Welcome to Cinders's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cinders
Cinders we miss you so,how precious all life is, Cinders we had such a deep love for you and you for us. The joy we shared together no matter where we went,a ride for ice cream, a walk down the road, or to visit your cousin on Deer Creek.
When Mommy and I Came home no matter the time there you were always so happy, we will never forget you. You were our sunshine on cloudy days you lifted us up when we were down. Our sweet Cinders,one day soon I will be there at Rainbow Bridge and I will pick you up and never ever let you go again and Mommy will pick up Max never letting him go again and we will all walk together across Rainbow Bridge into Gods Kingdom and never cry again . We will Love you always, My sweet Cinders. Daddy & Mommy

Feb 5th 2018
Its been 3 days since we said good bye. Our sweet Cinders we will never stop thinking about you, Today I took a walk in the woods and thought about how much you enjoyed climbing over the fallen trees and smelling the ground where the deer had walked. I found a foot print near that big tree were you sometimes would lie. I miss you so much,I know you have found new friends and your best pal's Blaze and Max are there, I will visit you again soon .. we will always love you sweet Cinders.
Hi My Sweet Baby Cinders. I was plowing snow today and I saw your shadow following me , My thoughts are with you every time I stop to rest and now as I write this my heart begins to hurt over thoughts of you. I will not be able to feed you,or hug you and Kiss the top of your sweet head. We don't want to be so blue and get you down but its out of love for you that we are. Someday I know we will meet again and so knowing that mommy and daddy will get by this hurt. Stay warm sweet Cindy and nuzzle our dear Max and comfort each other. The pain will be less and less each day but we will never forget you... Miss you so much Cinders XOXOXO
Our Sweet Cinders,today I've been working on Valentines stuff for the Barber-shoppers, you remember Daddy singing to you and how you would turn your head toward me when I used your name in the place of other words, you looked so pretty with your head tilted. Mommy and I will be going to New Jersey to see our grand baby's this weekend it will be the first time we have left the house in twenty five years when we didn't have someone come and watch over you or one of your brothers or sisters. I would give everything I own to need to have someone come and watch over you now . I will be with you again on Sunday. Miss you so much nuzzle little max for me XOXO
Cinders our sweet Girl ... we will be visiting you tonight at the Candle light Service and I pray that you are happy. I know That you are but I can't help but be concerned about you for the last eleven years you were such a big part of our life's and it seems so empty now when I come home and both you and Little Max are not here to greet us but we know that you are with out pain and have lots of friends and someday soon we will be beside you and hold you once again. We love you so much sweet Cinders... will talk again soon, Daddy and Mommy

Cinders My sweet heart Happy Valentines Day , I miss you so much and love you so much, my heart breaks thinking why couldn't I have been more vigilant and maybe you would still be with us. I don't understand why such a sweet heart had to be taken away . I hope that the time passes quickly so that I can be with you and Max soon. We will meet again and never again will you and Max leave my side.. Good Night pretty Girl. Tomorrow I will be doing singing Valentines and I will sing one for you and Max. Love you Cindyben

I sang "Heart Of My Heart" for you and our sweet little Max yesterday I thought about you a lot yesterday and every night I miss you so much my heart breaks, when I wake sometimes and realize that your not there and I will never be able to hold you again in this world. I pray that you can see us and feel our love is still there for you . There was a Amish dog that came to visit Today a big big Golden Lab she was just a Pup and didn't have a collar they had baling twine around her neck, I knew you would want me to give her one of your collars and I gave her you pretty purple one she probably looks like you did when you wore it Just beautiful . Well my sweet sweet girl I have to say so long for tonight .. You are so special to us .. Watch out for Max She needs you to nuzzle her and Mommy and Dad love you
My sweet Cinders its been two weeks since we took our last ride together, it seems like its been a year, My heart breaks every night and every time I walk into the house and your sweet face is gone, I miss you so much I love you so much please forgive me My big Girl I wish I could have found away to have saved you. I know that someday we will be together again and my memory of you will never leave me. I'll visit you again tomorrow good night sweet Lab.

Cinders its not getting any easier I came into the house today and my heart just broke not seeing you my sweet girl or our precious little Max come to greet me like you always did I miss you so, We will be getting another pup soon and that will help but the new pup will never replace you, You and Max have a special place carved in my heart and I will never forget you and will always miss you and love you, until we meet this side of Rainbow Bridge I will come to you in this way as much as I can. Tomorrow I will look for your presents during the Monday Night candle service and light a candle for you and one for our max. Till then sweet Cinders love you, Daddy
Hi my sweet girl, I know you are with all of your fur baby friends and with your brother Max. I just needed to say Good night to you and tell you that we love you very much and will forever or until we meet again in Gods kingdom, In our church the past few weeks we have lost 4 people that have also crossed over and I hope you get to see them and everyone that you know that has gone before you . We will be at the candlelight service tomorrow night and light a candle for you and Max so that you may see the shining light and know that we are with you and you with us. Love you and miss you my sweet Cinders, Snuggle Max tonight and tell him that we and you love him too. bye my big girl.
love Mom and Dad XOXO
Hi my sweet Cinders ... I miss you so much I don't know when my heart will ever be right again, I know that I never will forget you , I just want to stop feeling so lonely. I know that you are with Max and Jake and lots of other dogs and cats so my big girl just have fun and rest and play and be happy all day. We are looking at getting a little puppy like Max another Shih Tzu to help us get over missing you both so much, and maybe later we will get another pup like you, I love you so much and will never be able to replace you but having another black Lab would always remind me of you and I never ever want to forget you.... Goodnight my sweet girl Mommy misses you and love your too ,Daddy
I placed a picture on your memorial stone tonight you look good . My sweet Cinders your ashes are back , I will go get them Monday and this summer Mommy and I will take ashes from you ( sweet Cinders ), Max and Blaze and put them were Jake is buried, he and Blaze is with you now playing with you and waiting for us. Our sweet Blaze was like you another great gentle and loving pup. Jake and Blaze were Golden retrievers Father and Son. Blaze was the son and "Gentleman Jake " was his father.You Know how much we miss you and love you Good night my sweet girl.
I remember playing with you I used to throw a tennis ball up on the roof and you watch it roll over the top and down the other side and you'd run around the house and find the ball and run back to me and give it up so I could do it all over again sometimes you would let Max get it but he never wanted to give it up and you were always so kind to him the little guy weighted 15 lbs. and you weighted 90 you were so gentle with him even when you would play and he'd bite on to your ear or lip. I remember after you'd chase a stick or ball and you had enough you just would come back to me and plop down and I would hug you and message your back ... you gave me so much pleasure I will visit your memorial tomorrow and leave a note for you and Max. Good night sweet heart..

