Welcome to Cicko's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cicko
I rescued Cicko when I was 14 years old and I remember him hiding under the bed immediately when we got him home. The very first night I remember putting my hand under the bed to pet him and him purring. From that moment on we have been inseparable. Every day coming home from school and work he'd wait by the door and begin meowing as if either both excited to see me but also mad that I was gone the whole day. He has slept by my side since that first day and we would take naps together. Once he reached adulthood, those were his favorite. He was a bit of a scaredy cat but always proved his bravery and I will always be proud of him for that. Unfortunately he succumbed to cancer last year and he once again bravely fought it with me. A three month diagnosis turned into well over a year. During that year he was his best self, even venturing on daily walks with me during the summer. But the time had come when we just couldn't win and my baby and best friend of 14 years was put to rest today in what was one of the hardest moments for him, me, and my family. But looking at the brighter side of death, he is at peace and will no longer have to feel pain and agony. His spirit will continue to reside next to me during naps and walk with me during my summer walks. His memory will forever live in all of us that have had the pleasure to know and love him. Until we meet again Mr. Cicko, mama loves you very much!

Dear Mr. Cicko,

It's our first weekend without you my love. This past week has been very hard on me, every day I would wake up feeling the emptiness in the house and my heart. Tuesday and Wednesday I cried very hard but I began to pray. I prayed to God and I prayed to you, I prayed for forgives because I was filled with guilt that I put you down. I couldn't get the image of your black eyes at the vets office out of my head. But then two things happened. I knew that I had to stop the negative thoughts if I wanted to give you some peace during your transition into heaven, and also I began receiving so many positive and warm messages from people that you and I never met. Their prayers were for you and it warmed my heart during this horrible time. On Thursday the sun finally came out and I felt somewhat better, I finally felt some peace that you were okay. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I will forever be grateful for your friendship. You have changed me in so many ways and made my life beautiful. You will continue to do that because you will forever be part of my life. For now I want you to rest Mr. Cicko. Mama loves you very much!

Hello My Love!
I'm sad to inform you that your beloved friend Rooney has left Earth last night, April 19th, and has joined you in Heaven. Her passing was a surprise and we found her asleep just a few hours after her being her fun and sweet self. Ahmad and I were incredibly sad and cried for hours and hours. This morning was incredibly hard on me as it reminded me of my first morning after your passing. I hope that you take good care of her up there! Knowing that you are together gives my already broken heart some comfort. After your passing she helped me grieve and was the most interesting and wonderful little rat friend. I never knew my life would've been filled with such amazing companions. She also loved little Tito and was constantly bugging him. I'm thankful that we saved her from her being someone's food and gave her the best possible life, no matter how short it was. When you two meet up, make sure you take good care of her and give her all the love that she deserves. We love you both so much and we are incredibly blessed to have two angels looking over us. And just like you sent Tito my way for me to give him a home and love after your passing, I hope you guide me towards helping another little critter, hopefully another little Rat like Rooney.

I love you both and as you are both now adjusting to a life without us just know that no matter the distance, our hearts and minds are as close as they'll ever be!

Love, your mom and dad

June 10, 2023

Happy birthday my dear baby boy! I wish you were here with us so we can have a nice steak dinner together and celebrate your 15th birthday. I am sad to inform you that your sister Tiger has been missing since Thursday and we have been extremely concerned and sad! I am a complete mess and miss your comforting presence. I am trying to stay hopeful that she's just lost or someone has taken her because thinking about something more tragic is completely destroying me. I am still grieving yours and little Rooney's passing. I was hoping that today would be a happy celebration of you but I can't stop crying. Please watch over all of us and if she isn't up there with you, please guide her home to us.

I love you Mr. Cicko and happy birthday my love!

December 20, 2023

Hello my Love!
Couple of weeks ago was one year since you left us and I couldn't bring myself to think too much about it because it kept bringing me to tears so I said I would wait a little. Everything is still so incredibly painful even with life moving on. I have some news for you. We adopted two little rats couple of weeks ago. Their names are Bonnie and Gigi and they're super sweet! Tito and Tiger have not been introduced to them yet as they're just too small so we're giving it some time. I also wanted to let you know that mama is expecting a little baby and I am almost there. As much as I would have loved for you to meet him I am also happy that I was fully there for you for the entirety of your life and you didn't feel like sharing me with anyone else. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you come visit us and bring us some warmth. I love you so much and I hope I come to a point when I can just smile when thinking about you. I love you Mr. Cicko!

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