Welcome to Cindy Luv's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cindy Luv
Today was our first snow and we did not know what to do , we did not even shovel the walk , you were not here to go with us,The pictures of you glittering on the Christmas tree mean so much more than they ever did before , I miss you baby girl with all my heart and I have cryed a million tears already ,
12/22/09 I need to say goodnight to my angel all in white stay warm , stay dry and visit me in my dreams "They say memories are golden.......well maybe that is true. I never wanted memories, I only wanted you ! Sleep tight my Cinderella !
12/25/2009 I miss you baby girl , I miss you opening your presents . It is so hard to watch other doggies ( Marla & Zarah ) go after the Chrisrmas paper , I mostly miss you at night when daddy was asleep and you would make me stop reading to give you a treat . Merry Christmas our angel I hope you have friends and are playing with them , stay warm , know we will always be thinking of you now and forever , Please visit me in my dreams I need a nuzzle ! Mommy
01/02/10 Daddy and I just got home from our New years trip and we both looked at the same time to find you were not in the back seat . You touched every part of our lives, we came home and you were not there , i thought some time away would ease the pain , but I just miss you more each day , all of our friends tell us get another dog ,I try so hard not to get mad they don't understand that you were our little girl that can NEVER be replaced , you are our precious angel.
01/07/10 Sorry i haven't said goodnight , you know that siren you used to run for , well it went off for a 2 house fire that Dad and I have to help rescue 8 terrible hrs. from 12 am till 10 am the next day , then today it rekindled and from 7: 30 am till 12 we were at it again , I hated coming home to an empty home , we always would hug and snuggle after a fire and then you would strech your paws out for daddy till he reached for you . I miss you so very much i see you everywhere . Good night my angel I hope you made some friends at the bridge to keep you company till we meet again . I love you Cindy don't forget us please

01/09/10 Good night my angel I miss you !
God must have really needed a very special angel in His heaven. I'm sure that is why He called you home. I thank God that He allowed me to be your earthly mother. I was very blessed.
I hope you run, play and jump til your heart's content. When you see me coming, just run and run to me. I'll bend down, pick you up and we'll waltz our way into heaven.

Forever yours.....
01/16/10 We brought you home today we all cried, you are on the mantel right near my chair in a little wood house with your picture on it , did you know I kissed you good night ? I hope so . I hope your spirit is home with us here forever now , but always keep an ear out for us we will find you again real soon
01/18/10 Tonight I will be praying for you I will light a candle for you , I will cry because I miss you so much , but i know you and I will be together again someday . I had a dream last night was that really you ? Mommy loves you Cindy..... Always

01/22/10 are you hearing me , I keep calling you , I just miss you so. I got your last picture today from the vet who knew it would be your last

02/02/10 Daddy fixed your picture in your new little home , i am picking the pretty gold sign tomorrow , I still cannot believ you are gone , i feel you evrywhere , my heart just breaks everyday Sleep tight my angel I love you !
02/12/10 I talk to you every night can you hear me , i see you down the hall is it really you ?
Cindy my Princess please come let me know it is all gonna be ok , you were always and ever shall be my guardian angel . I love you sweet heart , have you found Albert he'll take good care of you !
02/19/10 By now you must know about Angel she is a handful , please watch over her she is definetly not you , you were and always will be our Princess , I look at your urn at night and into her eyes and she knows how sad i am , she is a kisser not like you who gave the best hugs and snuggles . I love you cindy and someday we will be together again but in the meantime i pray you still watch Daddy cause Angel is not up to the job you did so well yet !Sleep tight my girlfriend
03/05/2010 Cindy you are no longer the new kid , I need you to welcome a new friend to the bridge her name is Bailey her Dads are really good friends of ours. Tell Bailey to visit them in there dreams so they know she is ok . I love you my princess !

03/10/10 Well I need you to look for Aunt Helen She always loved you she will look after you till I get there ,She died today but i think she might be happier now maybe seeing you will help . How is your new frend Bailey ?Hope you are teaching her the ropes and she is not too sad . Come for a nuzzle , I need a hug . I love you baby girl !
03/20/10 I am afraid to run outta room , i need our talks , sweetie plz look after daddy he is becoming alot for Mommy to handle , i never realized how much you took off my shoulders, Your friend christian did not know you went to the Bridge and was very sad There is only one princess of the Pines and it will always be you , i love you baby Sleep tight and stay warm !
3/30/10 I miss you so much my heart breaks daily with the thought of not having you here by my side You will always be my special angel please visit Mommy needs a hug !

