you loads too and still does, he is here now as I am crying and I believe he knows why, as I say your name, you were such an amazing little cat Ciara, I will never ever forget you and I will love you forever so very much. Bless you my sweet baby girly, bless you always.

30.06.2018 - My sweet baby girl, another year has passed since you left... 3 years ago now... today is hot just like that day... that night... I will never forget how you waited for me to say our goodbyes... I will never forget your face that night, how you tried to come to me and your eyes... my beautiful girl, I will never forget you and our short but sweet time together, you were such a lot of fun, such a character and so beautiful, I will always love you and miss you. Even now you would have only been 4 years and would have had so much life to live, it breaks my heart every time I think of this and the only comfort I find is that you were chosen for a much greater life... to be an angel in the heavens... my darling sweet girl, I love you so much and will always remember you and love you forever.

06.04.2019 - Remembering my brave and beautiful baby girl... I love you Ciara... today is your 'Gotcha Day'... would have been 5 years... you were wonderful... those memories are beautiful... I wish you could have stayed with me forever, but instead our time together was too short. I love you my beautiful girl.

30.06.2019 - Sweetheart it's been 4 years today since you left... that day, that sad night and the days before it when my heart was broken... I remember those days with such sadness... it was so hard to have to let you go... you were so young... you should still be here... I love you so much always little girl and I always will remember our happy times together, such lovely memories, as well as those sad last days especially the last night when all hope was lost... I am just glad I could see you again to say goodbye... thank you Ciara for all the love... I will always miss you and hope that your little sweet spirit stays around me. I love you forever and you will live
always in my heart.

16.06,2020 - Love you my beautiful baby girl xxx

30.06.2020 - Darling Ciara, it was 5 years ago today since you had to leave, I want you to know that I love you so much, always, forever, you were an amazing girl, you were brave and had such a wonderful character. Nando is here with me now as I write this to you, he misses you too, he was so sad when you did not come home. We love you, we always will sweet girl... beautiful sweet Ciara, such a delicate beauty but yet so strong at heart... bless you my darling angel xxx

30.06.2021 - Another year has gone without you... I love you my beautiful girl, I will always love you and I miss you sweetheart. You are always in my memories every day, and I think of you and your wonderful character, you were an amazing little girl. I imagine you climbing up the doors and playing with your toys and I always just hope your beautiful little spirit will look over me and Nando too. Nando loved playing with you, because even though you looked so delicate and beautiful you liked to play rough with him, you would not put up with any nonsense from him and you were definitely the boss in those games. I always remember how you would sit on the corner of the bath and Nando would walk past and you would swipe him with your paw lol !! Then a game of chasing around and wrestling would start... but you were great pals too and he was so sad when you left us. I love you Ciara sweet girl, beautiful baby and I want to send so many kisses to you sweetheart xxxxxx

30.06.2024 - Remembering you always my sweet Ciara, today is 9 years since you left, you would be 10 years old now, I wonder how you would be if you were still here now... and I know you would still be such a beautiful girl, and I am sure you will still have been full of character and fun, you were the most amazing little cat. I wish you could have stayed with us for much longer, but the time we had together will always be a precious time for me, which I will treasure until the day we meet again sweetheart. I love you so much beautiful Ciara xxxxxxx

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