Welcome to Ciccone's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Ciccone
My name is Ciccone (pronounced like Madonna's last name) I know I'm quite fancy. My mommy made me this way.
I was born with my brother Abbe and my sister Kitty in the backyard of Grandma's house. Their dog Lola alerted them we were in the backyard. Then my mommy and grandma spotted us and rescued us. Mommy kept me and Abbe and grandma kept Kitty. Life was never the same for me or my mommy. She took us to live in the city in the Upper East Side of NYC. Wow did I have fun! Early on I taught my mommy that it was my way or the highway. She learned so quickly! I love my mommy! My mommy always made sure she cooked special home cooked meals for us. She would tell her friends she couldn't give me regular cat food. She wanted me to stay healthy along with my brother Abbe as long as possible. That's not to say she didn't give us yummy treats! I would sneak into her cereal, ice cream and my favorite, vegan pizza and French fries. I was always getting into mischief and I noticed it made mommy laugh and then want to film me. My life was so much fun! I got to travel with Abbe to grandma's house when mommy traveled for work. Boy did grandma spoil us!
Abbe and I did everything together! We never spent a day apart of our lives!! We even slept together and would share turns sleeping on mommy.
Later mommy decided to rescue a Yorkie named King Arthur. Although I love King Arthur I must say he has no manners and was a bit rude at times! He also makes these funny growling noises when we are playing too roughly. I eventually taught him some manners. Later on my mommy asked us if it was ok to foster two little black cats named Charlie and Chaplin who were also born in grandma's backyard. I noticed they never left! Mommy asked us permission and explained they didn't have a home. I didn't mind too much.
My mommy spoke to an animal communicator last year who happens to be the most famous pet psychic in the world and boy did she get it right! I told her a lot of things and she translated it to mommy. It made mommy happy and made her laugh. I told Sonya that mommy was so beautiful and I always loved to stare at her. That I love when she sings for me and especially about me! She says my name in the songs.
In the past year mommy started having a holistic vet come visit me at home and she would do acupuncture on me! I didn't mind because Dr. Miller introduced me to my favorite treats ever! She made mommy buy them for us, so I always had them before each session. Then as time went on Dr. Miller suggested someone come in and start giving me these fluids that made me feel better. That's when Josephine came into my life and I was always happy to see her as that meant I got more and more of the squeeze up treats!
The last few weeks has been very rough for my mommy. She would sneak into the bathroom and cry. And I noticed my bother Abbe would clean me up since I couldn't clean myself as much. Charlie would walk me everywhere to make sure I knew where I was going. Chaplin wouldn't go to sleep all night just watching me. And King Arthur gave me sooo many kisses.
The last two weeks mommy made sure I slept on her chest every night. She always knew she was my favorite person and I always loved sleeping on her. Last Thursday morning (July 11th) when mommy woke up she was touching my body that was laying on her chest and was talking fast and worried. I could see her fading off and she kept telling me she loved me while she kept crying. Then I felt something strange and then I was back on the bed. But mommy couldn't see me. She kept holding my body crying so hard. She was sobbing and shaking.
Abbe is also sad. He hasn't been eating right and can't poop right now.
My mommy has an appointment with Sonya again and I can't wait for Sonya to tell mommy that I am right next to her everyday. She heard me the first day. I played back the same healing hertz tone music she played me for weeks when I wasn't myself. And I played her a song about the afterlife and she started crying. The song said we are together and that I thought she was beautiful. I don't think mommy can see or hear me anymore because she's crying too much.
Please know my mommy loves me more than anyone or anything. She loves me and my brothers sooo much.
I hope if you are reading this, you can feel my love and light. My mommy always said I was special and I had healing abilities. She said I was unconditional love...Paw love and light, Ciccone

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