4/3/2010 Cindy you have a new job now to greet all our friends furbabies at the bridge you remember Tom and Gile their baby Albee has joined you , As you do with me Tell Albee to visit them in there dreams so they are not so sad , You really always make me
feel better !Our first Easter with you not being our little bunny , You were always so much fun when the kids hunted for Eggs !
You are always in my heart baby girl I need a snuggle !
5/3/2010 Ok sweetie I have not felt you lately , I do love little Angel but she is not my Cindy I miss you everyday and wait for you in my dreams , please don't forget how much we love you and how sorry I am for not saying goodbye !
5/31/2010 Happy Birthday my sweet girl you would be 13 today ! I miss you all the time life here on earth has not been the same since you left us , Daddys gotten worse and i need you even more than ever i am afraid little Angel does not have your healing touch , please watch over us , I will pray you are happy my girl
6/24/2010 Cindy , have you found your friend Blondie ? Another Fire Island Pines puppy ... I hope so are showing her the ropes . Michael is very sad and is in alot of pain . Please tell Blondie to visit him like you have visited me in my dreams , By the way I could use alittle snuggle !We all miss and love you Princess. Stay warm I will see you again , I promise girl !
11/14 /10 It was just Angels birthday and it just seemed like another day do you remeber your first b-day and we even got you a cake ! We had so much fun but things have changed you were my strengh and I can barely hold on. I know I have not wroitten in a
while but life has gotten really too much to handle , Someday I will meet you at the bridge and I will tell you all about it in the meantime I miss you and I love you Princess. Cindy you will always be # 1 in my heart!Sleep tight love you Mommy
12/15/2010 I am in so much pain missing you so much , you were my buddy , my pal , my baby girl please come for a visit it has been too long , tomorrow it will be 1 year since the angels took you away , I will pray that you are happy and that some day we will meet at the bridge till tomorrow "They say memories are golden.......well maybe that is true. I never wanted memories, I only wanted you ! Sleep tight my Cinderella !
I love you , mommy
12/16/2010 What a horrible year without you my Cindy ! Oh how I dreaded today , my heart is still broken , all I wanted to do was get you fixed and bring you home I never thought I could never say goodbye , It was the phone call from hell, did we do the right thing? I just wanted to hug you one more time . I will talk more later.....
First anniversary in heaven , you are on my desk in your little box , baby girl please come for a hug and snuggle I miss you so , I love you Daddy loves you and we always will !
03/11/2011 Hey Sweetie Boy do I miss you my heart just aches ! Everytime things get crazy here I look for you I moved you in the hall now so I see you all day long Please watch over us we are really having a rough time your little friend ANGEL is quite the
hand ful !
Mommy and Daddy love you Cindy ( I need a visit ! )
11/06/11 hey my baby I thought of u today went to nannys and found all your old things we kept at her house and right after that a dear friend of ours lost her furry friend so I thought I would give you a message and ask for a sunggle . I miss you Cindy and love you dearly Mommy
12/14/2011Hi baby girl it has been a while please look for Coda , Matthews puppy she passed today . We miss you our Christmas puppy and love you always ! Love Mommy
12/16/20112 Cindy it has been 2 years i can't believe it Things have not been the same since , you were here you are always my inspiration and we all miss you lots ! your picture is on the Christmas tree ! We love you and will always be forever in our hearts Love you my Angel ! mommy and daddy !
1203/05/2012 Still miss you my little girl I guess you willl always be beside me and in my heart that is nice to know ! A visit
would be nice I need a good dream .....
3/17/2012 Hey my irish lass how are you ? Miss you Baby ! Sent you a shamrock for St pats day ! Love you Mommy