Hi my sweet Cinders its been awhile since I talked to you and The Max , I Know that your doing ok and have plenty of pals and you have each other. If there are people with you now, I have Grandfathers and Grandmothers aunts and uncles and Mother and Father .. I pray that they are with you from time to time and comforting you , someday sooner then you know we will be there with you . We have a new pup its a little guy like Max his name is Chewy .Sometime later we will be getting a bigger pup like you, we loved you both so much and you both had such great manners , especially you Cinders and Max you were too. I will visit you at the Monday memorial tonight Love you and Miss you so much Mommy and Daddy

March 31 2018
Hi my sweet gentle and loving Cinders I miss you so much its been awhile since I last wrote and Monday was the first time that I missed our candle light service and I'm sorry I think about you a lot and sometimes I imagine seeing you and your such a sweet sweet girl I wish that we could have been together until the end but there is no end where you are at and someday soon I will be with you and Max and all the other fur babies. Tomorrows Easter and the first holiday without you and Max you were such a polite and kind pup and everyone in the whole family and friends loved you so much . I will be thinking of you as I look down where you would lay while I eat and my heart will be sad that your not there with me . Our little Chewy, it will be his first holiday and it will help having him here but never will another puppy take your place in my heart, there will just be another part of my heart I hold open for him. Good night my best friend I will never forget you and I will forever love you I will be with your spirit Monday Night at the candle light ceremony
PS I'm going to give you another song to listen to and some red roses to remind me/us of the blood our lord and sweet Savior shed so that we will be able to be together again.

Hello my sweet Cinders , I missed you so much today , it finally warmed up and I was looking for you on that little mound in the yard near the porch deck you loved to lay. and when I came in last night I was expecting you to run to me and then in that moment my heart ached again, I will forever love you my sweet Cinders and pray that there is a place for you and me like Rainbow Bridge. Good night sweet heart girl .....Daddy and Mommy
My sweet cinders I miss you so much today, it has been 4 months since we said goodbye and I pray that the time will come when someday we will meet in that heavenly place next to the bridge that crosses over to a pasture of ever lasting happiness. Just now as our song is playing "The Way We Were" My thoughts go to you and how much fun we had together and How happy you made mommy and I feel such a gentle loving black Lab and so beautiful. I pray that God has chosen to let you hear and understand humans it is true Dogs are humans best friends and more, you were family and I know how hard it must be for some to understand just how special you become but not for us.
Little Max left us just 10 days before in January That little guy was so happy around you and you him . I haven't written nearly as much now that some time has pasted since we last had to say our finale farewell (for now)but today my heart aches and tears come, I miss you so, please forgive me my Cinders for not catching what was going on with you until it was just to late. I will always have a guilty feeling about that and I know you forgive me because that's what and how God made you. I will visit the candle light service tonight my sweet sweet Cinders until then I look up and remember you, the way you were.
I put a pool buy your memorial so you and Max can cool down after a run , also some new flowers and bleeding heart bush like the one mommy had next to the spot you loved to lie in the summer time.

Hi my dear and sweet Cinders, Its been a long time since I opened up your memorial. I am sorry that I have not been here to visit you lately I have not nor ever will have forgotten you. I think of you often I love you so very much and when the day comes I will see your sweet and pleasant face . Our little Chewy is a sweet pup he is like Max he's small and also like Max a Shih Tzu. I love him very much just as I love you and Max so very very much. Someday maybe we will find another black Lab and maybe we will name him or her Cinders 2 . I pray the God has taken you into his presents and has opened up the door to let you see every thing that is coming and you Max Mommy Daddy and all our other fur baby's will gather and celebrate our reunions.. Its so hard someday to not feel sad but I know that you don't want that so I will hold my head up and let my heart be filled with your love and memories . I Hope to be at the Monday night service tomorrow If not I want you to know for ever till we meet again I will hold you in my heart . Tell Max and all your other friends that I love them all ... So may God watch over you until we meet again.

Feb 14th 2019

Happy Valentine my sweetheart... We miss you so very much . we are in Florida and been thinking about how much we love you and know that some day we will all be together again

Jan 22 2020
Cinders I'm so sorry for not talking to you for such a long time.Time has away of healing old wounds but I must admit visiting you again brought back a flood of memories and tears . I'll never forget you my sweet heart and I'm so glad I opened my email from you from Rainbows Bridge. Have a warm and happy day and make sure you visit Max and tell him how much we love you both ... My tears are genuine, my heart still aches but my love for you and max will never die you are forever here in my heart .

June 20th 2020
Hi my sweet baby I've been thinking about you today and I miss you so much . Someday soon we will all be together again and we will rejoice when that day comes , your memory lives on in Mommy and Me , You stay close to your friends there across the beautiful bridge and someday we will be crossing and I will pick you and Max up and never let you go again. love Mom and Dad

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