5/29/2012 Happy Birthday in heaven our sweet Cinderella we still miss you everyday and night ! There will never be another you ! I cry every time I read the last paragraph in the rainbow Bridge poem I have to believe that some day we will be reunited We love you , Mommy & Daddy
12/10/2012 almost three years and my heart is still broken my precious girl . Sleep tight Sorry we could not save you ! Our Angel in white !LOve Mommy and Daddy///1
12/16/2012 its been three years now since the angels took you from us and brought you to the bridge, i think about you every day,
You'll. Be in my heart, no matter what they say, you'll be here in my heart always!!
Life seemed so much easier when you were with us, you made our family complete, please let Sam know we miss and love him too.WE LOVE YOU CINDY! Mommy & Daddy
03/31/2013 Happy Easter my Cindy I miss you so much sometimes it just breaks my heart , If you see Grand pa Kearns it is his birthday give him a big smooch and tell Aunt Helen we miss her and Thank you for helping us out ! I hope you can find bruces Molly , she was a special friend to him . You will always be our little girl we love you !
Thinking of you today my sweet girl you are still everywhere with us , its Sept 9, 2013 and it never gets easier, your friend bailey might be coming to play soon , get ready for that smiling guy. Give my love to Sam and julio i will always miss you all . Love you my Angels ! Mommy
12/25/2013 Merry Christmas to my Angel in heaven we still miss you everyday things just never seemed right after God took you away its like we just cant get it right . I need to know you are still watching and helping me have more patience taking care of Daddy . I really Love you my Cindy and hope you are having a joyful Christmas at the bridge XXXOOO Mommy
04/20/2014 Happy Easter in heaven my precious girl I think about you often and my eyes still tear up , I miss you , you were always my little Easter bunny please think of me and daddy we need to know you are still by our sides ! All my love and hugs Mommy
Everything I just wrote got wiped out I love you and miss you so much this time of year I miss your hugs !12/09/2014
12/11/2015 here we are again so much has changed My only hope is I see that BEAUTIFUL FACE AGAIN SOMEDAY ! Love you my Cindy girl !
So we still talk about you often it is 2016 and we live in sunny Florida you would like it here. Your old friend Marissa speaks of you often , So hears the deal Cindy I hope you and Sam found our Baby Boy Brian knowing you would all be together I can bear the emptiness in my heart . You are still at my right side every night and I will never let you go ! Now there is a little Bunny named Stormy who just crossed the Bridge please look out for him his mom is so very sad . Remember Cindy you are my girl and I know you are helping me stay together oh yeah give Stormy that Mouse toy !
Its December Again time to think back on all the memories we shared , it never gets easier you'll be in my heart forever Cindy , Please gp tp Brian for me and give him one of your famous hugs . , Its been over 7 years and I still miss you so very much , I say good night to you alot you are always at my side . Merry Christmas in heaven my angel till we meet again .
Dec 16 , 2017 Seven Years ....I didn't forget my sweet girl it hit me hard the other day .I cry so many tears these days , I wish you were here to lick them away . You'll always be MY baby , Please give your brother one of your famous hugs. I could use a visit !
November 30 2018 8 years ! I am sorry I am late but life has not been good to us . I look at you often and think if only I still had you near me .Wow has life changed . Who knew ? Miss d you my girl it hasn't been the same since your gone !
December 16th 2018 - ( years ago you said goodbye Today more than ever I miss that sweet little face . You were my little angel . You saved my life . I will never forget you and always love you ! Please wait for me at the gate I will be looking for you ! I hope Brian is with you and Samm . Especially at Christmas I need you all !
March 23 2019 my dear friend lost her baby Her name is Cindi and her furbabys name is sweet Rowan hes an older gentleman if you find him tell him his mommy misses him . I am posting his picture on your page
I cant believe it has been 10 years where does the time go . I think of you everyday still , you sleep with me every night . I still love you Cindy girl and hope you are looking over Brian for me. Merry Christmas my Angel I will always love you !So Angel is coming to meet you she died suddenly tonight. I cant take losing you guys my heart is broken
December 16 2021 Oh my Cindy I still think ofn you , you are in our room now with Angel by your side . I hope she is with you . I thought I would be with all of you , but God must have other plans for me . I love you Cindy and Angel and Samm will NEVER forget you babies . Please take care of my Brian , Merry Christmas to you All !
March 19th Kevin and Donna lost there furbaby Ollie he was a rescue but stole there hearts forever.
December 27 2023 can you believe it ? It's been 14 years without you. Merry Christmas my sweet angel !Someday we will meet again !
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are Pestored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
Someday I pray this is true
My beautiful little girl oh anyway TI is you It's December
ago 6th 2024 ! 15 years ago and it feels like it was just yesterday we have a say goodbye to you You were such a beautiful loving girl I hope you're taking care of Angel she too was beautiful but she was like the class clown always goofing around playing she was so sudden just like you I still don't know how I made it through both of you. Little belle on the other hand is just a good well behaved goof ball. Anyway I must go I'll come by later to say Merry Christmas. I hope you can hear me Cindy I will never forget you I will never stop loving you if I left a message for your brother to make sure you bury youe ashes with ours

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